I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 15:

Chapter 15:

Episode 016

The Rotating Sword was a technique that Philip had been contemplating for quite some time.

The principle was simple. It was adopted directly from the concept of an electric saw.

{TN:- An electric saw is a type of power tool that uses an electric motor to drive a rotating blade or cutting mechanism. The concept of a Rotating Sword appears to be a technique inspired by the principles of an electric saw. The Rotating Sword technique seems to involve applying the same rotational concept used in an electric saw to a sword, allowing the user to manipulate the flow of magical energy (aura) around the sword.}

With no need for a deep understanding of aura, Philip believed that Diana and Felicia could master this technique.

Philip gathered Felicia and Diana in the backyard and began to explain the intricacies.

“To rotate the aura, you only need to grasp the basic principle. Firstly, each of you should hold your swords and form a sword aura.”

Felicia and Diana followed his instructions, wearing expressions of curiosity and uncertainty.

Soon, blue sword auras emanated from their swords, with Felicia’s aura appearing sharper than Diana’s.

“Now, try to increase the flow of aura around the swords.”


Felicia gave Philip a skeptical look.

He let out a small sigh before rephrasing his instructions, “Try to follow my guidance and see how it goes.”

“If we do that, we might lose control. Instructor. When using a considerable amount of aura at once, that’s what typically happens.”

Diana raised a concern, not fully convinced.

“What I mean is, don’t force more aura in. Increasing the flow may consume more aura, but it’s just a result, not the cause.”

As both an instructor and a military officer, Philip felt he was imparting some valuable knowledge, but unfortunately, they couldn’t fully grasp it.

“Observe closely.”

Philip raised a short dagger, and his sword aura ignited.

“This is an ordinary sword aura, much like what you’re familiar with. It surrounds the dagger’s edge with aura.”

As Philip focused, the blue aura covering the dagger began to flicker like flames.

“Wait, Sword Enhancement?”

Felicia let out a terrified scream.

“It may look like an ordinary practice sword, but it’s been enhanced to dramatically increase the speed at which Aura is channeled. Now, from this point onwards, it’s relatively straightforward.”

The aura, which was flickering like dancing flames, suddenly began spinning at breakneck speed. Felicia and Diana were taken aback by the sight.

“It’s not just about pushing Aura towards the dagger; it’s about skillfully guiding the Aura to flow back into your own body by utilizing its cohesion. Of course, some Aura will be lost due to centrifugal force, but it will be even less than what is required to maintain the dagger’s form.”

Philip concluded his explanation and handed the dagger to Felicia.

“Give it a try.”

As a respected professor at the prestigious academy, Felicia couldn’t admit that she didn’t comprehend a word he said.

“Uh… alright.”

Nervously, Felicia gripped the dagger and attempted to infuse it with Aura, but nothing happened, and she couldn’t even form the sword aura.

Observing her, Philip sighed.

“I thought I made it quite clear.”

“Well… maybe with practice?”

Felicia tried to sound optimistic, but even she wasn’t confident.

“You had the direction wrong from the start. Doing it that way won’t yield results, not even after a year of trying. Come here for a moment.”

“Will this even work?”

Philip gestured to Felicia, hesitantly. As she approached, he grabbed her wrist.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Just feel it for yourself.”

“What do you mean… Ahhh!”

As Aura surged through her hand, Felicia screamed in shock, and tightly shut her eyes.

Originally, when injecting Aura into someone else’s body, the flesh was supposed to burst out due to the rejection response.

‘But why doesn’t it hurt?’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Feeling her heart pounding, Felicia cautiously opened her eyes.


She could distinctly feel the energy flowing up through her hand. Despite this, she felt no pain or resistance whatsoever.

“This isn’t about just pushing it out here like this; it’s about creating a circulating pathway,” Phillip explained patiently. “Increasing the speed doesn’t mean forcing it strongly but rather narrowing the passage.”

He took his time, gently explaining and making sure she could sense the flow of aura through her hand until she grasped the concept.

After a while, Felicia felt her mind becoming clearer, and her body trembled as if she had been struck by lightning.

Sensing her slipping into the enlightenment realm, Phillip let out a sigh of relief.

When she comes back to her senses, she would have some profound realizations.

“Now, it’s your turn, Instructor. Come over here.”

“Do I have to do the same?”

Diana asked, surprised.

“If you know how to do this, it’ll make me more comfortable in the future. I’ll have to teach this to the students later, so it’s better if you understand it too,” Philip explained.

He gently held Diana’s wrist.

“I believe you won’t scream.”

Diana Frenhall let out a wry laugh and entrusted her wrist to him.

After about twenty minutes, she, too, fell into the world of enlightenment.

* * *

It was Monday after the weekend.

Philip was in charge of the first-year swordsmanship class, and supervised the students’ self-training.

The fourteen-year-old boys and girls were like energetic rugby balls, bouncing all over the place.

Thus, Philip had to constantly move around the entire swordsmanship hall without a break.

“Jiskald Borenza, don’t play around with the training dummy.”

“Anise Praline, Olivia Nuez. I’m glad to see you two getting along, but it’s class time now, isn’t it? Save the chitchat for after class, or at least don’t do it while you’re training.”

“Yeah, Heinrich Collins. Feeling sick? Hurry back if you need to.”

The three-hour swordsmanship class usually consisted of one hour of theory, one hour of practice, and one hour of self-training.

That was what they said on days when there were no special events.

Unfortunately, today was one of those days with a special event.

Professors Felicia and Senior Instructor Diana Frenhall found themselves in an unexpected situation. Due to a sudden change in their schedules, they were called to meet with the Senior Professor.

As the training session began, Phillip found himself alone at the forefront, responsible for handling the self-training.

‘It’s always the newbies, huh,’ Phillip thought to himself as he quickly took charge. He noticed one student holding the wooden sword in an awkward grip, attempting to strike the training dummy in an unusual manner.

“Hold on, swinging like that will hurt your hand… Are you trying to play a prank on me?” Phillip recognized the student as Hailey Baroun, the youngest son of the esteemed Northern Baroun family, who had been wielding a sword since a young age and was well-versed in its use.

Hailey had slightly darker skin than the other students and strikingly silver hair.

“Did I upset you by pranking?”

“I highly doubt that,” Phillip replied, shaking his head.

Hailey’s inherent air of arrogance was evident since birth, setting him apart from others.

‘Cute kid.’

Phillip thought with a smile.

It was clear what Hailey had in mind. Having already adjusted to the Academy, he wanted to demonstrate that he was unique among his peers.

Phillip chuckled and said, “I won’t get angry just because you play a prank. But if you harm others to provoke me or bully weaker students, then I will be mad. Will you promise not to do that?”

Hailey narrowed his eyes, seemingly expressing some dissatisfaction.

“No, members of the Baroun family don’t engage in such dishonorable behavior.”

“Good to know,” Phillip replied.

Although Hailey seemed to wear a different expression, he obediently swung the wooden sword.

“Attention, everyone! Let’s begin!”

Soon, the voice of Diana Frenhall, who had briefly left, resounded through the swordsmanship class.

As all eyes gathered, Diana’s lips parted once more.

“Joshua Praline, a graduate of Privia Academy and an esteemed member of the Silver Knights, has just arrived from the Northern Front to observe your class.”

The students erupted in excitement.

“Wow, a Silver Knight!”

“… I wish I could be in his shoes.”

“Wait, if he’s a Praline, what’s his connection with Anise Praline?”

Phillip’s gaze turned towards Anise Praline.

The little girl’s eyes widened like a startled rabbit as she mumbled.

“… Brother?”

Then, as if eager to run and embrace him, she impatiently stomped her feet.

“Today’s theoretical training will be replaced by a special lecture from Joshua Praline.”

The children’s eyes gleamed with anticipation.

In an environment with limited entertainment, the tales of renowned knights were more than enough to set young boys and girls’ hearts aflutter.

“But why is this happening all of a sudden?”

Phillip couldn’t help but wonder.

Why did a member of the Silver Knights, whom they were supposed to meet in Dalian in two weeks, appear at this moment?

“This wasn’t part of the plan, was it?”

“So, everyone, change back into your uniforms and gather in the classroom.”

The remaining time for self-training was skipped, and the students hurriedly headed to the changing rooms.

“We’ll also take a short break before moving. Instructor, you’ve done a great job on your own.”

Since the weekend, Diana Frenhall had become even more approachable, and smiled as she recommended some rest. When she looked at Phillip, she sensed a longing gaze fixed on her.

It was Anise Praline.

Even without hearing her words, Phillip felt like he knew what she wanted to say.

“It looks like you want to meet your big brother.”

The girl nodded with a hopeful expression.

She resembled a puppy eagerly waiting for the command to devour a treat placed right in front of her.

“Anise Praline.” Diana scolded her with an authoritative tone, “The instructor must have told you to change and come to the classroom.”

In an instant, Anise became teary-eyed and turned to Philip for support.

He smiled and interjected, “Please don’t be too hard on her.”

Diana let out a sigh. “We’ll meet after class anyway. There’s no need to meet him early just to give her special treatment.”

“… Wait a moment.”


Philip whispered in her ear, “Isn’t something peculiar? The tournament is still two weeks away, so why would a knight already be at the academy? There must be a reason, and I want to find out under the pretext of taking her with me.”

“Well, if you say so.”

Diana nodded, reluctantly admitting it was a shrewd move, but she decided to let it slide this once.

“Did you hear that? Come along. If you’re late, I’ll leave you behind.”

“Really? Thank you!”

Anise cheered and embraced Philip’s arm. He gently pulled away, maintaining some distance from Anise.

It was because she had a faint scent of sweat.

Diana observed them walking away and smirked.

Thanks to Philip, she was rediscovering the excitement and joy she felt when she first learned the art of swordsmanship.


His teachings, solely focused on mastering this new dimension, had broadened her perspective of the world.

‘No one would suspect that behind that beautiful face lies a sword spirit capable of reshaping the world.’

For the first time since becoming an instructor, she yearned for a vacation.

For about a month, all she wanted was to wield her sword without a care in the world.


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