I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 148: Battle Of Jungfrau Plains (5)

Chapter 148: Battle Of Jungfrau Plains (5)

Jungfrau Plains.

In this country that embraces grand and beautiful mountains, even after April, the cool and dry wind had brushed against the cheeks, and the clear air entering the nostrils had felt pleasantly refreshing.

Originally, it must have been a peaceful plain where deer, cattle, wild horses, rabbits, and squirrels roamed and settled.

But now, around 20,000 soldiers combined were sharpening their swords in their minds, ready to kill each other in this place.

And Lieutenant General Peter Yaeger of the Reich Empires 7th Division, who had come to conquer this land, was glaring at the distant enemy, as if he could kill them right away.

Although they hadnt adopted formal training like the Imperial Army, so their arms and legs werent perfectly aligned, their movements and steps appeared relaxed and confident.

Perhaps because they paid great attention to survival, their weapons and armor were gleaming silver.

Even though they say there are no knights in the enemy ranks, this battle wont be easy.

As Lieutenant General Yaeger slightly gritted his teeth under his helmet, Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia, who was beside him, asked,

Lieutenant General, are you worried?

Lieutenant General Yaeger could have pretended to be brave in response to his trusted subordinates question, but he felt no need to do so with Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia, who sincerely respected and followed him, and he sighed and grumbled.

I told the officers and soldiers that we could easily defeat them, but to be honest, I am a bit worried. Frankly, Ive always been nervous before any battle. I wonder if we can really win this one.

But youve always won, havent you? You will win this time, too.

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Thats right. So, I must do my best to avoid defeat. My role is to contemplate thousands of times on the battlefield and then give the best command to win.

Hearing this, Anastasia felt a thrilling charm once again in the unexpected side of the respected Lieutenant General, who always stood confidently in front of everyone.

My father, who led the tribe, always pretended to be strong in front of everyone, but behind the scenes, he worried about defeat, and only after much contemplation would he decide and suggest the right path.

Thats why the memory of her father overlapped with Lieutenant General Yaeger.

On one hand, she thought that Lieutenant Colonel Laura, who was married to Lieutenant General Yaeger, had an exclusive view of this side of him, which he showed to no one else.

She felt a slight pang of jealousy.

Furthermore, she harbored a small desire to support the Lieutenant Generals vulnerable side.

Lets end the small talk now. Lieutenant Colonel, when I signal with my flag from behind, youll attack the enemys rear with crossbowmen and mages.

Yes, understood. I wish you good fortune, Lieutenant General.

No, Lieutenant Colonel, make sure you dont get hurt either.

As Anastasia returned to command her archer cavalry, Lieutenant General Yaeger set aside all his worries, drew his sword, and shouted loudly.

The cowards ambushed us as soon as we entered this land, but we, the brave soldiers of the Empire, repelled them without much damage. This means that the Reich Empires army is far stronger than the Swiss mercenaries.

In reality, the Reich Empire, with better centralization, larger territory, and a greater population, was much stronger than the Swiss Confederation.

However, the mercenaries, who were the mainstay of the Swiss military power, were like monsters who had honed their combat skills almost daily on the battlefield.

Strictly speaking, even combined, the knights and archers were slightly less powerful than the Swiss Confederation, but Lieutenant General Yaeger ignored this fact.

He thought that, for the Reich Empires army at this moment, the important thing was the courage to fight the enemy, whether that confidence was based on fact or not.

Because the task of Division Commander Peter Yaeger was to make the soldiers forget their fears.

So, I, Lieutenant General Peter von Yaeger, dare to declare in the name of the gods. Deus is with us. Just follow the commands of me and the other commanders. We will surely win.

Having made such an arrogant declaration, he used his sword as a baton to point towards the visible army of the Swiss Confederation and commanded.

Crossbowmen and mages, move in front of the infantry! Keep firing arrows and magic at the enemy without rest as you advance! The infantry should slowly follow in step with them. Anyone lagging behind without reason will be beheaded!

Upon Lieutenant General Yaegers command, the standard-bearers signaled with flags, and trumpeters and drummers relayed the orders to about 8,000 soldiers of the 7th Division.

The orders quickly spread through each regiment, battalion, company, and platoon, and the soldiers began to change formation, maintaining order without confusion.

Regimental crossbowmen and mages, move forward! Suppress the enemy troops approaching from the front!

Fekel Battalion, fall back. Move back!

Anyone too scared to move, Ill kill you all personally! So, if you dont want to die by my sword, just keep walking!

While observing the soldiers of the 7th Division, led by Lieutenant General Yaeger, slowly approaching the Swiss army, Count Ticino, commanding 9,000 troops of the Confederation, clicked his tongue in thought.

Since they repelled our ambush in an unpredictable situation, I knew he was no ordinary man. That damned Lieutenant General Yaegers army is not to be taken lightly. As His Excellency the Duke said, we must definitely destroy them here.

Having organized his thoughts, Count Ticino raised his voice to boost the morale of the Swiss army.

Proud, free mercenaries of Switzerland, farmers who love the peace maintained over centuries in these rugged mountains! Evil invaders of the Reich Empire are approaching before you. What should we do?!

Hearing this, soldiers, officers, and nobles alike shouted loudly,

We must protect the fields, livestock, and properties our families and ancestors have made with their lives!

We will risk our lives to protect our homeland so that mercenaries who left for battle facing death can rest peacefully when they return!

We will kill the oppressors who trample on our freedom!

Count Ticino, upon hearing this, felt a surge of emotion and channeled this feeling into his own rallying cry.

Good. Then fight shamelessly, as you have been taught! We may not be as vocal as them, but the courage, tenacity, and trained skills, the people and soldiers of Switzerland, are stronger than those cowards clad in iron! Do not fear. Go out and fight!

The Swiss soldiers responded with cheers and shouts to these words, even though Count Ticino had not yet given the command.

Nobles and mercenary commanders, who had experienced dozens or hundreds of battles, began to issue various orders to create the optimal formation they needed to form now.

The Reich Empire pigs are approaching with their crossbowmen and mages at the front. So, we must also lead with those capable of long-range attacks to counter them!

I dont think there will be any fools who stop in fear of their arrows! Unless theyre incredibly unlucky, the arrows will just bounce off their armor, right?

Spearmen, bunch up more! Get as close as you do with your wives in bed!

Thus, the Swiss soldiers began preparing for war, following the commands of their leaders, mixed with vulgar remarks and the dignified instructions of the nobles.

They, too, began to step in the direction of the approaching Reich Empire soldiers.

As the distance between the two sides closed, Lieutenant General Yaeger and Count Ticino commanded their respective armies.

Fire arrows and magic generously at the barbaric Swiss bandits! Kill them all!

Turn the pigs who jumped over the walls of the Reich Empire into skewered meat! Treat them generously without hesitation!

Then, countless arrows and spells flew through the sky, each finding their enemy targets.

The commanders of both armies ordered, watching this scene.

Bow your heads, look only at the ground, and advance! Dont try to dodge by looking up!

We will surely return alive! If you look around out of unnecessary worry, youll all die. Just look at the ground and advance!

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