I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 182: Preparing To Invade Ostarica (2)

Chapter 182: Preparing To Invade Ostarica (2)

And two months later, in the Imperial Armys General Staff small conference room.

Generals called from across the empire to discuss a large-scale expeditionary operation were having a light chat here.

In my time, I couldnt even imagine being decorated with stars before turning 30. But these young ones nowadays

Even among the young ones, who is there besides General Yaeger? Honestly, it would be stranger if his accomplishments didnt earn him that rank. You used to say that even when you were a company commander and I was the deputy company commander, that habit hasnt gone anywhere.

Ahem, well, General Yaeger is an exception. But the young ones these days lack discipline. Can you believe it? These lieutenant rascals complain about being lectured for merely three hours as I share golden teachings over drinks. In my time, that was unimaginable.

Listening to their conversations, one might think they were just old men reminiscing about the good old days, which were common in any neighborhood.

In reality, the individuals here were among the rare generals in the empire, adorned with four stars.

Even stories that might seem trivial if you remove their ranks might be mistaken for containing important lessons.

So, I tried to tune them out and focus on reviewing documents when someone tapped me on the back.

Ah, isnt this our son-in-law? It always cheers me up to see you, haha. If youre available next month, I was thinking of visiting Friedrich and Laura.

Not at all. Then, Ill make sure to visit you next month.

No, no. Laura might manage, but Friedrich is still too young for carriage rides. Ill take some leave and visit myself, haha. If work piles up, Ill ask that Edwin chap to help out so I can make the time.

As he said that, the face of the person sitting to the far left of my desk soured considerably.

However, my father-in-law and Captain Edwin had been quite close personally for a while, so my father-in-law just gave a mischievous smile and looked at him teasingly.

There didnt seem to be any serious displeasure between the two.

Ah, my apologies. Its about time we started discussing the invasion of Ostarica. Lets get a move on, so we can have dinner together, shall we?

Yes, Your Highness. Then, lets proceed immediately to the operation briefing.

Very well. I neednt say this, but as long as you do as usual, that will suffice.

With that, Marshal Benner, with the dignity of his five stars, returned to his seat.

Then, as of this moment, lets review the draft for the Ostarica invasion operation. If it passes here, the Imperial General Staff will work out the detailed plan. So, if you think theres anything lacking, feel free to take the plan back with you now.

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Marshal Benner formally said this on behalf of everyone, but his expression seemed to say,

Theres no way our son-in-laws plan could be wrong. So, the General Staff just needs to flesh it out.

I must do my best to live up to that heavy trust.

Thank you for your consideration. However, we are fully prepared. Now, lets proceed with the explanation of the Ostarica invasion operation.

Saying that, I pointed at the board with the baton in my hand and said,

The reason we decided on this war is simple. Before the catastrophe of the eastern grand duchies of Chekovia, Varshaw, and Ostarica joining forces against the empire occurs, we thought it necessary for the Reich Empires military to attack Ostarica, which could serve as their focal point.

It was simple, but it was the most important and clear reason for preparing for this war.

Because if those three grand duchies united, they could mobilize an army of at least 200,000 to a maximum of 250,000.

The current capacity of the imperial army wasnt such that it couldnt repel an attack by an army of over 200,000.

However, bad things tend to happen all at once, and if problems snowball, they could become unmanageable.

Lets consider the worst-case scenario where the three grand duchies have directly united their forces. If these three duchies form an alliance and lead their armies, the eastern front of the Reich Empire will face an enemy of over 300,000.

Does that mean you think the empires army cant face an enemy force of 300,000?

If the empires military mobilized its full capacity, it could certainly repel an invading enemy of 300,000 in the east.

Because the empire had over 30 million citizens, in tough times, it could replenish its soldiers through wartime conscription.

However, measures like total conscription have always been something to avoid as much as possible, regardless of the era.

As a soldier of the imperial army, Id say no one here believes the empires military cant handle an enemy force of 300,000. However, doesnt the current empire have too many potential enemies?

To the east were Varshaw, Chekovia, and Ostarica; to the west was the Francois Republic; to the south was Switzerland, and to the north was the Kingdom of Swedia.

Potential enemies of the empire existed in every direction.

While we currently maintained a non-aggression pact with them and trade flowed smoothly, making us appear friendly on the surface, they would not hesitate to stab us in the back if they could encroach upon our territory.

Thus, if the alliance of Ostarica and the other two mustered an army of 300,000 to invade the eastern part of the empire, Francois, Itarica, and Swedia would see it as an opportunity to slowly chip away at the empire.

Cough, youre not wrong. As you said, the empire is so great that many are jealous of us.

So, this war is an action to eliminate potential threats before the empire falls into crisis.

Lets address the risk factors before were drawn into a larger war or a deeper crisis. I like that idea very much.

When one general voiced his support for the plan, the others added their agreement.

Indeed, Chekovia is currently too preoccupied fighting with the Duchy of Brati and the Duchy of Budapest to even think about fighting the empire.

Striking Ostarica before those three can unite in the future is not a bad move, even diplomatically.

Weeds should be pulled out as soon as possible for convenience. Isnt that a good idea?

Seeing their positive reactions, it seemed we had safely passed the toughest first hurdle.

However, our imperial army not only overcomes detected threats but also perfectly manages follow-up actions and prevention. Therefore, I, General Peter Yaeger, request the deployment of an expeditionary force of over 100,000 to Ostarica for a more thorough resolution.

The previously harmonious atmosphere chilled instantly at the mention of mobilizing a military force of over 100,000.

Firstly, from a strategic standpoint, Your Highness and the generals here have stated you do not wish for the empire to fall into crisis. Therefore, we must eliminate any chance for Chekovia and Varshaw to unite around Ostarica. Only then will the empire be secure.

At this, all the generals nodded their agreement.

To achieve this, we ultimately need to occupy a significant part of the northern and western plains that economically support the Grand Duchy of Ostarica. By cutting off the arms and legs of the Grand Duke of Ostarica, the empire will be secured.

It might seem presumptuous to wage war in anticipation of a larger conflict and potential unfavorable situations in the future.

This was a type of war often waged against the Jurchen by Joseon, and through such policies, Joseon stabilized its border regions.

To prevent a crisis that could threaten the empires existence, such as the coalition of three countries, we needed to step on them in advance, just as one would get a vaccination.

Moreover, the plains occupied by Ostarica will greatly aid the empires further development. Therefore, for the future of the empire, it is imperative to wage and win the war against Ostarica.

Falling into the abyss would be quicker in defeat, but hadnt we already laid multiple groundworks for victory?

From a strategic perspective, this expedition is inevitable. Therefore, wouldnt it be wise to mobilize an army of over 100,000, as General Yaeger suggested?

Once Chekovia is stabilized, the lumberjacks from the west will come in.

No matter how I think about it, theres only one path for the empire to choose. Lets start a war.

With that conclusion reached, Marshal Benner asked,

It seems you have prepared for quite some time; now reveal the full extent of that plan.

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