I Became a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

“Good morning, president. You don’t look too happy, do you?”

Young-jae, who had arrived at the academy with his usual smiling face, looked in my direction and frowned.

“Oh, it’s just that I had a lot going on over the weekend.”

Capture the four major powers of Jeju Island. Captured a dragon, saved Jeju Island from an evil dragon, and strengthened my body…….

Yes, there was a lot going on.

“You definitely look a little tired right now. By the way, did you hear that?”


“That communications have been restored to Jeju Island. Apparently, someone took down Fafnir.”

I wonder if it’s because two-way communication is now possible on Jeju Island, which was previously closed.

The news of the liberation of Jeju Island quickly spread across the Korean Peninsula.

I immediately went online and looked at articles related to Jeju Island.

[(Breaking News) Liberated Jeju Island. Beautiful Jeju Island again? ……]

[Jeju Island. An unidentified man was found to have purchased most of the land…….]

[MOLIT. Jeju Island’s land sale was in accordance with legal procedures and results…….]

[MOLIT. Fafnir swallowed Jeju Island. Where are the bodies? Spotlight…….]

[Bishop Augustus of Halla Diocese. The result of the Lord’s leading…….]

[Japan stunned, China appalled, Jeju retaken. What’s the international response? ……]

I scanned through the articles and found nothing about me, just other things that happened yesterday.

Judging by the fact that the organization hasn’t contacted me, it seems that the government hasn’t yet realized that I was the one who took down Fafnir.

Well, actually, if the leaders of Halla Cathedral or Blue Moon Workshop came forward, I would be found out immediately, but……since they were the ones that knew, I would be safe for the time being.

“By the way, president, I didn’t hear from you over the weekend. Did something happen?”

“Uh, I had to go somewhere for a while and left my phone behind. What happened?”

Young-jae shook his head at my question.

“No, the girls and I were supposed to study together on the weekend, but when I couldn’t reach you, I wondered if something was wrong.”


So it wasn’t a big deal.

Then what──

“It’s boss! It’s boss! It’s boss! It’s boss!”

At that moment, Jin-woo, who came to school early for some reason, ran toward me, shouting loudly.

“What do you think I am?”

“You’re the boss!”

As he shouted, he showed me the article on Jeju Island that I had just skimmed.

“This guy is full of shit, why would I go to Jeju?”

It’s obvious that he’s just making a guess, so I reply in a nonchalant voice but he shakes his head.

“Isn’t that right? I thought you were going to Jeju Island to play with Fafnir to prove your supremacy.”

I wonder what kind of image he has in his head.

It’s not like I’m a little kid trying to be the strongest man on the planet.

Besides, playing with Fafnir…….

Well, he wasn’t exactly wrong.

He’s got a really good sense of the weird.

“How could I possibly slay a dragon? I met an acquaintance of Mr. Kwak Chun-sik’s for a while, and then I went to church.”

“Church? Oh, the boss was Catholic. That’s too bad. I thought you were the Dragon Slayer.”

“I guess not.”

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Jin-woo sits down, finally convinced by my words.

“By the way, Boss, what’s that on your arm? Is that a toshi?”

He looks at the apricot-colored toshi on my arm and scratches his head again.

“It’s not that cold out, boss, do you usually wear a toshi?”

“……I’m wearing it for reasons I can’t say, so don’t ask.”

“Then I’m even more curious.”

“If you don’t need to know then don’t ask, asshole.”


He finally understood.

In silence, I start taking books out of my bag one by one and placing them on my desk.

Still, I can’t help but laugh when I see kids carrying all kinds of problem books during the exam period.

That’s right…….

‘The Academy’s exams are at a higher level.’

For me, it meant that I had already seen it years ago.

So it shouldn’t be too difficult to stay at the top if I just go through the motions.

“Ugh…… glasses. Can you help me with this?”


Jin-woo was concentrating hard on the question book, and Young-jae, hearing the request for help, walked over to Jin-woo.

“……this. It’s really easy.”

“Oh, come on, I’m just doing it because the boss said he won’t give us pocket money if we don’t get the top spot this time.”

For some reason, he did some studying, and there was a reason for that.

I wonder what kind of problems he’s having trouble with, so I glance at his problem book.

[What about x, what about z]


‘Should I study?’

For some reason, I don’t even understand what this means, even though it’s a problem I should have learned.

After all, it’s better to win first place in the duels and be the overwhelming number one, right?

That means I’ll have to beat Choi Yeon again to do that…….



While I was thinking about it, the class suddenly started to make a ruckus.

Even Young-jae and Jin-woo, who were solving the problem book next to me, were looking at something as if they were mesmerized.

I turned my head to see what was going on.


I could see why the mood of the class had changed.

“……I wonder if this is my seat.”

A completely tattered school uniform, a scruffy beard, long, unkempt hair, a tanned face and an academy uniform that looked like it could burst at any moment.

“It’s cold.”

Choi Kang-hyun was back after traveling to Busan for mentoring.

It wasn’t hard to guess why he’d come back to the Academy from Busan.


Even if he rarely came to the academy because of his mentor, it was clear that he had no choice but to come back as it was a mandatory event for all students.

‘And the goal is obviously to top the duel rankings.’

Duels were the only way to improve the ranking of a guy who’s bad at studies.

“Good morning, everyone── Eh? Choi Kang-hyun, you’re back?”

The tense atmosphere in the class began to relax as soon as Se-ah appeared.

Se-ah walks over to Choi Kang-hyun, looking at him in surprise.

“That guy. Is he back?”

Young-jae nods in response to Se-ah’s question, muttering under her breath.

“Yeah, he’s definitely changed a lot.”

Young-jae was right, he had changed a lot.

And the biggest change is the overwhelming magic power that comes from him.

“……It’s more than I imagined.”

Perhaps it was because he had been trained by Ye Hoham for so long, but unlike the first time I saw him, the magic power was very stable, like a river flowing through his body.

Slowly, I can harvest it.

* * *

“First of all, the examination will pass without a hitch, should we celebrate in advance?”

Familia’s office.

Julie, who had turned into a bat, came here as if she was used to it.

She casually leaned back on the couch and placed an envelope of papers on the table.

“Here, the President and the other executives tried to sabotage you, so why do you want me to organize this for you? You stopped them in the end.”

After checking the contents of the envelope she handed me, I shook my head.

“Still, they were going to sink their teeth into me eventually, and I’m glad I was prepared for it, because I would have been caught unaware.”

What was written on the paper varied.

[Accidental omissions]

[Saying the number of incidents was exaggerated]

[Using other clubs to keep us in check]



“They’re despicable.”

There were a lot of things written that would make anyone who saw it say that the student council would never do something like this.

“You’ve been a great help to me, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m not exactly thrilled with the current president either……So, since you’ll be a Silver soon, do you have any plans for afterward?”


With the plans I had, I could write a book.

It’s just that the time isn’t right yet.

“For now, I’m thinking of starting one after midterms.”

“Oh. I know. I’m really bothered by midterms right now, too. I mean, I’m being followed on the way to school to find out my weaknesses.”

It was probably because she was at the top of her class.

I could tell by the way she was looking at me today.

“I can relate to that.”

“So, what did you do?”



“I didn’t do anything.”

It didn’t take long for me to realize that the ring I’d gotten was the answer.

The Ancient Berserker’s Ring, still on my finger.

I didn’t really feel the stares anymore, thanks to its ability to instill fear in those around me.

Of course, it seemed to have less of an effect on people with stronger magic than me, like Julie, or who had specialized items.


Julie’s eyes widened in surprise and she stared at the smartphone in her hand.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing, the president sent me a message that there’s an emergency meeting, so I guess I should get going. I’ll go first, junior.”

With that, Julie flew out the small window, leaving me alone.

“Ray’s emergency meeting before the midterms……?”

Was that it?

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

-Eugene, can I come in?

A familiar voice.

It was the voice of the youngest member of the family who had recently joined the family.

“What’s going on?”

I opened the door and saw Choi Yeon with a fierce expression on her face.

“Oh. Hi.”

“……Yes, hello. What are you doing here?”

“Nothing. I don’t have any business there.”

“Huh? Then?”

“Just a moment.”

After saying that, Choi Yeon stuck her hand into a small pocket and began to pull out something.

“Ah. I found it.”

At the same time, something long was being pulled out.

“This. It’s done.”

As she said this, she held out a long, almost pure-white torch to me.

“Is this ……?”

“My new sword, made from what you gave me. I thought I should show it to you, so……want to see it?”

Letting me see what might be her primary weapon? Is this confidence?

No, in her case, she was probably just showing it off without thinking.

“Sure. Sure.”

If I wanted a fair fight, I’d probably not look at it, but…….

How could I pass up the chance to see a sword made from a piece of a holy sword?

‘I can’t resist a new item that wasn’t even in the game.’

The information on the sword flashed before my eyes as I took it from her.


The power of the sword she handed me was beyond my imagination.

[Name: Illusory Saint Sword]]

[Rank: Semi-Mythical]

[Type: Phantasmagoric Sword]

[Description: A circular sword made from a fragment of the mythical sword Excalibur. Influenced by Excalibur, it is imbued with divinity and is ready to write a new mythology with its wielder at any moment.

Its divinity grants it additional damage against the evil attribute.

This semi-mythical sword cannot be worn or broken, and remains in top shape.

It can heal ailments 3 times per day and grants the user strong magic resistance.

Greatly increases the user’s healing power]

The stats are truly worthy of a holy sword.

The one that stood out to me the most was the statement that it’s preparing to write a new myth.

That means it has the potential to grow at any moment.

“A good sword.”

Choi Yeon nods as I hand her back the sword, which has more than enough power to satisfy even me.

“Yeah. It’s a good sword.”

She nods, hugging the sword as if it had already become her favorite.

“This midterm won’t be like last time.”

She looks at me and declares, as if remembering the last time she broke her sword and lost.

“Of course not. I wasn’t playing around either.”

I nod at her words and glance at my right arm, which is now covered in a shirt and toshi to cover my newly acquired epic imprint.

I smile weakly, remembering what happened last night with Parnello.

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