I Became a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

As the group of mercenaries that had gone ahead moved aside, the main body of the Venezia Guild stood in front.

Luca salivates at the hellish sight.

"Eugene. What are you doing?"

Elena asks, looking in my direction as the Venezia Guild suddenly steps forward.

"The flames are too strong for us to rush through. That's why I'm setting up a task ahead of time."

"Task ?"

-Wizard and Elementalists in position!

The air begins to crackle once more as Luca draws his sword, looking down at the enemy.

"Keep an eye on that. That's why we need guilds for raids."

At the same time, a blue magic circle appears in the sky, covering a huge sea of fire.

It's a "Strategic Great Spell," a spell that can only be cast by dozens of mages.

Elena and Michaela stare at the magic circle as it emits a brilliant color, as if looking at the Milky Way in the night sky.


With Luca's signal, the magical energy condensed in the magic circle explodes and begins to cover the top of the Red Sea.

And after a moment,


Elena murmurs, gazing up at the pure white pellets falling from the sky and cautiously reaching out to pick them up.

Not the ash that's been floating in the air all this time, but real, cold, white flakes of snow.

"Elena, get ready. We're going in as soon as the flames die down."

"Oh, yeah!"

Michaela waits silently for the signal, watching the blizzard fall in the center of the dungeon.

The scorching Red Sea slowly begins to subside as the temperature begins to drop.

Little by little, just enough to be seen and finally, when the flames diminish noticeably.

-Power up.

At Luca's signal, the mercenaries and Venezia formations merge into a single spear.

"Elena, you can't be separated from here!"


"I'll take the lead, and you stay close behind."

After giving them both a firm warning, I head to the front of the formation.

"What's Corleone Jr. doing here?"

As I reach the front of the formation, I come face to face with the cat mask, who is panting for breath while holding a Japanese sword.

"I hold the key to the Red Sea."


She stared at me in disbelief. But I didn't let that stop me.

"You can't defeat all these monsters and find the well, so I'll lead you in the direction of the well."

" You said that before. You sound like you know where the well is."

"I've studied all of the historical records for the Etna Volcano."

I looked at the walkthroughs, and bumped into them.

"Does that mean it's that easy to find?"

"You just have to work hard."

I started to memorize them.

"Good, because I don't know what else to do."

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With that, she stretches, looks straight ahead, and smiles.

"So, would you like to take that historic first step?"


With those words, I take a deep breath in and out, the lukewarm air from the spell earlier hitting the depths of my lungs.

Okay, I'm ready.

"Whoa let's go."

I'm the first to sprint forward, and at the same time, I can feel countless others following me from behind.

In my step, in my path, along my path, dozens of people move and cut through the path.

-Kirik! Kirik!

They make strange noises as they approach, sending mixed enemy glances our way.

To calm them down I used the world's greatest anger control remedy, passed down through the ages. I pointed the gun at Tommy and pulled the trigger.

! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / ! / !

A hail of reddish aura bullets rains down on the fallen fire spirits, leaving nothing but byproducts.

They shouldn't have been so easily killed but they had just been weakened considerably by a large amount of magic.

Add to that the fact that, thanks to being in the lead, many of them recognized me' as the enemy.

In other words, the current me was like a follicular sealing line that had broken into an elementary school.

"Wow, this is too easyisnt it?"

The cat mask voice was heard from behind me but I could only chuckle in disbelief at how easily I was getting through.

"Don't let your guard down. We're about to hit the well, and they're going to get aggressive."

"This damn dungeon doesnt give you a break!"

The corner of her mouth curled up as she slashed at a spirit attacking from the side.

Unlike this side, where things are more relaxed, the situation behind her seems to be quite serious.

-Stop them from the flank!

-If you kill them, they'll still keep coming!

-Don't fall off! If you fall off here, you'll just die!

The screams and explosions continue.

Praying that the line behind us would hold out a little longer, we finally spotted a well guarded by a group of spirits much larger than the others.

"They're so fucking big, they're!"

Cat Mask raised her sword in horror at the sight of the elephant-sized spirits.

"What do we do? Corleone Jr. Should I just jump on them right now?

I tried to check the guy's specs with the Tommy, but I swallowed a bitter smile when I saw that he didn't have a single scratch.

So guns don't work from here, huh?

If so,

"Stay in formation, I'll finish him off in one shot."


I shove Tommy into a corner and begin to gather Aura in my right hand.

Im trying to maximize my Bloodline ability here, which gives me more power the more enemies I face.

[Bloodline ability: "Corleone" controls "Gloves of Midas"]

As if on cue, Midas's gloves transform into glowing knuckles.

"What is that? It's unnerving to look at."

The aura is black as death blood.

I've never had so much aura in me at once before but now I'm facing more enemies than I have since I was possessed.

They say there's power in numbers, and that's true for me, too. All their numbers are my strength.

Even at my best, I've never faced enemies in the hundreds, let alone the thousands and tens of thousands gathered in the Fafnir Wave.

So it was truly uncharted territory from here on out.

But there is one thing I can say with certainty. The punch I'm about to make-

"Everybody down!"

even a shotgun cant compare to it.


The fist swung at them blasts everything in front of me back into nothingness.

All that's left is a long, gaping hole in the ground.

Such overwhelming violence.

I feel the aura inside you being hollowed out with this single blow, but.

[A large group of people are terrorized by you!]

[Your bloodline abilities are reacting!]

The fear I felt from the raiders behind me soon began to be replaced by bloodline abilities, and then by my own strength.

The aura filling up as if I had been hit by a sap gradually erases the feeling of exhaustion that remained in my body.


I pull out an elixir I've been keeping in the cube and chew on it.

The bitter taste and the aroma of the herbs spread through my mouth, and my body, which had been immobilized, began to feel free again.

There's no need to stay here anymore now that I've seen the destruction of the well with my own two eyes. The well is destroyed, and I've done my business here, so all that remains is to.


Having lost the spawn area, the only thing left to do was to escape from the enraged creatures.

"Everyone run!"

I shouted as hard as I could, pointing at the sky as if I were using my powers to kill.

-Follow the path blown by Corleone Jr.!!!

To prevent further damage, everyone began to run forward, hoping to get out of the way.

It was a race for survival, a great escape from hell.

-No, damn it!!!

-Don't leave me! Don't leave me!

The cries of the stragglers came from the back of the pack as we continued our desperate struggle but that didn't slow us down.

We all know in our hearts and minds that if we stop here, we will perish in the ever-tightening flames like those who have already fallen.

"Corleone Junior, rest behind me!"

Perhaps sensing my initial exertion, she moves ahead of me, swinging her sword to clear a path.

I catch my breath and follow behind her, and gradually the number of spirits around us begins to dwindle, until we are finally free of the Red Sea once and for all.

-Three Venezia stragglers, two seriously wounded, six lightly wounded!

Two mercenary stragglers and four dead. Two serious injuries and three minor injuries.

"Corleone. All clear."

In the end, there were fatalities.

In such a situation, it's normal to count the fallen as dead.

Excluding the seriously wounded, this meant that there were only 47 men left to fight.

-No enemies in the vicinity. A short break!

Finally, everyone sank to the ground in a huddle as the perimeter was cleared.

I sat down on a nearby rock, pulled out a bottle of water, took a swig, and poured the rest over my head.

"Eugene. Are you okay?!"

Elena called out to me after a brief respite.

Luckily, she and Michaela beside her seem to have made it without too much trouble.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"Yeah. We're fine, too."

"Yeah. But Junior, that blow just now, did you think that Junior was?"

"Yeah. I went a little overboard to destroy the well."

I say shakily, but I can definitely feel the recoil in my body from a blow of that magnitude.

It's not like it's a weird power output, even if I just blew out my forearm.

But fortunately, thanks to my vascular system and [Natural Healing (A)], I'm gradually regaining my condition.

"By the way, it's only the second peak, and there are already a lot of people injured. Are we sure we can succeed in this raid?"

Elena asks, squinting to make sure her eyes don't leave the inferno map that just unfolded.

"We should be fine until the fifth peak, and the wells on peaks three and four were destroyed by the previous raid party."

"What? They're already destroyed?"

"One, because we don't know where it is. Two, because they didn't have enough power. That's why other guilds have failed raids in the past."

Not surprisingly, those raiders didn't realize the role of the well in this dungeon.

"So we only need to destroy the wells on two peaks."

Except that these two peaks and wells had some pretty tricky properties.

The wells on peaks 5 and 6 have the property that if either well is left standing, the wells on the other peaks will slowly recover.

So we couldn't stay here forever.

"Corleone Jr. Are you okay?"

Just then, Luca, who had been organizing the formation in the back, came up to me as I sat down and held out his hand.

"I'm fine, and Luca, I think we should go our separate ways."

He looks surprised as I take his hand and stand up.

"Yes, you mean right now?"

"Yes. Of the two remaining wells, I'll take the sixth peak, and leave the fifth peak with the mercenaries and Venezia?"

This, too, had been planned in advance.

There are a lot of people needed forPeak 5 while Peak 6 requires a small group.

Hearing that, Luca remained silent for a moment, pondering.


" Is that also a proposal for the success of the plan?"

He looks up at my question, a serious look in his eyes.


I replied firmly to his question. He sighs heavily and looks up at the ashen-colored sky.

"In a way, it's because of you that I've gotten this far, accomplishing a feat that many heroes and scholars have deemed impregnable: breaking through the Red Sea head-on."

He nodded.

"Very well, we and the mercenaries will head for Peak 5, leaving Peak 6 to you. Where do you wish to regroup?"

"The Giant's Bedchamber."

"Very well, then, I will meet you in the Giant's Bedchamber in a few moments."

With that, he bowed to me and walked off in the direction of the cat mask.

"What do you meanonly go with the three of us?"

Elena looked confused, as she didn't quite understand what was going on.

I explained the plan to her.

"There's an elite monster at the Sixth Peak that guards the well. He's harder to deal with in a group, so it's better if the three of us go."

"Uh, but if it's at the Sixth Peak, it's probably just as strong or stronger than the one just now Will we be enough?"


I replied confidently.

"Though technically it won't be us, it'll be the Sister."

Michaela looked up at me with a puzzled expression.

"What? You mean me?"

Yes. You.

Michaela, Knight Commander of the Holy Knights of the Holy Vatican Empire.

It's finally time for her to pay for the expensive wine she's been drinking.

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