I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 21:

Chapter 21:

Jun-woo greeted the clients in a cafe, sitting where he always sat.

"Sorry again."

"No, it can be, if the circumstances allow."

When the fee and additional charge were reduced by 10%, the people who ran in anger responded meekly as if they had ever done so.


"Still, the thing is certain. I'll leave it to you next time."

It took a long time to process the crafted items accumulated for 5 days.

Then a person came.

It was a man in a suit.

"Are you Lee Jun-woo?"

"Yes, yes, but who ."

He sat down and showed his ID.

"The blacksmith came from the association after a report came in."

"Ahhh Yeah."

There was a report because there was a loss of contact.

Occasionally, a blacksmith got away with the materials and ran away at night because he was blinded by the 10% profit excluding the collateral.

"Did you make all the requested items?"

"Yes, we are currently meeting with clients and resolving them."

"I'm glad it wasn't a scam because I didn't even have a license, so I wondered if it was actually a proxy crime scam."

It was understood that related scams tend to occur frequently.

"The Association recommends that blacksmiths who do not have a license do not work. Are you familiar with this?"


"Still, many people trust blacksmiths with skills even without qualifications If there's a problem, we're a little embarrassed."


"Recently, many people are asking for inquiries about Lee Jun-woo, so I came here. Do you have any plans to get a license?"

"I'll pick it up on the next test date."

"An unfounded refusal to take a test may be investigated by the association, possibly because it may be related to a criminal."

The background check is a little different.

Because I didn't want to show the world the existence of Captain Robot yet.

"Ah, yes ."

"Since you are a talented person, I would like you to get a license and join the association."

Jun-woo asked what he was curious about.

"What are the benefits of joining an association?"

"Well, first of all, the Blacksmiths Association engages in various activities through cooperation, such as protecting the rights and interests of blacksmiths, taking the lead in system improvement, promoting the revision of blacksmith-related laws, and protecting the safety of blacksmiths through cooperation with the guild."

"Does everyone join the association when they get a certificate?"

"Most of them join, but you have to pay the association fee according to the monthly water supply, but the blacksmith association protects the rights and interests of the blacksmiths so that the association fee is not wasted."

"Okay, I'll get it on the next test date."

No matter what kind of investigation it was, I didn't want to be the subject of an investigation.

The blacksmith's association person held out his business card.

"If you contact us, we will set a date right away because there are a lot of inquiries."

Jun-woo was a blacksmith that the Blacksmith Association was keeping an eye on.

Because it's a blacksmith who can craft Epic grades.

"Well I have a question; I'll contact you when it's done. It will take about a week."

"I look forward to contacting you."

"But, do I just need to get a license?"

To the strange question, the members of the Association answered with a puzzled face.

"Yeah? Yeah ."

Jun-woo's plan was to get 3rd grade.

Level 3 was a blacksmith who could handle rare recipes. Since he didn't use his strength, it was unreasonable to use Junwoo's power to deal with the epic recipe as a 2nd grader.

People from the Blacksmith Association also went, and all commissioned items went back to the owner.

I was about to get up in the cafe when the phone rang.


"Hey, bastard, I'm answering the phone now."

"Who are you?"

"Who is it, damn it, it's ridiculous. I checked the Association and found that you don't even have a license? Where the fuck did you make an epic, so you talk shit?"

It was Lee Seong-Cheol, a classmate I met at a restaurant.

"What do you want to say?"

"The thing I want to say? If you stand out, this baby knows how to be back. Where do you want to scam? I almost got tricked into entrusting it with the production. Where the fuck is the fucking normal blacksmith pretending to be epic?"

"Why the hell are you mad?"

"You bastard, are you crazy? Where are you? I'll remind you of old memories. Where are you?"

"I'm a little tired today. See you next time."

"Hey, that's really ridiculous."

Jun-woo hung up the phone.

It's not funny I'm tired.'

I was so tired.

Jun-woo didn't know, but he hadn't slept for over 80 hours.

After the system was introduced, the mental power of a person improved much more than before.

Even so, I was always sleeping regularly. Still, suddenly I could not sleep for more than 80 hours, so I was drained.

I gave up going to the workshop and turned on my smartphone to find a nearby motel.

Looking at the smartphone, Jun-woo walked toward the motel location.

Jun-woo looked up at the signboard of the motel, walked to it, and entered through the entrance.

Jun-woo didn't know, but someone watched him as he entered the motel.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The person who watched Jun-woo enter smiled and picked up the smartphone.

"Chang Seok-ah, did you say Seong-Cheol was looking for iron powder?"

"Uh, did you find it?"

"I found it."

"Yes? Follow me and send me a picture of the location."

"You don't have to follow me. I'm in the motel."

"This time? with a woman?"

"No, alone."

"Where are you, there?"

"This is Yongsan Station 2M Motel, but why is Seong-Cheol suddenly looking for iron powder?"

"To Seong-Cheol, did you pretend to be an epic blacksmith? I must have been scammed."

"You're crazy, iron powder."

"Anyway, I'll contact Seong-Cheol, and I'll go too, so keep it there, let's have a drink with Seong-Cheol after it's over."

"I'm fine."

He stood at the motel entrance, waiting for Jun-woo to come out.

At that time, Jun-woo was lying on the bed as soon as he entered the room. And I fell asleep right away.

As the muscles relaxed and breathing slowed, Jun-woo fell into a deeper and deeper sleep.

When falling into the sweetest sleep, the locked motel visit opened.

Lee Seong-Cheol, whom I met at the restaurant, came in and relaxed his neck.

Behind them, Kim Chang-Seok, who had thrown 50,000 gold at Jun-woo, and his friend stood with smiles on their faces.

Lee Seong-Cheol looked down at Jun-woo and grabbed Jun-woo's hair with his hand, a fighter's weapon, the gauntlet.

The captured hair raised Jun-woo's body, and his eyes opened slowly.

"Hey, are you exhausted?"

When he saw Lee Seong-Cheol reflected in his blurred vision, Jun-woo was puzzled.


It was so hazy that I couldn't understand the situation quickly.

"You bastard is out of his mind. Hey, wake up."

The palm of the hand in the gauntlet slapped Jun-woo on the cheek.


My blurry vision became quite clear, and I could see two people in the same class in middle school behind me.

Lee Seong-Cheol smiled and shook his head while holding his hair.

"Hey, hey, come to your senses. You have to make it."

"Whoa What's going on?"


He slapped his cheek again.

It was a mind-bending shock.

"Where are you sighing? You're a cheating bastard."

"What a scam."

"If Saggy, who didn't even get a license, pretended to be an Epic Blacksmith, what would it be if it wasn't a scam?"

"I never cheated or tried to cheat, did I? It's not the test day yet, so I just haven't gotten it."

"Are you saying that a scammer is cheating? Hey! You bastard didn't go to high school?"

Kim Chang-Seok answered with a smile.

"I didn't go to high school, so I only made kitchen knives and sold them."

"After all, you're an under-educated bastard, so you're cheating. Didn't you tell me if you saw it, Chang Seok-ah?"

"I guess so. I saw it a while ago."

"Today, I need to educate myself because this bastard is a hawk."

Jun-woo did not understand them.

"As it was in middle school and now, can't you just leave me alone?"

"You try to cheat and see how shameless you are?"

Actually, it wasn't the morale that was the problem. It was self-esteem that was the problem.

Lee Seong-Cheol knew that Jun-woo was an Epic blacksmith and even apologized by breaking his pride.

I was so angry that I felt like I was being made fun of by a lowly normal person.

"I'll remind you of some old memories today."

Seong-Cheol Lee grabbed Jun-woo's hair and pulled him.

Jun-woo's body fell from the bed and fell to the floor.

Kim Chang-Seok laughed at the sight.

"Kuuk, that bastard, there's someone else to cheat, don't we know you?"

Lee Seong-Cheol untied his hair, looked down at Jun-woo, and kicked Jun-woo's stomach with his leg.


Jun-woo's body flew off, hit the wall, and fell on the bed.

Lee Seong-Cheol suddenly felt puzzled.

It felt like it didn't seem like Seong-cheol's body.

"Be gentle, Seong-Cheol-ah. Your stomach is going to explode."

"This kid It's better than looking at the item."

Lee Seong-Cheol thought that the item was good.

Jun-woo sighed and looked at them alternately in front of him.

"Are you really okay? You will definitely regret it."

"Seong-Cheol, do you think that bastard is really out of his mind?"

"So, you need to be educated properly."

When Lee Seong-Cheol posed as if he was about to hit Jun-woo with his fist, Jun-woo took out his revolver.

"I'll ask you again, are you really okay?"

"It's ridiculous. Shoot it, even if it's a unique weapon, it's rare if you guys have it, you bastard, shoot it."

Kim Chang-Seok laughed.

"It's a toy gun. Did you buy it for self-defense with the money you earned? Are you really clueless? What level is Seong-Cheol, with that ."

Jun-woo's gun was directed at Kim Chang-Seok.

Mana was infused, and the revolver was pulled.


Kim Chang-Seok could not dodge and be hit on the forehead and fell right behind him.

" ."

The friend who followed watched it with a surprised face, and what surprised me the most was Lee Chang-Seok.

"What, you?"

The revolver's attack power far exceeded expectations.

It was an attack power that the level had to support.

Or maybe the revolver is a unique high-end gun.

Jun-woo's gun was aimed at Lee Seong-Cheol.


Lee Seong-Cheol hastily blocked it with the gauntlet. And as he was about to open his fist, Jun-woo twisted and charged through the window.

Here on the 6th floor, Jun-woo's body fell quickly.

As he fell, he somehow managed to balance and touch the ground from the soles of his feet.


Jun-woo, who landed on the floor, pointed the revolver at the window. Lee Seong-Cheol was also coming down through the window.


Seong-Cheol Lee blocked it with his gauntlet and fell.

As soon as it fell, Lee Seong-Cheol swung his fist.

Jun-woo's body was pushed to the back by the back moving.

Bang! Ting!

He blocked the bullet with the gauntlet, but the tingling sensation came as a sufficient shock.

"This bastard!"

Lee Seong-cheol's legs swelled up.

The speed was a little faster.


Seong-Cheol Lee tilted his head to avoid the bullet, fiercely followed him, and clenched his fists.

As Jun-woo jumped, his fists split open air.

Jun-woo looked down at Lee Seong-Cheol and aimed his gun in the air.

Lee Seong-Cheol kicked the ground and ran towards Jun-woo.


A bullet was lodged in Lee Seong-cheol's shoulder, but the speed did not slow down.

And when the distance between them met in the air, Lee Seong-cheol's waist quickly turned and struck Jun-woo's body.

He blocked it with his elbow, but Jun-woo's body flew in the opposite direction with the impact.


Its body slammed against the outer wall of the building as it was, smashing the protective fence to some extent.

"Is it a fight?"

"Let's take a look."

"It would be fun."

People passing by showed interest in seeing Jun-woo falling from the wall.

At that time, Seong-Cheol Lee ran fiercely.


Seong-Cheol Lee dodged the bullet, stepped on the wall of the building as the ground, jumped up, and fired blazing fire fists.


There was a hole in the wall behind Jun-woo, and Jun-woo rolled to the side and ran.

I saw Lee Seong-Cheol running and throwing a dropkick when I turned around.

To avoid .'

As if that was a skill, the flying speed was fast.

He would have avoided it if he had been a little quicker in his judgment, but Jun-woo's mind was walking in a haze.


Due to the dropkick on his back, Jun-woo's body flew forward and rolled to the floor.

Lee Seong-Cheol, who soared up, sat down and took Jun-woo's torso down with his knees.


"Ugh ."

Lee Seong-cheol first fell straight down towards Jun-woo's head.


In shock, Jun-woo's head was buried in the ground and smashed.

His body was crushed by Lee Seong-Cheol.

The perfect best position was lost.

Also, for fighters.

He tried to shake him off by force, but Lee Seong-cheol's body was quite heavy.

It gave strength to the whole body with mana and increased the weight to endure it.

Junwoo had neither the strength to escape nor the skill.

However, Lee Seong-Cheol clenched his fists and looked down at Jun-woo with a bewildered face.

The stopped fist did not come down.

"You What? Did you really get promoted to Epic?"

In the midst of this, Lee Seong-Cheol seemed to be necessary.

Jun-woo, with blood on his lips, burst into laughter.

"Now that I'm an Epic, what does that have to do with you?"

The Epic Blacksmith was a talent sought by Lee Seong-cheol's guild.

If Jun-woo joined the guild on Lee Seong-cheol's recommendation, Lee Seong-Cheol could be promoted to one more level within the guild.

But that wasn't the problem.

If Jun-woo joined the Blacksmith's Association and was active, and the Blacksmith's Association boycotted his guild, he was expelled from the guild.

Touching an outstanding blacksmith was taboo for any guild.

But because of his excitement, things had already happened, and it was too late to put it down.

Fuck .'

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