I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

As the surroundings brightened, the sight of the encroaching cave spiders became visible. Their legs, covered in thick fur, moved incessantly as they rapidly approached. The terrified horses snorted as they bolted.

"Damn it... By the Sun, Lu Solar...!" Miguel gasped for breath as he yanked on the reins.

Amidst the surrounding chaos, Lucy's gaze remained fixed on the fireballs burning in the air, captivated by the mystery and beauty unfolding before her. It wasn't her first encounter with a mage. However, the magic displayed now made previous experiences seem like child's play in comparison.


With a leap akin to that of a grasshopper, one of the cave spiders near the carriage jumped high into the air. Just then, a fireball shot out from the flames flickering around the carriage.


There wasn't a massive explosion, but it was enough to turn the jumping spider into a ball of fire.


The spider fell to the ground, screaming as it rolled, signaling the onset of an attack. From all directions, the cave spiders began to leap toward them.

"Aaaaah!" Miguel screamed.

The carriage picked up speed again, the horses ran up the slope of the valley as if it were flat ground.

"Focus on driving! If the horses die, you'll be pulling the carriage yourself!" Ian snapped, waving his arm.

The fireballs encircling the carriage shot out simultaneously.

Boom, boom!

Blinding explosions followed. Lucy watched the spectacle without blinking. Ian turned to the back of the carriage, stretching out his hand.


Flames burst forth in an instant, reaching out once again. The spiders, having breached the first barrage, were engulfed in flames for a second time. Lucy's eyes shimmered. This was real magic. She remembered reading about it in a book—during the era of wars, a single mage could be equivalent to an entire legion. Ian's current form embodied that notion precisely.


Suddenly, a dark figure fell into the cargo space of the carriage. It was a cave spider that had managed to penetrate the successive bombardments and landed successfully. With its furry, long legs and a black, massive body, it had more than ten eyes staring down at Lucy. Its mouth, split vertically, opened to reveal saw-like teeth as it prepared to pounce.


Ian leaped into the carriage, kicking the spider's body squarely. He immediately extended his hand toward the rolling creature.


A fireball shot forth, engulfing the spider. As it writhed and screamed, Lucy and Ian looked at each other.

Noticing that Lucy was not at all frightened, Ian said, "Stay in the corner and hold the torch."

Without waiting to see if Lucy nodded, Ian leaped into action once more, leaving a gust of wind in his wake.

Is this also magic? Lucy thought, turning her head just in time to see Ian landing precariously on the saddle of a running horse and confronting another cave spider.

In the next moment, the spider seemed to be pushed back by an invisible force and hung suspended in mid-air.


With a swift motion, Ian slashed with his sword. Though the blade didn't seem to touch the spider, its body split in half from head to abdomen. Green, sticky fluid scattered everywhere. Ian then charged toward the front of the carriage.

Explosions and a loud crash echoed as the battle continued.

The battle unfolded like a display of acrobatics. Ian circled around, at times launching fireballs, at other times slicing through spiders at a distance that seemed beyond reach, all while protecting the carriage.

During this intense activity, there were moments when he nearly fell from his horse but somehow managed to regain his posture and continue the fight. Finally, the cave spiders receded like the tide.

Miguel, who had been holding the reins with both hands after passing the torch to Lucy, let out a cheer, "We did it! Look at that! That's our mage for you, you damn spiders... Huh?"

Miguel's eyes widened in shock. Beyond the valley, over the ridge they were following, a dark shadow rose abruptly from behind a boulder. Even from a distance, its size was unnaturally large.

"Miguel. We should probably stop,” It was Lucy who spoke up.

Reflexively, Miguel pulled on the reins. Right after, the shadow that had been crouching on the rock surged upwards with a movement much more sluggish than the cave spiders.

With a heavy thud, it landed on the slope—a creature far larger than any cave spider they had encountered. Its fur had a grayish tint, and it possessed sixteen crimson eyes. Strangely, the creature's mouth part resembled the upper body of a human woman, though it was crudely shaped as if molded from clay, making it appear more grotesque rather than beautiful.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The creature let out a chirping sound, akin to that of an insect.

Blocking the path between the creature and the carriage, Ian remarked, "You look disgustingly freakish, you know."

A quest window, invisible to others, appeared before his eyes.

[The Cave Spider Queen.]


With a deceptive quickness belying its cumbersome appearance, the queen lunged forward again. Realizing it intended to crush him, Ian lashed the reins.

A web, more like a sticky stream than a typical spider's silk, shot out from the queen's tail. Ian leaped into action, dodging the attack, but the horse covered in webs stumbled and rolled on the ground.


The queen stomped down on the horse, splattering blood and flesh around as its massive body hit the ground. Ian, who had barely managed to stop rolling, looked up to see the spider queen's mouth gaping above him. The upper body of the woman split apart, revealing a maw lined with blade-like teeth, from which long, fang-like protrusions extended. Droplets of venom dripped down like threads from its tips.

Ian extended his hand, his expression one of disgust, at the same moment the spider queen charged at him.


Lucy, who was looking at the fight, opened her eyes wide in surprise. It was because a blast akin to a dragon's breath erupted from Ian's grasp, pushing back the queen's head.


When the flames subsided, Ian was no longer in his previous spot. Instead of retreating, he had dived toward the queen's body. His hands, gripping the Sword of Judgement, plunged deep into the queen's massive torso.


The queen reacted more quickly than Ian could strike, leaping away in a convulsive motion. It landed some 10 meters away, quickly regaining its posture.


The queen crouched, its mouth now a charred and even more grotesque visage after being seared by the fire, its crimson eyes reduced to four whitened orbs.

As it screamed threateningly, the queen lunged forward, oozing dark green sap from the gashes left by Ian's sword.


Webbing shot out chaotically, and Ian rolled on the ground once again. When he looked up, the spider queen was already retreating down the slope.

Woosh, swoosh.

The trees around the valley shook as if hit by a wave, and the cave spiders were fleeing after their queen.

"Didn’t expect it to run away..." Ian muttered dejectedly as he got up.

After running around and rolling on the ground, his appearance was almost indistinguishable from a beggar's.

"You've outdone yourself. Defeating such a monstrous creature again. I can hardly believe what I saw, no matter how many times I witnessed it." Miguel welcomed him with open arms.

Ian responded with a snort and suddenly turned to face Lucy, "Not all mage’s battles are like this. I'm just half, so this is what I end up with."

Lucy shook her head, "You didn't seem half-hearted at all. It was truly, truly incredible."

Despite her sincerity, Ian's expression remained unchanged as he climbed into the cargo space.

"This is nothing," said Ian.

As the carriage started moving again, he looked back at Lucy, "You will become a far greater mage than me, at least in the realm of red magic."

It was a thought too immense and unbelievable for Lucy. She looked down at her hands. She tried to concentrate, hoping for something to happen, but as it had been all day, nothing occurred.

"While you are great, Lucy was also very impressive. She did not scream once," said Miguel.

“It was just you who screamed. She wasn’t even scared, Well...,” said Ian.

Ian shrugged his shoulders then continued, "It seems she's never been scared of anything like this."

"Because it’s not scary. I'm not afraid of dying or getting hurt,” Lucy responded calmly.

What I'm really afraid of is... She swallowed the rest of her sentence, and Ian licked his lips.

"That look again. How long will you keep doing that?" said Ian.

"That's what I'm saying. We've been together for so long. Let's be comfortable around each other, shall we?" Miguel winked and turned to look behind him.

Ian frowned, "Never make that face again. Especially not in front of the kid."

"Why? I look quite friendly, don't I?" Miguel asked.

"Maybe among thieves," Ian answered,

Lucy suppressed a smile that tried to break through and also suppressed the swelling emotions she felt toward them. It wasn't difficult for her; she had been doing it all her life.

This is the right thing. Lucy whispered to herself.

If she allowed herself to like them more than she already did, surely great unhappiness would follow, just as it had with everyone else she had cared for.

The slope of the valley gradually became gentler and the surroundings had turned more into a gorge than a valley.

"...Is that a cave?" Miguel suddenly blurted out.

In the middle of the slope, a large crack formed by split rocks was cast in profane darkness.

"Yeah. That's probably where those spiders... Oh." Ian sighed as he eyed the cave. His gaze hardened.

"...How much longer to pass through the valley?" Ian asked.

"We haven't even reached the peak. We'll probably need to keep moving until late at night. The downhill is more dangerous for the horses,” Miguel replied,

“What if we're chased like before?" Ian asked again.

"The horses won't last. Especially not tonight. If a leg breaks on the downhill, there's no need to say more. But why do you ask... all of a sudden?" said Miguel.

"It seems the queen hasn't given up on us," Ian added, without taking his eyes off the cave.

Lucy could not even begin to imagine what Ian was looking at.

Miguel's face was drained of color, "Is it... going to chase us again?"

"Probably. ...Can't be helped," said Ian.

Ian then stood up with a sigh and turned to Miguel, "Wait here quietly."

"...You're going in alone?" Miguel asked.

"Or do you want to come in with me?" said Ian.

"No, that is, I might just end up as a burden... And someone has to watch the carriage," said Miguel.

Ian snorted as if he expected that response and continued, “All the spiders nearby seem to be in there, but just in case, place some torches around. Those things, they are scared of the fire.”

"Got it," Miguel replied.

"A couple of them you can handle on your own. Just don't let your guard down. They're cunning creatures. Aim for their heads or bellies with that." Ian gestured to Miguel's hatchet at his waist and then turned to Lucy, nodding reassuringly before swiftly taking off.

Once again, the wind whipped around as if Ian was a squirrel scampering up the valley, with Ian disappearing into the crevice.

"With that guy, even ten lives wouldn't be enough..." Miguel muttered as he set up the torches around the carriage. After securing several large rocks against the wheels, he finally climbed back onto the driver's seat.

"But then again, watching him do his thing makes you want to follow him around more. It's kind of amazing, isn't it?" Miguel asked.

"It's incredible. And impressive," Lucy nodded.

Miguel grinned, a smile that could belong to a bandit.

"Right? No one would believe it if we told them. But that guy, he handles situations like these as if it's nothing. I bet that cave will soon be"

Woosh, screech, whimper.

Just then, a rumbling echo of screams and roars began to spread from beyond the cave.

Glancing back at the cave and then at Lucy, Miguel shrugged.

"...That's the kind of chaos he's causing. Good thing we didn't follow. It would've been an unbearable sight. It always is."

"I'm curious, though," replied Lucy.

"I used to say the same before I experienced it," said Miguel.

A faint smile spread across Lucy's lips, and Miguel flexed his scar.

"See? It looks better when you smile—”

Suddenly, the sound of the wind interrupted him, wiping the smile off Miguel's face. He quickly grabbed his crossbow and stood up.

"Damn it... Lucy, get down," said Miguel.

Lucy ducked low into the cargo space.


The sound of the wind seemed to come from all directions as Miguel scanned the area. Then, his expression darkened upon spotting a spider rushing down the slope. It was a cave spider, half-charred from Ian's earlier attack. Unaware it had escaped the queen's control due to the shock, Miguel aimed his crossbow at it.

Without warning, the spider which had slid halfway down the slope leaped.

“...!” Holding his breath, Miguel raised his crossbow.

A sharp whistling sound followed.


The spider dropped dead. Miguel, putting down the crossbow and grabbing a torch, chuckled.

"See? I'm quite good with a crossbow myself"

That's when a dark shadow suddenly loomed behind him. It was another cave spider that had quietly approached from the opposite side. By the time Miguel sensed it and turned around, the spider was already upon him.

"Whoa...!" Pinned by the spider, Miguel instinctively swung the torch.


The cave spider dodged the flames. The horses neighed in panic, jolting the carriage.

"This damn spider...!" Miguel managed to fend off the spider's legs and grabbed his ax in a flurry.

Lucy, rising to help, froze as she noticed another spider approaching from the opposite slope. Miguel was in danger of being killed. For the first time, real fear flickered in Lucy's eyes.

Is this all because I opened up...? Because of me again?

Without a moment to regather her thoughts, another spider leaped toward them. Lucy's heart raced as if it would burst.

Time seemed to slow down, a strange exhilaration coursing through her—a sensation she had often felt but always suppressed along with her other emotions. This time, however, she didn't hold back.

Swoosh, woosh!

The flames from the torches surged toward Lucy as she inhaled and exhaled, seemingly drawn to her.

Lucy extended her hand, an action almost instinctive.


In response, the surrounding torches' flames erupted in unison, engulfing the spiders in fire.


The spider that had become a fireball dropped. It rolled on the ground, but the flames did not extinguish until the creature was completely reduced to ashes.

Lucy's gaze shifted back to Miguel and the entangled spider as another wave of flames surged forth.

The spider attempted to leap away in vain. However, it was no use since the flames quickly consumed it, only leaving behind the stench of burning flesh.

Lucy snapped back to reality when the torches' flames around her calmed down, leaving behind only the charred remains of two spiders. Drained of energy, Lucy collapsed, her legs refusing to support her any longer.

Miguel, who had been lying down, burst into laughter upon noticing Lucy, "Ha! This is insane!" He threw aside the torch and rushed over to embrace Lucy tightly.

"You saved me! I thought I was a goner this time! You saved me! Ha!" He bounced with Lucy in his arms.

Dangling limply, Lucy eventually spoke up, "Miguel. I can't breathe."

"Eh? Oh, right. Can't let my lifesaver suffocate," said Miguel.

Setting Lucy down, Miguel's eyes sparkled with curiosity, "What happened? Huh? Can you use magic now?"

"I don't know..." Lucy murmured weakly. The sense of urgency, anger, and exhilaration she had felt earlier was now completely absent.

"It doesn't seem to work anymore."

"Ha! Who cares? Don't worry about it. The fact that you saved me hasn't changed." Miguel ruffled Lucy's hair vigorously.

Lucy grimaced but didn't complain, clearly amused by his overwhelming joy. In truth, she didn't entirely dislike the feeling.


A piercing scream erupted from the cave shortly after. Miguel and Lucy both looked up at the cave. After a moment of significant silence, a blurry figure staggered out of the cave, sliding down the slope.

Miguel, finally breathing a sigh of relief, stood up with a smile as if nothing had happened, "Did you take care of that monster?"

"Yeah," replied Ian.

Ian approached the carriage with a weary voice, “...I see that something happened here as well

He was covered in bodily fluids and filth, looking utterly wrecked. Of course, Miguel didn't care at all about his appearance.

"I almost died. But Lucy burned those things with magic to save me. Huh? Lucy finally used magic! And to save me!" said Miguel.

"Used magic already...?" Ian, rarely showing surprise, looked back at Lucy.

She shrugged, "It was just for a moment. I can't do it again now."

"It doesn't matter. The first time is always the hardest. It'll get easier," said Ian.

Lying down in the cargo space, Ian eventually looked up at Lucy and added, "Now, this means you're a mage, too."

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