I Became A System

Chapter 10 - More On Ellena's Development

We've only been in town for a week, but we've already grown accustomed to it. Ellena and Isabella learned how to live peacefully... in the light... I mean, Ellena has another character at night.

They eventually built up a nice relationship with the guild. The guild recognized them as herb collectors, as they saw them as weak characters. That is also the reason they only gather herbs. It was an excellent disguise for the general public.

The time that Ellena used to collect fear points, it was also used as a training time for Isabella. She learned how to control her abilities and discovered that she could do more than just change an item's hardness. She can really change the solidity of a solid object. Hence, she can't make liquid and gas as solid. Because liquid water can not solidify without freezing and gas takes longer to solidify, it is inapplicable to her abilities.

Little by little, Isabella learned how to control her abilities efficiently. I taught her things through Ellena which she enjoyed as well. They became even closer than before because of this.

"Big Sister, what are gonna do in the future? Are you not going to attend school?"

School? Ah, right! Schools exist here as well, but only the wealthy can attend or are scholars. Public schools don't exist here. They don't believe that nurturing human resources helps the nation, at least from what I can observe. It's not that I really know how they think, I just judge things.

"No. I don't intend to, because you're still a kid."

What can I say about Ellena's progress? Hm... she's getting more mature. Socializing really helped her develop her character.

She learned how to communicate with people and how to understand people's traits. She met a lot of people while jogging around town every day and grew accustomed to them. They even greet her when they see Ellena. It's so sweet that, even if I can't help her with any physical actions, she gets it from people. Being away from that house was extremely beneficial for her.

If not for those people, Ellena would be so genius that they would even forget about her black hair. I mean, there's no wrong with Ellena's hair, they're just afraid of uncommon things. What a pity.

"Ellena, do you want to go to school? There's a lot to be learned there."

Yes... Apparently, I wanted her to go to school. There are things that I can't teach her. Being her system is not easy; I can't physically demonstrate what I explain to her. Or even a mental image. I can't offer it to her.

It may appear that I have been brainwashing her for the past few days, but this is due to too many unnecessary things implanted in her character. I mean, she has a nice personality, and she's getting better at having her justice persona. But what I mean unnecessary is that, she can't understand what is enough. She doesn't know what is too much. And she didn't realize that the torment she experienced was too much. It needs to end, so I have no other choice but to mold her.

It's really hard to comply with things that she can't see. At the estate, she just move as if she has something role to play. She believed that it was all because of her. That's why the people around her didn't accept her.

She was right, a little. Because of her black hair, she was deemed a cursed child, but it was enough. It was probably fortunate for her that she wasn't abandoned in a forest, but it was also thanks to her being a cursed child... or, should I say, their stupidity. They believe in the retribution of a cursed child.

At the age of 10, she discovered that she was not able to use her rune. And as a result, she strived more to prove that she's necessary to be around the estate. Even her sister, who she saved, didn't help her. It was really hard for children to live in a household full of expectations... and foolishness. Let's not forget about that.

"No, Aaron. I can learn things by myself. I also have you; you are my savior, so I will rely on you. Okay?"

I can't help but to feel relieved at that smile. She really relies on me more than ever. It's not like I'm not gonna help her, even without her realizing, I will help her. But right now, it's just that I'm also being helped by Ellena.

I'm not really a normal human in particular. I also view the world with books, but as I watched Ellena over the past 16 years, I became more like a human in nature, but it's too late. I'll have to spend the rest of my life on Ellena's system.

"You may feel it like that. However, no man is an island. If you can understand that quote, I commend you for that."

Ellena was silent for a moment. I think she's thinking about something inside her mind, a thing that I can't understand right now.

It seems that Ellena's brain has become more wrinkled. It means that she, right now is more mature than before. The information in her brain is something that is right for her. She'd been thinking like a child lately, and her emotions were simple because no one had really introduced them to her. But, now that she has socialized with a variety of people, she has learned how to think in response to the situation. I guess it's a nice sign.

"Argh! I don't want to argue anymore. I. don't. want. to. go. to. school."

"Why?" She's being childish right now, you know. It's too adorable.

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"Because there's so many people. I don't want them to be scared of me."

And there's that thing again. I guess it traumatized her, and she's bothered by it.

"You're a shadow hero right now." I teased her with the recognition that the public gave her. The past week was a haul, every night we scare some scum to collect points. And that's why, the people became relieved because there's someone who's out there willing to revenge for them.

Everyday, we encounter some crimes at day light. And since we have the ability, Trace, we can easily track them and attack them at night. That was vigilante actions. I mean, it wasn't meant to be a hero. We just need to collect points.

The Trace ability is like registering a face, then you can feel him where he is at the moment. There's no map in particular, just sending some good intuitions. It is like having your senses tenfold. But there's no really surprising effect about that, it's a simple ability. Just for convinience.

"Eh?... Please stop doing that! I don't want to hear it anymore. It's too cringe!"

She really learned two persona. And both are important. First is the responsible persona, since she have Isabella under her wing. And the second was ashamed persona. Hm... She's growing...

​ "Shadow hero! Shadow hero!"


I was teasing Ellena and noticed that Isabella was having a confused reaction. Haha. She really can't still vibe with us.

"Big Sister?"

"Ah! Sorry Isabella. Aaron was teasing me."

"Eh... I hope I can hear Big Brother Aaron too."

"Don't worry. I can convey Aaron's words to you!"

"I see... Thank you!"

These kids... I'm thankful that my second life became not too boring, but yet, there's something that I regret. It was looking at Ellena suffered. I still can't forgive them for that...


Threatening really helps us. After all, it was only to scare them; we were not harming them for no reason. Because at the age right now, if no one will punish them, they will still continue to cause havoc. This was the reason why Ellena needed to learn things, become cruel to enemies and kind to allies. After all, Ellena was chosen by the gods of this world.

The information I got when my soul turned into a system was a vague explanation of the world's system. About the runes, the purpose of them, and their origin.

I was the only system, the only rune who has an intelligent. A system that gives the host various abilities that she needs to survive. And I am the only one in this world, apart from my employer, who knows what Ellena is.

She is not a cursed child, and it is true that she was chosen, but there's more to it. In a different timeline, where Ellena is a normal kid with a normal rune, she becomes the only one who challenges the gods. I don't know if the gods or our origin on Earth are reachable, but this world is capable of reaching the gods.

Ellena was the only one who challenged the gods because of her ability to rule. The leadership rune was her original rune. And the reason for her challenge was to save the world.

I was touched. Really touched at that dedication she made. At that timeline, the world was invaded by the dimensional chaos. A chaos that was deemed as demons.

It was funny. That they called it demon because apparently, those chaos killed half of the population for no reason. And heaven was not doing anything because they couldn't do anything. The demons' god from another dimesnion made a deal, if they interfers with the living human below, the demon god will move. So, as a decision, they did not inter with living beings as they feared the demon god's destruction.

That action of the gods made Ellena furious. Her justice personality at that time was really strong. It was understandable since she had a leadership rune. And as a result, she challenged the gods to become her subordinate. She can't take overtake a number, but she can overtake individuals.

But Ellena was defeated and died. And as a gift for her righteous act, the time and space god, turned back time where the world was at peace before the attack of the demons. It was the only time when the gods interfered.

And there's me, who inhabited Ellena.

"Aaron. What are you?"


"I mean, why do I have a different rune?"

"I can't really tell you. But I can tell you what I'm like. Just chant status."

"Hm...? All right, Status."


Name: Ellena Lumbert

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Title: [Cursed Child]

Fear Level: 2

Fear Experience: 90/150

Fear Points: 68

Abilities: [Lightning Manipulation], [Stealth],  [Trace]


Her age is 17, even though she's only 16. Uh... the program rounded off her age to the nearest number. After all, she had spent more than a year in the slave market.

"Can you see that? It is your rune and I am also part of it. I am your system and my only purpose is to help you grow stronger. The fear level indicate the privilege you can get. The higher the level, the cheaper the abilities you get. Next is the fear experience, it's just a measurment of your current level. And you can earn points by making someone fear you, apart from fear points, you can't learn how much experience is there in making one person scared of you."

As my explanation started, Ellena, who was listening, started to analyze the screen. She also attempted to understand every detail of what I had said. It was surprising that Ellena was starting to get curious about her power.

"So... the fear points?"

"I collect them. A point emerges from someone head who's scared of you then I collect it."

"I see... But you haven't explained what you are."

"That thing... I can answer that in a simple manner. Different things have different systems. But I am different. I am a system that looks like a computer interface, programmed to do something. And the conditions being met are recorded by the system. So, I am something that doesn't live. I am just part of you, esteemed host."

My system nature is really appearing out of nowhere. There was one night that I was afraid that I would act more than a system, but thank goodness I still have my characteristics.

"But... I can't still understand why I have different rune."

It's because you are chosen by the gods. And that's something I can't explain, but I can make you think about it that way.

"You are chosen by the gods. So it was the reason why you have different rune."

"I see... I guess I can understand it a little."

"Yeah... So be ready to continue your training."

"Hee! Yes sire!"

Sighs... Ellena is becoming increasingly difficult to comprehend these days. Am I making her turn to bad side? I mean, she learned how to speak vulgar words. Maybe from the adventurers' guild where cussers exist. Ah... It's just too much for a change.

Haa! Don't mind it. It's her own mind. My job in that matter is done. I just have to observe her. After all, my plan was just to make her learn about reality. And now, she can grasp a bit of it.

It's looking more like manipulating or brainwashing. I don't want to have her freedom limited. I can't be the reason for it.

The training has finished and now they are preparing for breakfast.

The time was fast and the routine was just repititive, they were already done doing their morning routine and now on the way to the adventurers' guild.

Ellena's physical condition improved even more. She has more stamina right now and can jog 4 km straight. But there's something I want to know. Is she interested in learning close-combat?

"Esteemed host, do you have anything on your mind about pursuing a career at the adventurers' guild?"

I was curious about this. Does she want to have something? I mean, what I just did was suggest things. I hadn't heard a thing about her dream.

"Huh? Ah. Nothing in particular. I just like my life right now."

"I see."

They entered the adventurers' guild and noticed that the guild was a bit too crowded right now. It seems that there is a problem right now.

"Ah! Miss Herb Collector! I recommend that you come back on another day. There are goblins acting right now, and there is a new, discovered, overflowing dungeon. It's dangerous to collect herbs right now." The receptionist greeted them and informed them of the entire situation.

So it was because of the goblins. But it's not bad to not collect a herb right ow. Maybe we could come back another day...

No way... I noticed some expressions on Ellena's face. Did she want to fight those goblins?


'Aaron. Are goblins really that dangerous?'

"Yeah. Goblins are monsters after all."

'So, can I participate in what they are doing right now?'

"You can decide what you want to do, esteemed host. I am just here to suggest you some moves to help you. I am your assistant, esteemed host."

Just as I expected. Ellena switched on her justice persona. There's something going on inside her head. Did she think about the goblins overflowing and hurting nearby people? It's what I can feel right now.

"Esteemed host, Ellena, do you want to pursue a career in adventurers' guild?" I inquired an important question to her. Her future depends on this answer.

She sighed before opening her mouth.

"Yes. I don't believe the people passing through the forest felt threatened."

As I expected. Forget about being an anon adventurer! Ellena has her own ways.. I will trust her every decision and support her no matter what.

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