I Became A System

Chapter 16 - Taking A Quest

Another day had come and the sun was brightening beautifully. The birds' chirps greeted Ellena, who was just about to wake up. Isabella, on the other hand, was just starting to get up.

"Good morning, Big Sister..." An energyless tone came from Isabella. She stretched her arms behind her back and stood up.

"Yes, good morning too." Ellena responded to Isabella's greetings and stood up after her.

'Good morning.'

"Yes, good morning too, Ellena." I answered.

They prepared for going down and, as a promise for her, since it was a week since her first mission, we implemented the 'every success no training' promise.

"Big Sister, I have a question. What should I do after learning how to mold things?"

"Well, seriously, I don't know. What do you think? In what way will you use your ability?"

Isabella looked like she was hesitating, but she still responded. "I want to... go to... school..."

"Eh? School? But we don't have money..."

It was because of your conscience. Now you don't have money for your other needs! Jeez...

I can understand Isabella's urge to attend school. After the things we task her to learn, she might have a thirst for new knowledge, so that's why she wants to go to school. It is also not confusing to see a kid who seeks schooling.

But Ellena, having survived in a different environment, she has just developed her personality, which I see slim chance to have her interested in school. I can barely understand why she doesn't want to go to school.

"Ah... Then let's go together."

Eh? Did I just hear her right? Ellena said she would go to school?

"I will earn enough money to have us attend school. So don't worry."

Surprisingly, I can't really read Ellena. She has a different mindset from what you call mediocre people who only think simple. However, she completely changed from that.

I can't even think of a proper explanation of why she agreed with Isabella. Like, you knew that the person was hesitating.

"What changed your mind?" I asked her.

'Hm... let's say that I understood what you said that I'll learn many things at school. And joining the guild proved that.'

"Huh? How?"

'Let's just say, my knowledge is not enough. I understand why I need to learn new things. It is to make people safe, like Isabella.'

"I... see..."

So it was it again?... She really built that strong justice persona. Even if I assume that I did save her, she only has one reason to live and it's way better than what I just thought of the world. She wants to save people. A basic hero figure.

Maybe I was wrong about cursing those who torment her... and feeding her with words of being cruel to enemies, but how would I make those mistakes right? I can't even move on my own, like, physically.

"Then, before going to school, let's teach her slowly. Maybe we can have her ask a same rune owner. Like, blacksmiths who have production rune."

I'll just have to support her. After all, this is me. It is what makes me.

'Thank you.'

"No problem."

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Ellena spoke with Isabella about how we would develop her ability. Since production runes have the same control as CC runes, she can limit herself to not passing out from overusing her stamina.

They went downstairs to eat at the diner for breakfast. The food was still the same. Thank goodness, we paid a month in advance.


Isabella was left in the inn once again to train. Apparently, she didn't have anything to do, so we just let her train and improve her proficiency as it is important for her future to have a good grasp of her ability.

After that, Ellena walked to the path of the adventurers' guild. She was going to take a quest for earnings when she met Selena on the way.

"Good morning, Selena."

Selena... I noticed that she was smiling brightly. Did something good happen to her?

"Good morning, Ellena!" A cheerful exclamation came from her.

"What happened? You seem overjoyed."

Ellena was the same too. She can't help but be perplexed. Well, it's not like it's uncommon to see her smile. It's just, it's still early in the morning. Who would be happy that much?

"The headmaster was found passed out last night at the back door! Haha! Who would have thought that it was too pleasing to see that thief headmaster helpless? "

Wow, what an evil child.

But, wait! Passed out? Was it what Ellena did last night? Yeah, it seems. Were they confused that the headmaster was missing? HAHAHAHA! SUITS YOU RIGHT! Although, we were the reason for it.

"A-haha! Good for you." An awkward words from Ellena.

"Hey, you're making it obvious."

'Sorry. It's just too pleasing to see her smile that wide.'

But that really made Selena suspicious. She was squinting her eyes while looking at her.

"You're pleased too, huh? Was it because you knew what happened?"

"NO, of course not! It was really just good for you to see that smile."

"Hm... Okay..."

"Let's just take a quest." Ellena pushed Selena to enter the guild.

They stopped at the quest board to see some quests.

"Argh... Okay! Just stop that okay?" Selena straightened her wrinkled garments then stood up straight.

"Let's just ask the receptionist. By the way, do you want to take a quest together?" Selena asked.

"Is it okay?"

"Of course."

They moved to the receptionist's desk. People are just starting to appear since it's still early in the morning. Not too early, but at least pass rush hours on Earth. Let's say it's 9 AM.

They asked for a quest, then they were given a goblin hunting quest. Both of them were given 3 quota so it will be served as 6 since they want to go together.

It was delightful to see that Selena didn't look at Ellena as her rival. They even became friends after hearing each other's experience. And what I think of it is a good event.

After going out of the town, they passed through a paved road then entered a forest. It is not the same forest as they went to yesterday, but this forest was a considerable path for material collectors.

Material collector is the category which Herb Collectors are. Ellena, not ranking up and just collecting herbs was considered as one.

They are jobs for those who have no capabilities of fighting, so as an efficient alternative to keep them safe, adventurers will take a quest to kill monsters.

Seconds later, they stopped at a tree inside the forest. This was the area where a closed dungeon was. And remnants are still in the area.

"Let's wait here. It would be bad if we got lost."

Well, it's not necessary because Ellena has me. But of course, Selena thinks of Ellena as a normal person... Just slightly strong.

The wind was peaceful and both girls were under a tree, waiting for a prey goblin.

In a couple of seconds, the crunching sound of dried leaves reached their ears. They were alarmed then prepared themselves for combat.

Selena and Ellena draw their swords before moving slowly. There were at least 4 goblins in the vicinity.

Green-skinned creatures with sharp nose and ears, bald head, and kid's height appeared in front of them. The goblins were also alarmed, then prepared their clubs.

"Ah... Why are we even this cautious? It's not like we can't kill them immediately." Selena made a remark.

Ellena just smirked before shaking her head, then dashed towards the direction of the goblins.

"Hey! Wait a moment." Selena followed Ellena's movement before dahing as well.

Ellena raised her sword then slantly released a slash, beheading one of the goblins.

"That's one."

There are no rules in particular that you can't slay more than the quota. It was just a minimum number to be considered as a completion of the quest. So I guess, Ellena is not doing the 3 quota but counting how many she can kill.

One after another, Ellena successfully slayed two goblins and after that, Selena also slayed the other two.

"Hah... this is too easy. Let's have a race."

Because of Selena's challenge, Ellena just shook her head.

"Okay. It's not bad anyways. Maybe I'll earn a big amount here."

Selena just had a confused reaction. "Why? I thought that you donated money? It means that you have money too, right?"

"No. That was my last money, so I pursued the adventurers' guild."

More goblins appeared between their conversation.

"Why would you do that? It was your last money? What will happen to you? Your expenses?"

It was a wrong move to mention it. Sighs...

"Don't worry, I earned the last expedition. It's not like I am going to live penniless."

But despite that remark, Selena burst into tears, making me laugh inside. Her face was actually wrinkled from crying.

With no other choice but to comfort Selena, Ellena stopped her killing the goblins then approached Selena who was about to get attacked by goblins.

She raised her sword then threw it at the goblin near Selena. After arriving, she pulled it back then checked Selena.

"W-what are you doing?" Still confused about why Selena cried, she just continued protecting her. More than 4 goblins were defeated when she started crying, so she just made Selena stop crying.

"Hey! Get back! What are you doing?"

"It's ju-st! Y-you, *hic* used a-all your mone-ey! Y-you don't have t-to do-o that!"

It wasn't her money anyways. Why make a big deal? But, of course, we can't tell her that it was from a slave trader.

"Hey... it's really okay. It's also my job to help them."

"But why? It's not like you know them or at least you have responsibility."

"Sighs... just calm down. Goblins are attacking us right now. Crying depletes your stamina, dumbass!"

Selena just wiped her tears before holding her sword. There was an obvious tremble in her hands, but Ellena didn't notice it as she continued slaying the goblins.

After minutes, the goblins stopped appearing, making the total kill 15 for Ellena and 10 for Selena.

"This is enough." Ellena commented before pulling the proof of completion. She teared the ears from the goblin then put them in a bag.

"Oh." Ellena was perplexed when Selena handed her a partial of her kills.

"What would I do with it?"

"Take it. At least in this way I can pay you."

"No! No! I'm not going to take it. It's yours." Ellena slowly pushed Selena's hands back to her.

"Why? It's still your expense money. You donated a big amount of money and even so, it wasn't even used in the orphanage."

"Sighs... It's not like I really don't have any money. Besides, that money I donated was part of a dark past. I can't help but to remember it holding that money, so take it easy."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Let's get back to the guild so that we can have a rest. I'll visit Isabella at the inn after that, so let's go."

"Okay." Seems defeated, Selena didn't pursue in giving the ears to Ellena.

They arrived at the guild and were rewarded for their kills. Every ear is 5 silver, so she got a total of 75 silver coins.

"We make a good team, Ellena!" Selena exclaimed in a delighted tone.

"Yeah, we do! Even though you were crying." Ellena teased her and released a snicker before dodging Selena's retribution.

"Stop it!"

After that, their achievement was recorded, giving a mark on Ellena's guild card.

Selena, on the other hand, proceeds in a different direction. And Ellena just went to the inn to check on Isabella and also eat lunch.

After entering the room, Isabella greeted her right away. "Big Sister! I have a news!"

"W-what is it?" Ellena stuttered at the sudden hug of Isabella.

"I successfully reform a wood. Look, I made it circle."

My imaginary eyes almost fell down after hearing it. She molded wood?

I zoomed my vision into the wood and it was true. She has made huge progress! The wood was now a sphere!

"This is good news!" I exclaimed.

'Yes, it is.' Ellena smiled before handing back the wood to Isabella.

"I will surely make money to send you to school, Isabella. This will be a waste if you can't hone this ability with experts. This is truly amazing! You have a talent!"

"Yes. That is true.." I followed her words.

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