I Became A System

Chapter 31 - Quarrel

Ellena revealed her real identity, making her parents surprised. Baffled by what they just learned, their eyes remained wide as Ellena changed her hair back to black.

Her hair waved, revealing black-hued strands. Diana on her side was just awestruck. The changing of her hair, used by her rune wasn't what Diana was expected. Her speculation was it was just cast fake color, but it turned out that it was Ellena's ability.

Ellena's rune glowed a little, as her hair completely turned to black.

"T-That's your Ability? I thought cursed children don't activate their rune. Moreless, you're still alive?" Hesitantly, Albert's words were full of surprised tone. The way he talks, his lips just tremble.

"W-why are you beautiful?" Matilda blinked as soon she said that. She couldn't believe that she just uttered those words, full of compliments, to her daughter that she really loathe.

Amber and Isabella came, halted when they saw the complicated scene. Amber observed Ellena and saw that Ellena's eyes were just confident. Confident of making a way out of her parents again.

Ellena finally felt the confidence she was lacking in the past. She just thought that she needs their approval to exist, however, she was wrong at that time. And this time, Ellena knows what to do.

"Perhaps this won't become like this if you just love your children sincerely," Ellena commented before pulling Diana out of the room.

"Hey! Where are you taking Diana?" Alber exclaimed.

"Away from the both of you," Ellena answered, however, Diana's other hand was pulled by her father. Struggling to remove the gripping hand, Diana felt weak from her father's strength.

'I-it hurts' Diana endured.

Ellena noticed that she decided to let go of Diana. "Can't you see that Diana's suffering?"

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Albert just made a smug face, "Really? Perhaps it's your fault, if you resulted to have activated your rune in the past, perhaps Diana wouldn't suffer this much."

"Your reason. It's only your reason. Blame me all the way you can, but you can't change the fact that I hate you." Ellena pointed. Seems to be disrespectful, Ellena just thought of them as strangers.

"Ah... you're still trash. You can't tell me what your rune is. Is it magic? Doesn't matter, it's useless anyway. You can just change your hair color." Albert ridiculed.

Unbeknownst to Albert, Ellena's rune holds more power than anyone. Making it a secret, Ellena just rode Albert's words, to confuse him and continue to hide her rune.

"Yeah, yeah. So what? Then what about the speculation about attracting witches? What can you say about that? Sighs... It doesn't matter. Even with different variables, your attitude would still remain the same."

"You don't know me, Ellena. You don't know how I become a nobleman my own."

"I don't care, it's out of my interest anyway."

Ellena just sighed. She felt the hatred slightly getting away from talking with her father. There is a relieving feeling from her heart that she feels every time she saw Albert's irritated face.

Albert, on the other hand, can't still believe how her daughter, that was a cursed child, managed to survive outside her protection.

He speculated that Ellena abruptly asked for the main family's help. Being Amber present supports his theory. However, it is still questionable how a cursed child activates her rune. Was his decision went wrong? He can't think of another reason.

"You're really making me angry. Get out you trash! You don't belong here. Come here, Diana!"

Albert pulled Diana's hand, making her in his position. Ellena tried to stop him but she was already late, Albert was just fast and strong that he manages to pull Diana at that speed.

Concern about what Diana feels, she looked at her, noticed her suffering in pain from the grip.

"Get out of here. Get lost!"

After yelling, Albert's rune glowed, pushing Ellena backward.

Shocked at what happened, Ellena tried to fight Albert, but she was ceased by Aaron.

Aaron, observing everything from above, reported to Ellena about Albert's ability. And her current potential right now won't suffice in fighting Albert.

Aaron concluded that Albert's ability is about strength. Since they can't expose Ellena's different types of abilities, they can't use her [Lightning Manipulation] and drain her stamina since Aaron can't assess Albert's stamina.

"Ellena, we can't fight him." Amber approached Ellena.

"Big Sister Ellena, please leave right now. I will fix this myself."

Deep inside Ellena, she was blaming herself for the turn of the scene. If she didn't get in the scenario, perhaps the outcome is different.

Nevertheless, regretting is useless right now.

"I'm sorry, Diana."

Amber pulled Ellena's hands, she just let herself be dragged by Amber outside.

She was squinting his eyebrows, enraged by her decision. It made Aaron worry, which made him just tell Ellena that they will come back for her sometime.

"Don't worry, I will guide you to have the strength to fight Albert," Aaron said, swearing that he will make things easy for Ellena. Ellena, being convinced, just surrendered then go with Amber's direction.

'Okay. I trust you. I can't let them torment Diana. I suspect them that they will scold or punish her.'

"I know. I can see that. But right now, we can't be reckless, or everything will end."

'I understand. I trust you.'


Ellena's company was inside their carriage, on the way to the nearest city.

The night just started. Stars are shining brightly, with the presence of the moon, lighting the surrounding.

"Uncle Albert is really a scum. I want to have him cuffed for making his children suffer."

"Big Sister is really... I don't know what to say."

Ellena felt unbothered by their words. It wasn't for her in particular, it was just, she might be bothered by mentioning her father's name.

"Don't worry, I will strive to take her out of that estate."

"That's the spirit! We successfully conveyed the message to, so it's we can stay calm right now. We'll just have to head to the county."

Ellena doesn't really know what kind of mansion they'll have in the Lumbert County Territory, but Aaron was expecting something. In his mind, he expects that the mansion would be en grande.


Finally, they reached the nearest city. Renting out a room at an inn, they stayed for the night.

"Sighs... Let's just have dinner. I'm hungry from that travel." Amber said while holding her stomach.

But before they could get out, a knock emerged from behind the door. They opened it, surprised to see who knocked on the door.

"Diana? How did you get here?"

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