I Became A System

Chapter 64 - Pressure Aura, Full Potential

Defeating this old bastard is not that difficult, but it would take too much time. However, if we use the abilities promptly, we can kill him but the downside would be unable to escape.

Well, if the barrier he was telling is something cast using his rough control over the mana, it could be that killing him will free us from this cave. But this giant monkey here, this Giant Evergreen Ape is not something we can escape. Even though we can't kill it, it is still fortunate that it's not focusing on Ellena. We could perhaps wait until it went outside.

The scene might be gore, but it is a rule in this world. Even in any world, there is always a rule that strong ones trample weak ones. It just depends on the people.

"So Ellena, what would you do?"

'I don't know. This one is too much for me I guess. But I can defeat it, however, I would be draining my stamina after.' She answered.

It's problematic. But, I think that's the only one. No! It appears to be the only way...

More seconds later, I activated my blessing to her. I don't know if there is capacity in blessing, but the only information I know is that it depends on the target. If she can't keep up with the blessing, the duration would decline.

It's time to fight, I guess.

I have trust in Ellena, she can do this.

Ellena knows that using her lightning is not an option since he can just dodge it. Even though lightning travels at a speed of light, it is still not applicable since we're inside a cave. Using area effect abilities like lightning is not appropriate for it might hurt others or her.

Call me stupid but not her. I respect Ellena's naivety over things because it is what makes her human. The destiny to rule over others while caring for them is her destiny, and not something I should control.

Ellena used [Pressure Aura] to weaken him again. Adding to [Arm Acustomization] she passed through his defense, making him more irritated.

He hissed before using another attack of Weapon Aura. A blunt image of light shots from his weapon, targeting Ellena. However, Ellena dodged it immediately by sidestepping.

"You're strong," Ellena muttered to the old bastard.

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He just grinned, smug over the word of Ellena. "You realized it right? You won't be the last meal for my Lady since you're going to die." He sneered.

"No worries. I just hit you, I can do it again."

Old bastard remained silent before attacking again. He swung his weapon from the ground, making an air pressure. However, Ellena used her [Footwork Acustomization] to improve her movement.

In a second, she managed to dodge the attacks and as he made another flaw in his defense, Ellena took that opportunity.

A sound of impact resounded, as he successfully defended himself.

Not it's not that good. His eventually keeping up.

Ellena added the usage of stamina to her [Pressure Aura], weakening the old bastard then moved again to attack him. As Ellena raised her sword, she thrust it through the air, targeting the abdomen using the right hand, but he dodged it. Little did he know, Ellena was still not done.

Ellena moved her grip to her left hand. And as her right foot was at the back, she put her weight onto the left foot to swing the sword mid-air, hitting the old bastard.

Blood just dripped from his abdomen. As veins popped again on his forehead, he moved again in a more precise manner.

Breaking the shackle of Ellena's [Pressure Aura], I almost scream in surprise. How could he do this, it's almost 75% of needed stamina. How could he keep up?

"Just how could you improve in a short moment?" Ellena wondered in a furious tone.

However, since the old bastard is still enraged by Ellena's hits, he did not answer.


Ellena defended herself as soon he attacked her. Just in a short moment, he was in front of Ellena.

Ellena stepped backward loosening the connection of their weapons.


Hm? What was that? I just heard a crack. But it seems like they didn't hear it.

Was it just a hallucination? I need to see it. It must be another threat, I can't let it pass!

"Ellena, I'll remain focused on activating the blessing. Please stay strong."

'Where are you going?'

"I heard something. I must see it before it can hurt you."

'Okay. I get it, I will defeat him.'

I left Ellena's side for a moment. Flying over the path to the direction of the entrance. However, not to my anticipation, I just saw a surprising number of people.

They all wore similar gear, but the one leading them didn't use the same armor as them. They appear to be unique.

Are they perhaps reinforcements? But that tribe doesn't blend with the outside so it's impossible. So, my hypothesis that there is perhaps an overflowing dungeon that made them here might be true.

Just on time...

Before they continued, they observed the fight. Their faces are also made in a daze as the corpses of the white-skinned tribe men are on the ground.

I need to let Ellena know this.

I rashly went back to Ellena's side. Reporting what I just saw.

"Ellena, humans! There are humans! They must be here to subjugate that big monkey."

Though, I don't know if they are adventurers or an army. I don't care, they broke the barrier and we can escape through this cave.

'So if there are humans right now. I should finish this immediately.'

The old bastard noticed the plenty of people. He was surprised, tried to left Ellena to defend the huge monster. But Ellena used it as an opportunity.

She used her stamina to fuel the 100% percent of the [Pressure Aura] almost exceeds the 100 percent.

[Pressure Aura exceeds 100%, full-potential]

Ellena's rune glowed violently.

What's she doing?!


'This is my prey. So, I'll be the one who'll kill this. I hope I don't drain myself.'

No way! That's reckless!

Before I could know, Ellena used [Pressure Aura] to the fullest. Almost making the old bastard unable to move. And in just a second, she flashed, her sword flickered.

She slashed the neck, beheading him. As his head fells down, Ellena's lips were pale.

Oh no. This is what I'm scared of.

As her knees almost surrendered, a young man assisted her to stand.

He was one of those groups of people.

And seconds later, Ellena collapsed.

This is not good. There are plenty of people, how can I protect her?

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