I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

Chapter 181: Why Does She Tell Me Everything?

Chapter 181: Why Does She Tell Me Everything?

Mistress, you do not have to be doing this. The supposed Incarnate of Doom you mentioned, could it be that human?

Impossible! He is just some kidhalf a psychic at best! He doesnt even have a complete set of runes in him! Pick any child from my Garden, and Im sure theyll be able to beat him up three times! Plus, the mark dimmed. He was probably being impulsive.

Mistress, before I came, the magpie shifted. Master Oogway could see that the Incarnate of Doom still exists. Why dont you return home? Everybody is worried about you.

Master Oogway has been serving Jumeng ever since she came to be, resting underneath her peach blossoms.

Perhaps due to the stereotype of turtles being wise, he could peer into the future and subsequently transform into an urban legend. His predictions were all eerily accurate.

His tasks were mundane within the Garden, though: the naming of children, the choosing of suitable dates for weddings and funerals, aiding families in search of their missing keys

Jumeng received a call from Lin Yiqi, and she needed to leave the Garden. However, before she left, he peered into the future, and blood flowed from her orifices almost immediately. He begged her to remain within the Garden because she would inevitably encounter the Incarnation of Doom.

Jumeng, of course, doesnt care. Am I not a goddess? she boomed. How could one be a goddess if they have fear in them?

And because of that, she ended up having to reside in Lu Yibeis house to recover. Indeed, if she were to head back now, she would encounter other dangers on her way back. When the time comes

That Doom Incarnate will cease to be.

Hearing the magpie mention Oogway, Jumeng scoffed, And what does he know? That Witch has been in hiding ever since I came here. If theres nothing else, leave me be!

Thinking of her people waiting for her return in the Garden, she paused for a while before muttering, And tell everyone that Im fine. I will return when I am done with my matters.

I understand, and the magpie chirped as it began to shake uncontrollably. Its stomach shuddered and grotesquely expanded as it spat out parcels several times larger than its body.

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Jumeng stepped forward, tore off the tape on the parcel, and took inventory of the contents.

200g of silver, 150g of mica, dogwood, pinto peanuts treated with bilethats everything.

Jumeng is a talented alchemist. Due to her experience, she has developed a keen eye and is able to discern the quality of materials by just looking at them. Besides, she knows in her heart that these materials were top-notch because they were made by none other than her.

These materials were all obtained from the Garden of Peaches, and all of Yibeis money goes straight into her pocket.

Pleasure doing business with you, Jumeng giggled.

It was getting closer to the middle of the month, and the anniversary celebrations of the University were approaching. The campus, of course, had a festive spirit brewing.

It was the same old, boring ritual, to be frank.

Invited guests speak, alumni speak, students-forced-to-give-a-speech speak, donation campaigns and a cultural performance made just for the sake of the rich people to show that their money is, in fact, going somewhere.

Despite how boring the ritual was, it yielded income, so the entire campus was urged to prepare for anniversary celebrations.

Every single student seemed to be doing their own work. In Professor Mas absence, a substitute teacher came, and there were only half of the usual students in class.

Damn, if Professor Ma saw this, he might pop a vein and end up staying in the hospital for a couple more months, Yibei thought.

He took out the copper coins lent to him by Professor Ma and flicked them into the airheads to remain in class, tails to skip class.

Its going to be tails for sure! He thought. All it does is show tails anyway; I have Professor Mas indirect permission to skip class!

Without even looking at the coin, he slapped it down on the back of his hand and stuffed it straight back into his pocket.

He wouldnt actually skip class, considering it was Professor Mas class. However, if it werent for the fact that the Student Union was banging on his door for his script, he wouldve probably never skipped class.

Sitting down at the library he rarely went to, he spread out his pen and paper on the table and stared at it for two whole hours, and the only words written on the paper were [Hello everyone!].

I dont know how to write a speech! he grumbled out loud.

There are common misunderstandings in everyday life: some think that IT majors can repair computers, that those majoring in food sciences can cook, that those majoring in physics can craft atomic bonds

And since Yibei studies liberal arts, some (the Student Union) think that he must be good at writing articles. Well

Plus, it was hard to write a speech about a person who was absolutely not stabbed a total of eighteen times. It was as if asking him, a man, to describe his experiences of giving birth to a baby.

Smacking the pen down on the table, he saw that it was time for lunch and hurriedly packed his bag and left the library.

I only have a day left! he moaned inwardly. Maybe if I absorb Lu Xus memory, Ill be able to vomit a speech out? Ill get it done! Soon!

Food tastes like wax after becoming a Witch, but he still forced himself to down cafeteria food. After a meal, he felt satisfied with how full he felt.

I cant let hunger control me, he reminded himself.

He strolled around campus to aid in digesting his food and waiting for his afternoon classes. He unconsciously found himself walking near Gate No. 4 and frowned as soon as he realised.

He cursed himself for being too distractedthat damned Jumeng stealing all of his money from his card, about what happened last night, and especially rumours of a fire starting at Gate No. 4.

In criminal psychology, it is said that there is a high chance that criminals will return to the scene of the crime.

It is impossible for the Night Division to ignore the commotion that happened last night. If he happens to wander near the gate, he may become a suspect.

And Li Xuan will come knocking on his door again.

Just as he was thinking, somebody patted his shoulder, and a familiar voice that plagued his dreams sounded in his ears.

Hey, youre Lu Yibei, right? I remember you!

He was stunned for a moment. Turning around, Du Sixian had the biggest smile on her as she held two boxes of takeout from the cafeteria in her hands.

Damn it, are the Night Division actually here? he panicked. Is Du Sixian going to report me to them?

Seeing that he went nonverbal, she simply smiled and poked him on the nose, saying, Dont you remember me? We met at the Night Di- uh, the Folk Culture Administration!

In her heart, she only regarded him as her colleague, and to her, having great relationships with your colleague can boost work productivity.

Y-yeah, I remember you, he replied expressionlessly. At the Folk Culture Administration, yeah.

Youre interesting, she chuckled, glancing at Gate No. 4. Speaking of interesting, are you here to help keep track of the incident?

Du Sixian cursed herself for not getting an extra lunchbox.

Oh, no, he hastily denied, and he began to string up a story. There was a rumour going about a fire here last night, and I was worried that some urban legends may form because of it. I planned on telling the Night Division if something happened, but I dont think they have a need for a part-time worker like me to interfere, so

And your voice matters! Sixian patted him on the shoulder. An Qing told me that having a keen sense to detect urban legend activity is important, so I think even a part-time worker like you is important too!

By the way, she whispered. Can I tell you a secret?

I think I know everything about you by now from you plaguing my dreams, Yibei cursed inwardly. Without waiting for his response, Sixian began to babble.

They couldnt find any traces of the urban legend who caused the fire yesterday, but we did find a photo with an urban legend inside of it! The old man in it was kinda scary, but we couldnt find the camera used to take the photo! Isnt that crazy?

Let me tell you, the ghost story that caused the fire yesterday was not found, but when we made an unannounced visit this morning, we found a photo with the ghost story sealed in it. The old man in it was scary, but we searched the house and found nothing. Do you think its strange that the camera that took the picture was not found?

He nodded wordlessly. Luckily for him, Du Sixian was the worlds most trusting being on Earth.

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