I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Sion set down his teacup and replied calmly.

The entire family turns to look at her.

Fred nods slowly, puzzled.

I cant do everything. he says.

I wont ask too much of you, and Im sure Duke Adelaira will be happy to oblige.

Go on.

I would like the wedding to be a year after the engagement.

Sion knew he would not be marrying her.

But now that he was involved, there could be unexpected variables.

Therefore, he wanted to extend the time period just in case, so he could keep an eye on both the protagonist and the Crazy Heroine.

No. After the engagement, the wedding must take place within three months at the earliest.

My proposal is a little special. Wouldnt it be better to delay it a little longer?

I see what you mean, but a year is too long.

Then why dont you make it nine months?

I can bring it down to four months.

I can lower it to eight months.

Five months.

Then lets make it seven months.

Family members listening to the conversation with their mouths agape.

They cant bring themselves to interject because of the twist.

It was rare to see Fred give in, or Sion be so bold.

You want six months?

I halved it.

Ive doubled it.

Maybe we can come to an amicable agreement?

The truth is, Fred too, had been thinking about prolonging the engagement.

He had just decided, after talking to his family, that he needed to negotiate with Duke Adelaira.

Is there anything else?

Once we are engaged, I will stay with the Duke of Adelaira, is that correct?


With all due respect, I would like to be free in the meantime. Oh, and I dont mean to be rude, I just want to clear my mind before the wedding.

Sion hadnt been out of the mansion much since coming to this side of the world.

He needed time to adapt to life within the manor, and with so many eyes on him, he couldnt help but be a little cautious.

In order for him to become stronger as he acquired wealth, he needed to have the freedom to move about on his own.

You mean you dont want to be interfered with?

Something like that, but a little different. I dont want to bring disgrace to the family name.

That shouldnt be too difficult. Let me see if I can get a word in.

Oh, right. To be free, one must have money. Could you be a little more generous with some money?

I get it.

Fred was about to argue, but reluctantly accepted.

He was handing over Sion to the Dukes of Adelaira for the benefit of his family.

He couldnt say no, not when he was making such sacrifices.

If I am treated unfairly, please allow me to break off the engagement.

Thats already been promised.

This is the final one. If this engagement is broken, please allow me to choose my own partner.

Fred stiffens, slightly embarrassed.

He had already made a promise to Lianne about that.

If he granted this request here, he would be breaking his promise to Lianne.

Do you have a girl in mind?

Lianne broke into the conversation.

He wouldnt ask for such a favor unless he had someone in mind.

Not yet.

Then why are you saying that?

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Because I want to live happily ever after, even if I lack it a bit. Oh, and are you worried that I might marry a commoner? because that will never happen.

Sion had a number of different possibilities in mind.

Divorced or not, there would come a time when he would need to rely on his family for support.

He couldnt cut the Lairds off completely, so he was willing to compromise.

Well If thats what you want, then I cant help it.

With this answer, Lianne conveyed her intentions to Fred.

Of course, she had no intention of giving up on her promise, but now was the time to back down.

Being too stubborn would only make things worse.

I understand. I will grant your wishes. Is that enough?

Yes. Ill do as you say.

Sion empties his teacup, satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations.

He deliberately called for a year to make the engagement last six months.

Normally, negotiations are supposed to start out loud and work their way down.

However, I didnt expect him to accept the condition that he would choose to marry me.

If we get separated, Can I live alone for the rest of my life?

Of course, it wasnt going to work out the way I thought.

There were no guarantees that promises made in the past would be honored in the future.

It was just a defense, a way to negotiate another deal.

Now Ive got to meet up with the Crazy Heroine

Sion didnt have much of an objection to her.

She was intentionally hiding her true personality by being into drinking and gambling.

In other words, she was acting to appear like a crazy person.

She has a good personality, so she doesnt hurt other people.

Even after they became engaged, she didnt treat him badly.

She always kept her distance and provoked him with sarcastic remarks.

Shell run away before we get married.

In the meantime, she had saved up a lot of money and continued to practice her magic.

It was only when she was pushed to the point of engagement and marriage that she reluctantly escaped from Duchess Adelaira.

Im surprised they didnt break up after everything that happened.

Perhaps there were negotiations between Fred and the Duke of Adelaide.

Honor, pride, and profit were at stake for both houses.

But there was no way in hell Sion Laird was going to stand idly by.

Is there a reason for this, perhaps theres a reason for it. Perhaps he (real him) really liked the Crazed young lady

Sion shook his head in disbelief.

There was no way Sion Laird would have a crush on a Crazy Girl.?

Hed always been shunned, and never really had conversations.

I better prepare myself in advance. Its not easy to live a comfortable life.

Reception room, Duke of Adelaides residence.

The Marquis and his wife and their youngest son were visiting the Duchess of Adelaide.

Originally, the engagement ceremony was intended to be a simple one, followed by a meal and socializing.

Moreover, the Duke was higher in rank than the Marquess, and had more wealth and prestige, making him a more appropriate venue for an engagement ceremony.

Now, why dont we send the two of you away and talk to each other?

Oh, right. I should have realised.

Robbins listened to Freds words, and only then did he notice the two people.

This is the first time theyve ever met, and even the engagement ceremony will feel strange.

He had to set aside a space for them to talk so they could get to know each other.

I suppose Im more oblivious than the Marquess of Laird.

Thats because you have a lot to say, and both of them will understand.

I appreciate your consideration. Why dont you two speak privately?

At Robbins suggestion, the two seated at the far end quietly rose.

They bowed lightly to each other and slipped out of the reception room.

This is going so well, but I dont think anything nice will come out of the two of us.

Sion glanced cautiously as he was led by the maid.

The eldest daughter of the Duke of Adelaira was walking alongside him.

Outwardly, she was quite demure and graceful, but inwardly, she must have found his presence a nuisance.

A provocation or a mockery depending on how her mood is.

Sion entered the other room with Young Lady.

As they sat down, a maid offered them tea cups and poured them tea.

Soon the two were alone, but neither of them spoke.

Shes pretty. I suppose thats to be expected of a heroine.

Sion is the first to raise his teacup, looking at her casually.

Long orange hair, dreamy light-brown eyes, and a cold, noble-looking face.

She smiles often, and appears cheerful in front of the protagonist, but when shes with him, she has a stern look in her eyes.

Youre three years younger than me, then you can leave me alone and get out.

Hanette Adelaira, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Adelaira, spoke first.

She was 22 years old, but her partner had just turned 19.

Usually, in a marriage, the man would be older, but on rare occasions, the opposite was true.

Hmm If youre couple, wouldnt it be better to treat each other with respect?

Whos a couple? Were not married yet.

Then I hope you dont mind if I call you by your first name? as its a little too distant for me to call you sister.

Sion sips from his tea with a faint smile.

Hanette was being a bitch, but she wasnt being malicious.

Shes just being provocative because she doesnt want to get too close to him.

Arent you a bit cocky?

As far as cockiness goes, isnt it you whos the bigger one? No matter how big the age gap is, you shouldnt speak unkind words.

Ha! So you want me to show respect to a brat like you?

Youre only three years older than me and yet you say that?

Dont you think thats a bit of an age gap?

Thats why I call you Sister. If you dont like it, I can always call you by your first name.

Oh, really

Hanette squints her eyes and chuckles.

As the youngest son of a Marquis, I expected him to be well-bred, but he was surprisingly snarky.

I had heard that he had a plain personality and appearance, but I wondered if even that was wrong.

You dont like the idea of marrying me either, do you? Same with me, I have some complaints because its a marriage I dont want.

What are you complaining about? You dont deserve me.

Dont be silly, Im more worthy.

Ha! Thats not funny, youre not even worth noticing.

Its relative. Im normal, but youre a Crazy.

Sion puts down his teacup, provoking Hanette.

An argument was bound to break out anyway.

It wouldnt matter who started it. The outcome would be the same.

Now that youre engaged to an Crazy, youre the same. Shouldnt you be more disappointed?

Not really tho. I have plenty of options.

You think I dont have anyone else to choose but you? Im purposely avoiding them. I dont want to meet people like you.

And here you are, meeting someone like me after all?

Im just unlucky.

Why does my sister say exact words that Im thinking of saying?

Its only meaningful if I say it before you.

Ooh thats pretty childish.

Better than you.

Oh, I see, my sister is three years older.

Why dont you go weep and whine? you three years younger than me.

Hanette leaned back and sipped her teacup sarcastically.

She had never encountered anyone so bold as to talk back to her.

After all, one cannot be so disrespectful to the Dukes young lady.

If he hadnt been engaged to her, he wouldnt have been able to speak.

Unfortunately, Im an adult and I dont want to act like a child.

You look like one to me. Do you know how to drink? Have you ever been with a woman? You dont even look like you could keep up with the nightlife.

You bring up an interesting point. How about we find out today? Are you sure you want it?

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