I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 99: Marriage (Complete)

Chapter 99: Marriage (Complete)

Chapter 99: Marriage (Complete)

Embracing Adilun in my arms, I realized she was crying.

I couldnt tell her not to cry. She must be crying out of happiness. And... I too felt a wave of emotion swelling up within me.

Yes. Finally, we were at the starting line of a new life.

A relationship where we face each other, walk together at times, and perhaps fight occasionally, but always reconcile based on a foundation of steadfast trust. That was where we were starting.

With this thought, I gently released Adilun from my embrace and looked at her face.

Her eyes tinged with a hint of red looked beautiful to me, as if I was gazing at a sky strewn with stars.

In the end, I couldnt resist and stole a kiss from her lips. Despite having longed for them countless times, how could they make me this happy?

Thump. Thump.

And simultaneously, the sound of Adiluns heartbeat resounded.

This wasnt the steady heartbeat of Adilun that I was used to; it was slightly erratic. It was the first time I had ever heard her heart sound so loud.

Wondering what was happening, I looked at Adilun, and the focus disappeared from her eyes.


Thump. Thump. Thump.

The heartbeat began to intensify. I didnt know the details, but something was about to happen.

Suddenly, with dazed eyes, she turned toward the balustrade of the bell tower. I grabbed Adilun and called out to her again.


What on Earth was happening? Filled with concern, I embraced her from behind.

But the thing I feared did not happen. She was simply looking up at the sky. Her still thundering heartbeat lingered in my ears.

Whats going on?

What exactly is happening right now?

Stars circled around her as she looked up at the sky. No, it was more like a galaxy descending, as light came down from above.


Contrary to my bewildered tone, Adiluns expression was serene.

The starlight descended and rested on her shoulders.


Suddenly, wings unfurled. These werent wings made of feathers but seemed to be created from ice crystals and light intermingling.

Transparent yet emitting a frigid aura, those wings spread wide from her shoulders, and then Adilun seemed to regain consciousness.



At my call, she looked at me as if just realizing she had momentarily lost consciousness.

Physis? Uh, why am I here...?

You lost consciousness for a moment and started walking outside on your own.


And then light poured down from the sky, and wings sprouted.


Upon hearing my words, she began to touch her shoulders, where her wings had sprouted. Soon, she seemed to realize something and spread her wings before speaking.

These are... dragon wings. Id only read about them in ancient texts; I never knew I could actually have wings.

How did this happen?

Its because of the covenant we made.


Yes. A lifelong covenant. Dragon wings are the final stage of awakening, following the manifestation of a spiritual core. Its the stage that our ancestor dragon Altair reached. Physis.


Could you... give me a moment?

I dont know whats going on, but alright.

As soon as I agreed,  she clasped her hands together and folded her wings around me.

It looked as if she instinctively knew what to do, even though shed only just spread her wings moments ago.

The slightly translucent wings, which had previously exuded a chilly aura, now warmly enveloped me.

What on earth was happening?

I was puzzled, but it didnt seem to be something harmful, so I quietly waited for her next move. Then I began to hear the steady heartbeat of Adilun once again.

Then, Adiluns mouth opened.

It wasnt words. Sounds that couldnt be described as language began to emanate from her lips.

As those sounds merged, I began to feel something settling into my body. The part of her wing that had enveloped me seemed to be seeping into me.

Then, a burning pain appeared in my chest, and I grimaced for a moment. But the pain was fleeting. Curious, I touched the center of my chest.

This sensation. It was something Id felt beforeAdiluns spiritual core, or core essence, inside her chest. It felt the same.

A core essence?

Probably so.

Why do I have a core essence now?

Its a sign that you are a dragons companion. From now on... we will share our lives.

What do you mean by lives?

Lifespan. When my life ends, so will yours.

So, my lifespan has increased?

Yes. I could feel it when I spread my wings. I have a long life ahead of me, transcending the limitations of being human. Maybe hundreds, perhaps even a thousand years.

How is that even possible? Im just... a normal human.

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When a dragon forms a covenant, they can grant a single wish. So, I wished to share the remaining half of my life with you. That you could live with me until the end of my life.

For a moment, her expression darkened.

This is my selfishness. Having an abnormally long life might be a curse rather than a blessing. Even so, I... I wished for it. Because I cant imagine a life without you now. Can you forgive this selfish me?


I answered immediately. Yes, the days ahead may be fraught with challenges, but if I could walk through them with someone I love more than anyone else, I could bear it.

With that, I embraced her tightly.

How many times had I hugged her? Yet each time I did, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment, confirming how much I truly loved her.

Thank you. And... I love you.

At the end, what came out was a clich. But clichs were clichs because they hit home.

I love you too.

That was the only answer I could give.

* * *

It was a bright day.

A day when just walking around was uplifting.

A grand festival was taking place in Rodenov. The heart of Rodenov, the castle city of Caltix, clearly came into view for both Lobelia and Aristata.

Its your first time here too. Isnt it, Aristata?

Yes, it is.

Speaking of which, a wedding. Somehow, it makes me envious.

I feel the same way. The two of them seemed to get along quite well during the last National Foundation Day, and now, here they are.

What about your fianc?

...Asphodel, you know how it is.


Lobelia averted her eyes, changing the subject.

Come to think of it, Id like to see Adilun first.

Me too. I heard that her scales have disappeared, so I wonder how she looks now.

I heard she is incredibly beautiful?

Must be. After all, even Duke Johannes and Duchess Claudia are known for their beauty.

Well... well find out when we see her.

The two looked oddly comfortable with each other.

Ah, is it over there?

Its my first time seeing it, but it looks like something straight out of a story.

Lobelia admired the Caltix castle.

Says the person who looks like she leaped right out of a storybook.

Haha, is that so?

Yes, it is. Lets not make a fuss, were here for a reason.

Right, right.

The two entered Caltix Castle without incident. As soon as Princess Lobelia and the Aristata Glosuna made their appearance, a commotion broke out within the castle walls.

Even though they had sent an invitation, no one expected the two to arrive unaccompanied.

Of course, this was of little consequence to the two women.

They began to discuss whom they should visit first.

Who shall we meet first?

Of course bride.

Alright, lets go.

They walked towards the brides waiting room.

The sound of bustling activity reached their ears. Adilun was engrossed in getting ready, seemingly in the thick of her preparations.

Lobelia and Aristata felt their hearts flutter inexplicably at the sight.

The pure white dress that flowed down to her toes, coupled with the saying that a woman looks her most beautiful at her wedding, left no room for disagreement.

Adilun was stunning. There was no other way to describe her.

Her dark blue hair cascaded down her back, and atop her head were bluish-white horns that seemed to flaunt her extraordinary nature.

Equally ostentatious was the diamond ring on her left ring finger. Clearly a masterful piece of craftsmanship, soon to be replaced by a wedding ring, no doubt.

Sensing their presence, Adilun turned her head slightly.

Even seeing just her back, her beauty was evident, but a frontal view was simply overwhelming. Lobelia and Aristata, who had never felt inferior to anyone based on looks, found themselves utterly eclipsed by her.

Her eyes were a gold color that held a subtle tension, and her cheeks and jawline were still tinged with pale blue scales. The remaining scales, like the horns on her head, only added to her mystique.


Adilun greeted them with a relaxed attitude. The two hurriedly reciprocated.

Ah, hello. Its been a while, Adilun.

It has been. Your Highness. And to you, Princess Glosuna.

Thank you for inviting me, Princess Rodenov.

Youre welcome.

Aristata wanted to know why she was invited and why Adilun was looking at her with such an expression.

It was as if she was seeing a dear friend after a long time.

Congratulations on your wedding. Thats the first thing we should say, right?

Thank you, Your Highness.

Theres a lot I want to ask, but the ceremony is about to begin, so well save that for later.

I look forward to it. Please, enjoy yourselves. This is a wedding prepared by Rodenovs most skillful people, so theres plenty to see.


The two of them nodded and left the brides waiting room. A strange sense of awe enveloped them.

Whew. Theres a subtle intensity in the air.

Indeed. And for some reason, I cant quite grasp why she looked at us so warmly.


Both wore enigmatic expressions as they shook their heads.


In the grooms waiting room, Physis had finished dressing and sat there with a slightly tensed look. His gaze was focused on the door.

Hows Adilun?

Shes all set. Its time to move.

Sara, the head maid and Adiluns aide, replied.

Nodding, Physis stepped out of the room and headed for the wedding hall.

As the announcer proclaimed the grooms entrance, the doors opened, revealing Physis in his pristine white tuxedo.

The hall was filled with peopleknights from both Rodenov and Ortaire, and family members.

People invited from all corners of the empire filled the room.

The red carpet laid on the floor signaled the path leading to marriage. Physis moved a little stiffly, his nerves not yet fully relaxed.

How long had he waited? Just as Physis had stiffened up completely,

The bride is entering!

The moment hed been waiting for had arrived. Adilun slowly approached, holding the hand of Duke Johannes.

She looked more beautiful than ever, draped in pure white, her veil gently fluttering down. Her slightly visible face beneath the veil was utterly charming.

He could have easily exclaimed in admiration, but Physis restrained himself. It was a sacred ceremony, after all.

As they reached the halfway point, Physis turned and stepped forward to meet them. Then, Duke Johannes released Adiluns hand.


Thank you.

Take good care of my daughter. As you know... if she shows even a hint of her old self, youll have to answer to me.

Ill keep that in mind.

At Duke Johannes half-joking, half-serious comment, Physis gave an awkward smile. His stiffness began to ease.

Lets go, Adilun.


Physis took Adiluns hand, and together they proceeded to the center of the hall.

Presiding over the ceremony was the High Priest of the Vitala Church, Narcissus. Though she should have been in Enasa, she had come at Princess Lobelias request and graciously agreed to officiate the wedding.

It seemed to be because shed heard the tale of how they had repelled the Demon King and saved many lives.

Narcissus began to speak.

The traditional wedding vows commenced. Words of gratitude for being invited to such a joyous occasion on such a wonderful day were spoken.

Words flow from Narcissus mouth, and the formal wedding ceremony begins.

Groom, do you vow to cherish the bride for the rest of your life and to place your trust in her?

I vow.

Physis spoke, a resolute promise emanating from his lips.

Bride, do you vow to stand by the grooms side and trust in each other for the rest of your life?

I vow.

Adiluns lips parted, her eyes, which had been slightly quivering, finally steady.

With prayers for a bright future, filled with mutual respect, elevation, and trust, I hereby declare that you are now husband and wife.

As Narcissus finished her declaration, Physis gently removed the engagement ring from Adiluns left ring finger and replaced it with the prepared wedding ring. Adilun followed suit, completing the same ritual.

Finally, there will be an oath kiss.

Narcissus voice came through, tinged with a hint of excitement.

The two looked into each others eyes. What filled their gaze was trust and affection. Their emotions were so palpable that everyone in the hall could sense them.

The eyes of the surrounding crowd softened, and smiles formed on their lips.

Physis lifted the veil from Adiluns head and placed his lips upon hers.

Next, the sound of applause reverberated throughout the hall.

Many challenges had been faced, and many more were to come.

Their future wont be entirely bright, nor will it be entirely dark.

But they would overcome.

Two people who once despised each other to the point of wishing death had finally reached a blissful marriage, wrapped in affection and trust for one another.

Endless time stretches ahead. No one knew what the future holds, but at least these two know one thing.

No matter what happens, the two of them will be happy.

Perhaps, forever.

I became the fiance of the dragon in the Romance Fantasy- completed.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

[ TL: Hey, everyone! Today, I've finally published the last chapter of 'Fianc of Dragon' on the site! 

Honestly, I don't know how to feel. I feel accomplished... and lost. I feel happy... but also sad. I feel proud to have completely translated my first book... and sorrowful that I can not translate it anymore. 

Though no matter how I feel, the thing is we have finished translating our first-ever novel!! And trust me, there are many more to come!! That reminded me: If you liked my translation, you can go read 'Picking up Unrequited Love'. Not lying. It's currently my favorite rom-com novel. Here's the link: https://www.readingpia.me/series/picking-up-unrequited-love

Hope to see you guys there too. 

Happy Reading!! 

P.S. I didn't translate from chapters 100 to 108 because the author is not satisfied with the side story and wants to rewrite it. Once he does, I'll translate those chaps as well. Thank you. ]

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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