I Became The Necromancer Of The Academy

Chapter 159: The Reason for Her Return

Chapter 159: The Reason for Her Return

The First Detention Center of the Clark Republic.

It was the place where the most ruthlessly ruined, blood-soaked bodies came out as if they were being churned out from a factory.

Although there were a total of five detention centers, this specific area was the largest and most advanced facility.

If one lasted a year, they were considered strong-willed.

If one lasted two years, then they were deemed to possess innate blessings from the go.

If one managed to last three years, they were considered nothing but spies from the Republic.

It was that kind of place.

However, in reality, among those who had entered this detention center, no one had lasted for three years.

The First Detention Center was the Republic’s thickest whip and a symbol of terror for its citizens.


Sirens were blaring loudly.

The inmates wondered what kind of situation would warrant this unfamiliar warning sound.

In fact, it wasn't just the longest-serving inmates who were wondering; it was also the first time the Republic’s prison guards, who worked there, had heard this siren.

Because it was the signal that someone had infiltrated the First Detention Center.

The culprit, Findenai, the leader of the Scrapyard Nomads, was running through the detention center's corridors with her white hair fluttering.

"I never imagined that there would be heat sensors."

Findenai responded incredulously to the words of the Scrapyard Nomads members following her.

"Jeez, these bastards only did their best for this kind of thing."

Since the First Detention Center held not only the concept of a simple detention center, but was also a symbolic meaning for the Republic’s dictatorship, it was never meant to be breached.

Holding her axe firmly, Findenai glanced at the members following behind her.

She knew that she would lose most of the people who came with her to this place. However…

"Chief, don't hesitate unnecessarily."

"That's right. Aren't we supposed to rescue the kids?"

"I never thought I would experience freedom in this lifetime anyway."

Seeing the determined resolve of her comrades, Findenai also steadied her heart.

Was it really that way?

She put another cigarette in her mouth.

After lighting and inhaling the scent, she exhaled the smoke. With a calm feeling, she turned to the corner of the corridor with the cigarette still in her mouth.

In the distance, there were prison guards holding shields, already blocking the entire corridor.

When they noticed Findenai and the Scrapyard Nomads advancing, they immediately extended their gun barrels through the shields and pulled the triggers.

The bullets were fired without the slightest hint of mercy or hesitation. However…

"Bullets won't work on me now."

Findenai's mana twisted the trajectory of the bullets, embedding them into the wall. Among the techniques she learned in Griffin, it was the one she was most satisfied with.


"T-the bullets got redirected!"

Findenai flew towards the startled prison guards and kicked their shields away with her feet, breaking their defense.


At the same time, she struck a prison guard's head with her axe and immediately withdrew it back.

Following her, the other Scrapyard Nomads members rushed in, stabbing spears or knives into the prison guards' throats or heads, finishing them off.

It was perfect coordination.

After repeating this several times, the prison guards blocking their path were no longer visible. It seemed like they had another plan, perhaps realizing that fighting in small groups would likely just lead to their defeat.

"Let's push through."

With another cigarette from the remaining ones between her lips, Findenai ran towards their destination.

They were heading towards the place known as the Kids Zone in the First Detention Center.

"It's right ahead!"

At the sudden shout from a member who had already finished scouting, Findenai put more force into her legs.

Bright lights illuminated the end of the corridor; they had finally reached the Kids Zone.

However, prison guards surrounded the entrance, aiming their guns at them.

Bullets flew from every direction like a sudden downpour.

But this was a situation they had already anticipated.

The Scrapyard Nomads quickly conjured up storms of mana alongside Findenai.

They weren't just idling during their time in Griffin. Now, they could combine their mana to shield themselves from the bullets.

That was what they thought.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Simultaneous gunfire erupted.

The booming noise, which was reminiscent of cannonballs rather than bullets, heavily reverberated.

Several members behind Findenai fell under the barrage.

Snipers were pointing human-sized rifles in their direction from the second-floor railing.

Can bullets with such power really be stopped?

Findenai gritted her teeth at this realization and pushed forward.

"Let’s advance inside so they won’t be able to snipe recklessly!"

What followed was a feast.

Despite taking injury, the Scrapyard Nomads plunged into the midst of the enemy, resulting in a brutal dogfight with the prison guards.

However, the Scrapyard Nomads specialized in these kinds of scuffles as they were accustomed to it. The prison guards, who at most only wielded their batons against helpless inmates, were no match for them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

More thick bullets rained down, piercing through some of the Scrapyard Nomads.

Even Findenai narrowly dodged a bullet that grazed her waist.

"These crazy bastards!”

"Are they shooting regardless of friend or foe?!"

Findenai crouched down, glaring at the snipers who continued shooting as if it didn't matter if they hit their own allies amidst the chaos.

The battlefield on the bottom floor was already in their favor. As long as she handled the snipers, everything would be fine. So, she infused mana into her legs and leaped towards the second-floor railing.

Her movements were truly elegant.

Even Findenai herself felt that her condition and current form were impeccable.

In mid-air, she hurled both of her axes. The snipers had no chance to try and evade as the axes embedded into their heads.

It wasn't just their splitting heads—it was a sign for utter destruction.

Landing on the second-floor railing where the snipers had been, she pulled out her axes and turned her gaze to the remaining snipers.

Those bastards had further distanced themselves, aiming to escape through the connected exterior of the second-floor railing.

Their plan was to flee to another floor using the ladder installed on the outer wall.

Feeling the chilling wind blowing in from outside the entrance, Findenai tucked one of her axes to her waist and grabbed a sniper's rifle, pulling the trigger.


The scent of the cigarette from her mouth masked the rough recoil and the strong smell of gunpowder.

One of the fleeing snipers collapsed with a bullet pierced through his chest.

With no intention of letting anyone escape, Findenai followed them through the second-floor railing, heading outside.


A strong wind blew.

She spotted the extermination units gathered at the first-floor entrance, waiting for them


The moment she saw it, she knew right away. It was so disgusting that she involuntarily gasped.

The children in the Kids Zone were just bait and the prison guards who were defending the detention center from inside were just a distraction to buy time.

Among them was the man who commanded all the extermination units alone. He was the only one clad in a gray Protection. He met Findenai's gaze in a provoking manner.

One of the three Superhumans who pledged allegiance to the Republic's Dictator.

Oskov Valtan.

With a soldier-like short haircut and scars running long across his cheeks, Oskov was originally over 2 meters tall, but due to his Protection, he now stood at almost 3 meters tall with numerous medals adorning his chest.

Gripped in his hand was a greatsword shaped like a saw blade, a weapon that had reaped the lives of countless resistance members.

"Findenai, it's been a while."

Oskov greeted warmly, but Findenai immediately chewed on her cigarette and frowned.

Even though the First Detention Center was an important location, it wasn't typical for a Superhuman like Oskov to be on constant standby with extermination units.


They must have properly laid out a net with the intent to completely finish the resistance.

This scene must have been part of their plan from the moment they sent Doberman to make Findenai return to the Clark Republic.

Without further ado, Findenai turned to check the interior of the Kids Zone. Thanks to the suppressed snipers, all the prison guards had now turned into corpses and the Scrapyard Nomads were rescuing the children.

"Chief! We've found all the kids!"

"We just need to make a run for it now!"

The members were smiling brightly, unaware of the situation outside.

If the extermination units could open the massive doors on the first floor of the Kids Zone and enter, then it would be as good as signing their death warrants.

"I'll draw their attention, so make your escape."

"What? What are you saying?"

"Get the kids and run! You can risk that much for your lives, right?"

Sensing Findenai's intense reaction, the quick-witted members asked anxiously.

"Chief, is there something… outside?"


She spat out the burnt stub of her cigarette— only two remained now.

Findenai took one of them out, lit it, and tossed it towards her comrades.


The scent of the cigarette that fell to the ground spread, filling the surroundings.

“In case anyone dies here, I'll at least provide some fine scent.”

It was a good smell, surely they could have their eternal rest comfortably now.

"Chief! Chief! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Where are you going? Chief!"

"We'll fight outside too!"

Hearing the cries of her members, Findenai swung her axe down on the metal floor of the second floor, bringing it crashing down.

"You’ve worked hard."

With a final farewell, Findenai leaped outside and stood before the main gate of the Kids Zone.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

She then hit the huge latch on the main gate with her axe, bending it completely.

Now, unless someone broke the gate, no one could enter or leave.

"It seems like you’re done with your goodbyes?"

As the extermination units aimed their guns at her, a towering figure, standing at a height of 3 meters, approached her with a greatsword slung over his shoulder.

The smug sneer on the lips of the Superhuman Oskov couldn't have been more irritating than this.

Even though she wanted to light the last remaining cigarette, if she reached into her pocket now, bullets would surely fly.

Now, with mana running so low that she had to conserve it, Findenai replied through clenched lips.

"Screw you, did you swarm here with all your people because you felt like you couldn't handle me alone?"

"Provocation? Huh, not bad."

Despite his words, Oskov's pupils showed no hint of wavering.

"But unlike you, I'm not foolish enough to let emotions dictate my actions."


"Just look at you, bringing your comrades here just to rescue some useless kids who won't contribute anything to your revolution. Mark my words, the Scrapyard Nomads will be finished today."

"As long as you're around, we won't disappear."

The Scrapyard Nomads.

It was a place where useless discarded people gathered. They might curse each other as ugly bastards, but they treasured each other as comrades.

Behind her now were her comrades who were like her family.

The longer she stalled, the more time they'd have to escape.

"The second and third Scrapyard Nomads will emerge again."

"Without you at the center, they will just be rabble. White Wolf, wouldn't it have been better if you had forgotten everything and lived in the kingdom?"


"You had the chance to settle down there, find work, meet a good man, and live a normal life."

There was such a future.

It would have been better to forget everything here and continue to live in Norseweden with everyone.

Living as the maid of that man, she could grumble while laughing joyfully.

Yes, it would have been nice to live like that.



"Stop spouting bullshit."

She would no longer be called Findenai if that happened.

There was a man she loved.

Although it was just a guess, she thought he also probably had some vague feelings for her.

It was because she was Findenai, the leader of the Scrapyard Nomads and a woman who bore everything and fought, she caught his eye.

However, if she settled for a peaceful life in Griffin and let go of everything, could she still be called Findenai?

Would she still be the same woman occupying a part of Deus Verdi's heart?

"I didn't come back here to give up on him."


She put more strength in her hands that were holding the axes.

"The reason I returned…"

As she exhaled a deep breath, a long white stream of breath escaped her lips.

"...is to remain as the woman he loved, for as long as possible."

Yes, it was to continue being the Findenai who Deus /genesisforsaken

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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