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Chapter 26: Healing ability

Chapter 26: Healing ability

Tess detection ability was really strong, especially because of how prudent he is. But at this point, no matter how careful he was, he had to go out in the open due to his brother being in danger.

Osss route is unpredictable, but hes probably somewhere nearby. Tes muttered to himself.

He observed his surroundings each time he took a step forward. Facing such a prudent person, It was no wonder that no one had caught him yet.

Right now, he was walking on a dimly lit street, wearing a black suit that made it easier for him to merge into the darkness.

After a short period of time, he saw Oss sitting on a narrow street. Although the lighting wasnt good, he could still confirm that the man sitting on the ground was his brother.

Oss? He shouted.

But after waiting for some time, he didnt get a response.

Seeing his brother not responding, instantly made him go on alert, Somethings wrong.

After confirming that there was nothing in the vicinity, he just stood there, still not walking near Oss.

His character didnt allow him to lose his cool, so he could keep his mind calm even in these circumstances. 

Did S.H.I.E.L.D. find us? Tes was a bit nervous, making his paranoia kick in and instantly thinking if this was somehow linked to S.H.I.E.L.D.

When he thought of that, he remained still as ever, not showing anything. No matter what happened, his life came first.

And with that, he turned back without hesitation. In his mind, his brother was already dead, and there was no point in dying for a dead person.

Whoosh. At that time, a dozen flying sabres shot towards his face.

Its a trap!

As a level 8 criminal, he was so powerful that even other level 8 agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. could not hurt him.

He turned back again to avoid the sabres.

But the flying sabres were more difficult to deal with than expected, making it so he couldnt slip away at that moment.


His abdomen was penetrated by two flying sabres. Against the sabers powerful force, his whole body collided with the wall behind him heavily.

What a strange flying sabre, and what terrific accuracy! This time, Tes freaked out.

Is it Hawkeye?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hawkeye was a legendary agent from S.H.I.E.L.D. that he just couldnt even touch. Such a powerful person was here to kill him and his brother? How could that be possible?

As he was thinking, at the end of the street, a dark shade was moving towards him at a rapid pace.

Here he comes.

Tes took out a pistol with a silencer, withstanding the agony that the movement brought.

Bang,bang,bang !

Three consecutive bullets flew out, shot accurately at Bruce. But Bruce just raised one of his hands, without any panic in his eyes.


He felt a warm current flow though his hand, and a great strength surge within him. He strengthened his hand in a second.

The three bullets were all caught by him, not even managing to inflict pain on him.

How could that be possible? Tes watched Bruce walking closer and closer, completely surprised.

The movements he just made were the same that his brother Oss made when he activated his ability.

In a second, he confirmed that his enemy was not Hawkeye, but he was definitely an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Tes took out the katana on his back and slashed towards Bruce when he got close.

Bruce avoided the attack immidiately, and took out his dagger to parry it.

Clank, the two metal objects crossing made sparks fly out everywhere.

Both of them had powerful fighting techniques. When they passed by each other, they had already exchanged strikes many times.

His abdomen was penetrated by my sabre, but there is no blood flowing out or any affect on his combat effectiveness.Thats definitely due to his healing ability. Bruce thought.

When they exchanged strikes, Bruce had already confirmed his enemies ability. He knew that if someone had that kind of power, they could ignore normal injuries.

Thats the reason why he was still alive even after his heart had gotten shot three times.

In other words, normal severe wounds couldnt kill him. Unless his body got badly damaged, like losing a limb, he would recover.

In a short period of time, Bruce had already finished his assessment on his enemy.

He didnt believe that Tes could heal himself from a severed limb, because only Wolverine and Deadpool were capable of his.

Tes was only a level 8 criminal so he definitely couldnt do that. Otherwise Hawkeye and Black Widow would definitely go after him.

But the abilities that Tes had were definitely close to superpowers.

It was a pity that Bruce didnt have super vision, otherwise his flying sabres would definitely not miss if he wasnt affected by the darkness.

When he thought of this, Bruce was looking forward to meeting Hawkeye again.


With the battle prolonging, Bruce was confident in his victory, as he had Black Widows fighting ability, he would definitely not lose in a long fight.

Tes couldnt defeat him but he could hold him up for a little while.

Who the hell is this guy? There is no such guy in S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, Tes was really scared.

This guys fighting technique was so strong that Tes could barely even hold his own.

Unless he was a level 9 agent, which would explain his capabilities.

But he knew all of the level 9 agents working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and none of them fit this guys profile.

At this moment, Bruces right hand shone, showing a faint metallic luster on it, making its way towards his face.

That is too fast.

Tes was freaking out because he didnt have a chance of getting away from that.

The next moment, Bruces hand made contact with his body, but the imagined strength didnt come through.

What happened?

Tes was confused, but he saw a smile come up on Bruces face. When Bruce touched Tess body, he got information on Tes and his abilities.


[Name]: Tes Jackett. 

[Identity]: Level 8 contract. 

[Ability]: Top-level Fighting technique(250MB)Knife proficiency(300MB)Proficiency in firearms(300MB), Self-healing(2GB).


It was really a Self-healing ability! Bruce was right!

And he also knew all the details about this ability. If you got hurt, even if it was fatal, you could still heal yourself in a safe place.

But you would still die if you got another fatal would in a short period of time. He he had to use this ability in a very safe environment.

Even though there was a limitation, the ability was still really good and useful for Bruce.

Bruce instantly pressed the download button.

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