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Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Chapter 303: Seizing the Mind Gem

At the moment of crisis, Vision reacted. He materialized and shielded Tonys body from a fatal blow!

Warning, there is a huge amount of energy in the aerospace carrier Fridays electronic report arrived late, and Tony hurriedly turned his head to see Dracula piercing Visions chest.

No! Steve raised his shield and rushed towards Dracula, trying to save Vision.

This This is an Infinity Gem, the Mind Gem.

Avenger, human superhero? Dracula looked at the gem, injected his spirit into it, and quickly recognized its origin.

A ridiculous bunch.

You actually placed such a precious treasure in such a place.

Extending his fist and hitting Steves shield, he pushed Captain America away. Dracula revealed his nails and pulled the Mind Gem from Visions head.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Vision cried out painfully, then feebly fell to the ground.

Even if Bruce strengthened his body with vibranium, he could not resist Draculas power of blood.

Roar! Dr. Banner roared wildly, then slammed his fist towards Dracula.

At the same time, Blade also drew his sword, and the two formed a pincer attack.

The Mind Gem could enhance the users mental power.

If Professor X obtained the Mind Gem, it would undoubtedly be better than using a brain wave amplifier.

Even a person who had no mind control ability could control other peoples thoughts if he obtained the Mind Gem.

What more if Dracula, who had the ability to hypnotize, acquired it?

Although he didnt get the boosting power of other gems, Draculas mental power was still also doubled.

Feeling the power that made him happy.

Dracula laughed wildly at the two people rushing towards him. Haha, you dont know how powerful this force is. From now on, you can only become my slaves!

Driven by Draculas massive mental power, the Mind Gem began to emit a dazzling yellow light.

When Dr. Banner saw the yellow light, he put away his fists and stood beside Dracula blankly.

He was being controlled.

Blade also stopped his advancement and stood beside Dracula.

Huh? Arent you the daywalker?

You also joined the Avengers?

You really are the shame of the Blood Clan. Dracula looked dissatisfied with the Blade. He even thought of killing him.

Gently curling his fingers, the blood in Blades body unceasingly boiled, as if it was about to leave his body.

Damn it! Tony looked behind him and felt resentful when he saw that Visions body lay on the ground. However, he was careful and noticed that all the Avengers present seemed to be under control.

In fact, Steve was pushed to the side, and Ant-Man had shrunk.

At this moment, Tony turned his head and saw Steve giving him a wink.

He soon noticed that Ant-Man had crawled on Draculas body and was about to steal the Mind Gem from the latters hand.

Tony reacted quickly and put the nanotech Iron Man armor.

Friday, turn on the mental shield, Tony commanded.

The mental shield allowed him to temporarily resist the opponents mind control. This was a new type of energy shield he developed through repeated research on the Mind Gem.

Dracula saw Tony gearing up. Dazzling white light flashed, and Iron Man made a punch towards his head.

Hmph, ignorant mortal. I should give you a good reward! said Dracula.

The reason why Dracula came to the aerospace carrier to attack Tony as soon as he was beaten by the Anti-Vampire God armor was because he found that Tony was the chief culprit to cause the mass mortality of the low lever vampires.

At this moment, Blades blood wasnt more important to him than killing Tony, so Dracula put down Blade. Blade then fell on the ground.

Dracula took out the small bloody dagger again. That was his special weapon created by vampire craftsmen of the Middle Ages.

As for the bleeding of blood on the surface, it was because Dracula used the Rules of Blood on it.

This drop of blood was equivalent to the divine power dedicated to him by tens of thousands of vampires.

No god could stop this power.

Once a mortal was stabbed by such a dagger, it could be said that it was the end. His soul would collapse, and even the gods from heaven would not be able to resurrect him.

Dracula used this dagger in the past to assassinate countless members of the royal family and important figures in heaven. And now, it was this dagger that enabled him to cut through the Anti-Vampire God armors shield at the last moment and successfully escape.

He didnt hesitate to use it to deal with Tony. Iron Mans attempt to destroy the Blood Temple angered this Vampire God.

Go to hell!

Before he finished speaking, Dracula quickly spun around and aimed at Tony.


The dagger easily broke Tonys shield, and it got stuck in the gap on Iron Mans armor.

It turned out that the suit that Tony wore was the result of his latest research. He learned from past experience and made this generation of nano-steel armor much stronger than the previous generations.

It was this opportunity that Ant-Man suddenly made a move, pushing the Mind Gem out of Draculas palm.

Steve, who was waiting on the side, snatched the gem and released Dr. Banner and Blade from the mind control.

As soon as Dr. Banner got out of trouble, he punched Dracula in the face.

Hulks punch knocked Dracula.

Ant-Man grew bigger and took the Mind Gem from Steve. He then used PIM particles to shrink the gem with him.

In this way, Dracula would not find the Mind Gem and could no longer easily control them.

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