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Chapter 84: The meeting

Chapter 84: The meeting

In fact, the moment Bruce had revealed his identity, he already knew for a fact that Pierce would never ignore him. After all, his previous performance was excellent, and Pierce wouldnt abandon such a talented person for no reason.

Bruce had given this matter a lot of thought before deciding to meet up with Pierce last time. Of course, he could only do this because he knew about the following plot.

When the plot of Captain America: The Winter Soldier started, Pierces true identity would be discovered. However while this was indeed the case, Bruce could still use the period of time between plots to execute his plan.

And sure enough, Bruces guess was proven to be correct, as at this moment Pierce had chosen to initiate contact with him. Pierce was after all the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. so it was a very simple thing for him to find Bruces contact information.

Whereafter, Bruce checked the coordinate information, and Nine Five Zero was their meeting place. 

As a member of the top management of S.H.I.E.L.D. Pierce had the jurisdiction to contact Bruce directly and go above Furys head.

After that, Bruce tidied himself up and went to the place where he was supposed to meet Pierce. As expected, the location was very hidden and not many people knew about it. This location hadnt even been marked on the public map, making it practically non-existent.

Fortunately, it was not too far away from Bruces current location, and with his speed he would reach his destination within ten minutes.

Upon reaching the location, he saw an abandoned steel factory that hadnt been used in a long time. There was almost no one living within five kilometers of this location.

It was night time by the time Bruce came, and coupled with the lack of moonlight, everything here seemed extremely dark and quiet. This was almost the ideal place for a secret meeting to take place.

However even after Bruce waited for around ten minutes, Pierce still hadnt shown up.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So cautious?

Bruce smiled, and he could now grasp why Pierce had been able to hide within S.H.I.E.L.D. for such a long time without being found out, even managing to enter the top brass of the organization. It was entirely conceivable with how cautious and careful he was.

When it came to this, Pierce was even more outstanding than the current director, Nick Fury. With that said, Bruce wasnt in a rush either, and he patiently waited.


Right at this moment, a black shadow came from afar and approached him at an extremely fast speed.

But even so, Bruce didnt make any sudden movements, as there were other dangers within his perception of Spider Telepathy.

And as expected, just after that shadow appeared, several other black shadows appeared within the range of his senses. They were hidden in a dark corner, and any ordinary human had no chance of sensing them.

At the same time, Bruce could clearly sense that these people all possessed some sort of special ability.

Trying to probe me? Bruces eyes flickered. He wouldnt easily accept other peoples probing.

In his eyes, the reason for this probe was because the other party didnt believe him, which was why they chose to do this. Bruce deciphered this so he couldnt let the other party fulfill their wish so easily.

Without the slightest hesitation, a flame instantly erupted from Bruces body, making his entire body as hot as lava.

This was the effect of the Extremis virus. Although it was not too powerful of an ability, it was enough to deal with these people with Bruces current strength.


In that instant, Bruce only left a blur of a shadow in his place. His entire body became incomparably hot, and the flames on his body truly erupted, instantly forcing the people surrounding him back.


A gunshot was heard, with the target being Bruces heart. However in a flash, Bruce appeared next to the person that shot at him.


Bruce raised his hand, his power amplified by the extreme burst of heat at several thousand degrees that accompanied him.

Not to mention that this person was only made of ordinary flesh and blood, even steel would melt within a short period of time in front of this heat.

Ahhhhh! The man madly screamed, and half of his body was directly devoured by the flames.

But the matter was not over that easily, as next, Bruce struck with an even more powerful strength.

There were a total of five people besieging him, and one of them had already been cut in half by Bruce.

The rest of the original five-man squad were quite powerful, however that was relative, as they were currently facing Bruce!

These people werent Bruces match at all, and in less than a minute, the five-man squad had been reduced to only two by Bruce. With that said, Bruce was obviously not going to let the remaining two people go. 

Stop! Someone yelled, but it was still a step late.

Ahhhhh! The remaining two people were swallowed by flames.

Even if these people were lucky enough to survive in front of the thousands of degrees of heat, they would still be crippled in the end. At this moment, all five members of the squad were bathed in a sea of flames, and they were all madly screaming out in pain.

Suddenly, several lights instantly illuminated this place, and a figure appeared in front of Bruce. As he stood there, his eyes looked cold as if he was displeased by the events that transpired.

Ive already told you to stop just now. Why didnt you let them go? The voice belonged to Pierce, and the people he had just killed were all members of HYDRA.

At this moment, he was extremely angry because the five people Bruce had maimed were all his elites. Originally, he had only wanted to test Bruce a little, but he had never even imagined that Bruce would strike back so heavily.

This caused him to be on the brink of exploding in rage. But considering that he wanted to ask Bruce for help, he finally suppressed his anger in the end.

They attacked with killing intent. Why would I let them go? Bruces tone was extremely calm, as if he didnt care about the prestige of the top brass of S.H.I.E.L.D. at all.

His words made the face of the other HYDRA agents change color drastically. In their eyes, this Bruce character was way too arrogant.

But Bruce being Bruce, he paid them no attention and ignored them, instead opting to look at Pierce with a solemn expression while he said that.

If this was what you wanted to do by calling me out here, then Ill be leaving first. When dealing with such a person, one had to be tough. So tough, that the other party would be left with no way to deal with him.

Of course, this only worked because Bruce was terrifyingly powerful and was practically unkillable by the other party. If this was not so, he would have already been killed countless times over.

Having finished talking, Bruce ignored Pierces reaction and got ready to leave, but of course, in the nick of time, Pierce began speaking.

Stop, there are other matters we need to discuss. Since we are from the same organization, you should know how great the things we have to do are. Seeing that Bruce was about to leave, Pierce immediately said.

Beforehand, he had just wanted to test Bruces limits, but things had unexpectedly turned out like this. Bruces strength also made him decide that if he wanted to complete that task, it could only be carried out by Bruce.

Upon finding such a talent, it was absolutely impossible for him to let go.

Hearing his words, Bruce turned around and stopped. As for why Pierce made an appointment to meet here? Bruce was also not sure even now.

But since he met him in this way, then this was definitely not an ordinary matter. It definitely had to be related to HYDRAs secret base.

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