I Created a Protagonist Sect: My Programmer Job is Super Overpowered

Chapter 8: Peak Foundation Establishment

Chapter 8: Peak Foundation Establishment

Chen Mo gripped his sword tightly as he surveyed the menacing group approaching him and Yin Mei.

There were three large, muscular men cracking their knuckles and leering, with two women flanking them wielding daggers.

The largest man leading them had a 9th layer Foundation Establishment cultivation and the other four were all at the 5th layer of Foundation establishment.

This was not going to be an easy fight.

He thought to himself that although he had a high-level cultivation, he had no combat experience.

'Mei Ling is at the 2nd layer of Foundation Establishment but with Yin Mei possessing her body, her combat power should be around the fifth layer of Foundation Establishment.'

Yin Mei stood ready beside Chen Mo, her own sword at the ready.

She was small and lithe, but Chen Mo knew she was fierce and could hold her own, how else had she managed to escape the pursuit of the Mei clan until now.

"Get ready," Chen Mo murmured. Yin Mei gave a curt nod, her eyes narrowed as she focused on the woman with a red bandana on the left.

With a loud yell, the biggest man in the middle charged forward, aiming a punch at Chen Mo's head.

'They are now within my skills' range'

'Activate skill [OpenSource]'

'Activate skill [Existence]'

'Activate skill [Memory]'

'Activate skill [Update]'

'Activate skill [Scripting] – script: {

Use skill [Existence] to analyze the cultivation data from skill [OpenSource];

Use skill [Memory] to save the processed infonts;

Use skill [Update] to integrate the cultivation infonts into my body;


[Script Loaded]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Executing Script]

[Script Executed Successfully]

A gust of spiritual energy swirled around him for a split second before swiftly dispersing.

'This process is really long, although I can easily do it in my head at fast speeds, it's still a bother. My programmer mindset just can't live with this, I'll have to create a program that runs it automatically'

Chen Mo swiftly ducked and swung his fist up, cracking the man hard in the jaw. The man stumbled back with a pained grunt.

'Wasn't he only at the third level of Foundation Establishment just a moment ago? Just now, that's the power of a peak Foundation Establishment. Playing the pig to eat the tiger huh...' the man silently thought to himself.

At the same time, Yin Mei launched herself at the woman in the red bandana, swinging her sword in a blur.

The woman barely managed to deflect the blow with her dagger. They exchanged a flurry of strikes, sword hitting dagger in a deadly dance.

Chen Mo had no time to watch Yin Mei's fight as the other four decided to gang up on him after finding out his true cultivation.

He parried a punch from one and sidestepped a kick from the other. Using the momentum, he whipped his sword around and swept one's legs out from under him.

The fight continued, Chen Mo and Yin Mei holding their own against the five antagonists.

Chen Mo took down one of the men with a cracking strike to the head and the rest soon followed. Yin Mei also managed to disarm the woman in red.

Soon only the biggest man remained standing. With a roar, he pulled out a wicked curved blade with a dark aura. "You'll pay for this you brats!" he yelled.

Chen Mo and Yin Mei exchanged a look and a subtle nod. As the man charged, they both struck out with their swords, hitting the man's wrist in unison. The blade went flying as the man howled in pain.

He swept the man's feet from under him while Yei Mei knocked him out cold with a final strike to the head. The fight was over.

Chen Mo let out a breath and thought that that was close,

'I managed to win against the four of them by constantly manipulating infonts and spamming existence to predict their movements but it's really energy consuming'

He looked at the sword the man had dropped and picked it up.

'Activate skill [Existence]'


Name: Demon Calling Saber

Grade: High grade spiritual weapon

Information: Born from sacrificing thousands of souls, increases user's power in exchange for lifespan. Cursed.


'A high-grade spiritual weapon huh, it would've been hard to deal with if we let him use the weapon, too bad for him I've watched enough "golden balls" to know not to let my opponent charge up their attack'

Weapons and other treasures in this world are ranked in the following grades from lowest to the highest, Common, Magical, Spiritual, Divine, Heavenly, and Numinous. Each grade is also subdivided to Low, Medium, and High.

'This one is a high-grade spiritual weapon, it's not that common even among medium ranked sects'

After collecting the loot, Chen Mo and Yin Mei continued on their way, leaving the groaning heap of bodies behind. It had been a good fight.


Two hours later, at The Protagonist Sect.

'I thought I had gotten some good stuff from those guys from before, seeing that they had three space rings but all they had with them were some second-grade recovery pills and some low-grade spirit stones.'

'Although they aren't that useful, I can analyze them with my skill and make sure that I can always recreate them.

Speaking of skills, I wanted to create a skill to manage some of my other skills but that's not possible for now, for my skills to evolve I'll first need to breakthrough to the Core Formation stage'

He thought to himself that he was currently at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage and could break through at any moment.

The only problem was that one needed to form a core to break through to the core formation stage and he hadn't yet decided on which element to use when forming a core.

During the breakthrough for Foundation Establishment to Core Formation, a cultivator must choose an element they have high affinity to in order to form a core.

This element can later be used to infuse in attacks. This element can never be changed.

'Now that I think about it, I don't have to think too much of it since I can always use the [Update] skill to restructure my core and add more elements when needed'

In order to form a core, people usually need a spiritual crystal with the element they want to use in order to absorb the element and slowly form a core but this was different for Chen Mo.

He didn't need a spiritual crystal and could directly absorb an element from any item containing the element by manipulating infonts.

'I'll absorb the space element from the space rings I collected, space related powers are always so overpowered'

Chen Mo took the three space rings he had and placed them in his hand.

'Activate skill [OpenSource]'

'Activate skill [Existence]'

'Activate skill [Development]'

'Activate skill [Update]'

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