I created Magic!

Chapter 149 Sudden Transformation (III)

In life, transformations can be said to happen all the time.

From the transition of a cocoon to a butterfly it's a type of transformation

And the growth from a young boy to a man is another,

However, while transformation may show itself in different forms and stages, there is one thing that it is always accompanied by.


Sometimes physical, sometimes phycological, however, no matter how it may be, change is a standard by-product of transformation

And now the goblin who had just finished his transformation had experienced an unprecedented change

From his former scrawny physique of just a little over a metre in height, his figure had grown muscular standing around two and a half metres tall.

Long black hair grew from his head stretching all the way to his waist giving him a mature feel

And his body seemed to emit an aura that made the space around him tremble.

However, although all these changes were great, none of it this could compare to the change that had occurred on his face

Just like his future self he saw in the river, his left eye had become black and right silver, while a golden one appeared on his forehead

An outsider looking at the goblin would think he was the incarnation of some sort of deity.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Unfortunately, this deity at this moment was stricken with panic

"Damn! How is this me!"

"Although I'm happy that I didn't die, but what's going on with the way I look."

"How am I going to enter the tribe again at this rate, they'll probably think I'm a spy for an enemy tribe or something"

"And even if I tell them my identity, I seriously doubt anyone would believe me"

Taking a look at his bulging muscles, the goblin couldn't help but sigh unwillingly.

Just now, after the circle in his heart finished his transformation, his body seemed to restart bringing him, who was on the brink of death back to life.

At first, although the goblin was disoriented, maybe it was because of the upgrade after transformation but his physiology seemed to improve.

Within just a few minutes, the goblin quickly put himself together sweeping away the earlier loss and disorientation as he quickly began to analyse his own changes

Now taking a look at his current figure the river time beside him and feeling his own changes, the goblin only had one word in mind.


With a slight swing of his fists, the goblin could hear sonic booms as each punch landed in the air.




Watching this happen, the goblin knew that this transformation had brought him a huge benefit.

Although he might have trouble entering the tribe later on, but his newfound strength gave him the confidence in completing his dream.

"Haha, with this I will definitely become the greatest goblin warrior and hunter ever"

Unknowingly, after feeling his new power, the goblin's dream had expanded.

No longer the greatest hunter and warrior in the village, but now his goal had transcended into achieving the title of greatest hunter and warrior ever.

Unfortunately, this also exponentially increased the difficulty of achieving such said goal.

But of course the goblin knew that but he didn't fear, rather just thinking of the increased difficulty made him shiver in excitement

To him, the harder it is to achieve something, the greater the feeling after achieving it.

And what could be better than achieving a goal which could be said to be a legendary feat!

"The greatest goblin warrior of Elias!"

Calling out his future title, there was a hint of intoxication on the goblin's face.

In Fact, what gave him such confidence was not only the strength that came with drinking the waters but also the powers.

Deep within his three eyes, the goblins could feel they had some sort of connection to the rivers before him, allowing him to possess some of their abilities.

It was also through this connection, that the goblin learnt that the river's full name wasn't 'the long river of time', but rather it was 'the long river of time and space'

From the information he just got through the eyes, it was also through this power of space he could open a small space crack if he wanted to leave where he currently was

Reading this news, the goblin was ecstatic! Finally, he could leave this place where the sun doesn't shine.

"After over a week of no food, finally I can get some food."

"And the tribe, finally I can go back, although I'm not sure if they'll accept me."

Shaking his head, the goblin decided to put the matter of his tribe behind him.

Now, what he needed to do was quickly study and increase his proficiency in the use of his new abilities and open a portal leading out of there.

After all, although there was some information that came with the appearance of his eyes on these abilities, but this didn't give him the experience of using them.

Not only that, just opening a small half a metre space crack completely consumed both the goblin's physical and mental power.

Obviously, it wasn't going to be so easy to leave.

"Sigh… I guess I'll just have to wait for my first meal."

"However, I can't believe I haven't eaten for over a week and yet my body still feels so powerful!"

Realising he couldn't go out to get any food soon, it was only then that it crossed the goblin's mind that he was still okay even after not eating for a week.

Thinking of this, he realised that there was a lot more to study about his new body than he originally thought.

Taking a deep sigh, just like he put away the matter of the tribe behind him, the goblin also decided to study more about his powers later.

Now his current goal was to practise his powers, at least until he was proficient enough to open a portal leading to the outside world

"Alright let's do this!"

Focusing his mind on the eye that represented time and space, the goblin began his journey to mastering his newfound powers

Little did the goblin know that just his singular act of returning to his tribe would spark a turn of events leaving him forever deep in regret.

Unfortunately, the goblin who was busy practising his new powers was completely unaware of his oncoming tragic fate

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