I created Magic!

Chapter 171 Baphomet

"Ha~ Ha~"

"Ava, I think it's alright for us to go back"

Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Elric smiled as he transported a small piece of abyss rock into the small world.

"Humph! That's what I've been telling you, it's been four minutes already!"

Angrily puffing her cheeks, Ava couldn't believe Elric.

Just a few seconds ago, she had noticed and warned Elric that the abyss gate was already on the brink of being repelled

However, due to the A.I. Chip's scan's slow progress, Elric could only delay their return for now.

Now a few picked pebbles later and Elric was ready to go, obviously the A.I. chips work was done.

"Then hurry up master, unless you want to be stuck here for over a month we have to leave now!"

Reminding Elric of the summon cool-down time, Ava couldn't help but feel anxious

You know just these few minutes that Elric here had already led to his health condition deteriorating

With every cough bringing a sore feeling in his chest, a constant sense of dizziness and nausea,

Ava couldn't imagine Elric staying two more months in such a state, as every second brought nothing more than danger

Unfortunately, neither Ava nor Elric would be having an easy time exiting the abyss

[Warning! Warning! Incoming projectile coming at extremely high speeds]

[It is suggested that the host avoids it]

Listening to the A.I. chips words, Elric couldn't help but turn his head toward the sky.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Damn what is that?!"

Looking at a black spot rapidly approaching his position, Elric asked angrily

Fortunately, thanks to the A.I. chips reminder Elric was able to dodge it successfully


Like a missile hitting its target, the area in which it landed immediately exploded into a huge mushroom cloud barely missing Elric who just managed to roll away.


Injured by the shock wave it produced, Elric who was already weak from the surroundings couldn't help but cough out some blood.

"Damn! Why is it when I wanted to leave that stuff like this happens"

"And to make things worse, the abyss gate just disappeared!"

"Doesn't that mean I have to stay here for over a month!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Elric's face turned gloomy

Two months!

He had to somehow survive in this inhumane hell for two months

Not only that, but he also had to deal with whatever it was that fell from the sky.

Thinking of this, Elric's brain began to think at high speeds deducing the best course of action to take now

Unfortunately, before he could think of something, a burst of laughter sounded in the surroundings completely interrupting his thoughts

"Hahah human, I've finally found you!"

"Kowtow and hand over your means to the surface world, and maybe lord Baphomet will spare you insignificant life!"

Snorting steam out of his bullhead, Baphomet figure proudly emerged from the dust

However Elric at this moment wasn't listening to what he said, rather was still stunned by his earlier Injuries

*Cough cough!*

"Shut it bullhead, can't you see I'm currently injured"

"Let me catch my breath for a bit"

Ignoring Baphomet, Elric sat in a lotus position trying to steady his breathing

According to his discovery, the abyss aura seems to suppress his natural healing factor making it almost impossible for any of his wounds to heal.

However, Elric's several operations left Baphomet in shock


"What In the Abyss is going on?"

Seeing himself being ignored by this insignificant human, Baphomet couldn't help but get angry

Not to mention that his beloved Ginoress was most likely watching, Baphomet no matter what couldn't accept losing to a mere human

Letting the anger rush to his head, Baphomet quickly rushed towards Elric, ready to spear through him with the horns on his head.

Unfortunately for him, Ekric was already prepared for him now.

Looking at the bull charging toward him, Elric smiled nonchalantly as he spoke to Ava in his mind

"Young master, why don't you run or try and dodge?"

"If he manages to hit you, given your current state there is no way for you to survive!"

Nagging Elric I'm his mind, Ava couldn't help but be confused by Elric's sudden behaviour

However Elric on the other hand didn't seem to be worried, rather he just smiled hearing the worry in Ava's tone.

*Cough cough*

"Relax Ava, I also know I can't beat whatever that is now, heck I can't even move my body"

"However, I do have the means to escape"

"That's also why I taunted Baphomet leading to his lack of rationally so he wouldn't catch up with my plans"

"Unfortunately this also means I have to hurry up since given Baphomet current anger he would rip to shreds if he were to get his hands on me"

Casually talking about being ripped apart, Elric still had a calm expression

"Ahhh!!! Humans get ready to die!!"

Still charging toward Elric, heaps of smoke rose behind Baphomet highlighting his speed.

"It seems I don't have much time, Ava, you help me too!"

Seeing that Baphomet was already close to him, Elric knew he couldn't waste any more time.

"Get ready Ava, I'm going to try and use my remaining power to forcibly manipulate the surrounding space"

"Hopefully I would be able to teleport to a fairly far and safe distance while I recover"

"Even if not, at least I wouldn't have to see that stupid bullhead"

Looking at the oncoming figure, Elric quickly told Ava his plan

Space manipulation! An Ability gained from ingesting the space debris

Unfortunately, due to lack of time, neither he nor Ava had fully perfected it, making Elric's whole plan nothing but a huge gamble

"Haha relax Ava, what's the worst that could go wrong?"

"Worse thing that could happen should probably be us getting scattered into millions of space fragment

Yes, millions of fragments, which would then make it almost impossible to be fixed,

Even so, Elric was willing to risk getting scattered into millions of parts if the teleportation went wrong

Looking at Baphomet who was about to collide with him, Elric quickly activated it

"Ava now!"

"Teleportation start!"

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