I created Magic!

Chapter 177 Heart Demon (II)




Soon the time passed, and as Elric and the heart demon were still fighting with neither side ready to yield

"Give it up main body, this time it's over for you!"

"Shadow grip!"

Summoning an arm completely made of shadows, the heart demon sneakily used it to hold down Elric's legs

*Not good!*

Sensing something was wrong, Elric wanted to quickly dodge it, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Roaring toward Elric with a spear made of shadows, the heart demon let out a fierce attack

"God's Javelin!"


With the launch of the shadow spear, Elric who was currently tied down by the shadow hands could only helplessly watch as it reached its target


Coughing up a few metres of blood, Elric's chest caved in as a few ribs cracked in the process

"Ha~ Ha~ Ha~"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Panting with exhaustion, Elric unwillingly fell down to one knee as his Balance became unstable due to the pain and blood loss.

*Damn! What is going on, why am I so weak!?*

Being helplessly beaten back, apart from being unwilling, Elric was also confused.

According to the exchange just now, Elric noticed that the hearts demon's level of strength and proficiency level was rising with every second

From almost being a draw to practically pressing him down, Elric even began to see some new moves and combination skills that he had never thought of

Thinking of this, Elric's face turned gloomy

"Damn, this means not only is his strength increasing every second, but also his level of experience"

"It's almost like every moment it's experiencing an all round upgrade!"

Mumming under his breath, Elric needed to hurry and end this, in order to avoid reaching the point where he wouldn't have a chance to fight back.

Wiping off the blood from his lips, Elric began to act

Using his wings to fly into the sky, Elric made sure to put some distance between himself and the heart demon

"Second-circle magic, fireball barrage!" Shouted Elric.

Soon, under Elric's control, tens of red rune circles sorted in the sky, launching down lots of fireballs to the ground making the heart demon unable to react.

*Cough cough*

"This should be enough to stall him for a while, during this time I should find out what is up with his strength!"

"There has to be a reason why it keeps increasing, there has to!"

Continuously pouring his mana into the magic circles, Elric began to think of the reason

Soon time passed, and it wasn't until Hus mana was almost exhausted that Elric's eyes began to shine

Obviously, he had found out the reason.

"Oh, so that's it! Why didn't I remember this earlier!"

"No, it wasn't that I didn't remember, but rather I couldn't"

"It seems this heart demon is also capable of tampering with memories"

Cursing the heart demon, Elric began to think up a solution.

Just now, under his serious reflection, Elric remembered a piece of his memory that had been unknowingly blurred.

Back then before he arrived in this strange consciousness or metal since to fight over control f the main body

Elric remembered that he had been attacking a few abyss demons, however, this wasn't the important part.

The important fact is that the whole abyss and abyss demons are synonymous with all kinds of negativity

Knowing this, then it wouldn't be hard to conclude that the heart demon was somehow absorbing the negativity in the air to strengthen itself

Unfortunately, it was this important characteristic of the abyss and abyss demons that had been wiped from his mind.

Thankfully Elric was able to remember it, thus allowing him to think up a quick solution

Looking down at the heart demon still being bombarded by waves of flames, Elric couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, heart demon! How dare you tamper with my memory!"

"It seems you really want to die!"

Shouting downwards from the sky, Elric's voice seemed to carry a wave of unprecedented anger.

However, hearing him talk, the heart demon just chuckled for a bit before launching his next attack

"Stupid main body, it seems like you've finally found out, unfortunately, it's too late!"

"My body had absorbed enough negative aura to be immune to most of your attacks,"

"So do everyone a favour and please die!"

Having the last bit of flame dissipate from his body, the heart demon walked out completely unscathed before launching an attack.

"Combination magic, spear of the demon god!"

Creating a spear made of shadows, the heart demon pumped it with large amounts of abyss aura before finally launching it at Elric


And leaving his hand, with a large bang the spear tore through the space ready to go right through Elric

However, seeing the spear coming, contrary to what one might expect, Elric neither tried to dodge it nor tried to push it off track.

In fact, Elric didn't move as he stood folding his hands confidently in the sky waiting for the spear to land

"Hmmm, no that things have come it this, I'm beginning to doubt that you're my heart demon"

"After all, there's no way something from me can be this stupid!"

Looking at his confused heart demon, Elric just smiled at him before he continued speaking

"If you were actually a heart demon that came from me, I at least expect you to be a bit smarter unfortunately you aren't"

"Just know, do you know that your earlier words confirmed one of my suspicions?"

"This in turn has indirectly led to your oncoming defeat"

Sighing slightly, Elric couldn't believe the heart demon who had almost taken over his existence would suddenly be so dumb

"However, it doesn't seem like you understand what I'm saying, why don't I just show you?"

Looking at the heart demon below, Elric didn't give him an opportunity to respond before raising his right hand.

"World power come!"

Saying this, Elric's whole body released a huge threatening aura pressing the heart demon to the ground.

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