I Decided to Kidnap the Male Lead

Chapter 113: Forever and a Day (V)

Chapter 113: Forever and a Day (V)

Even those who spoke with him for the briefest time would say.

I really trust him.

I think I can believe it if he says it.

I wouldnt believe it if someone else said it.

He didnt do anything special, even just standing there without saying anything, people nodded and claimed he was trustworthy.

A reliable person.

Thanks to such a talent, he lived a decent life in his own way, and because of that talent, he encountered Raisa Neir.

With his family taken hostage, he gathered people at her command and built the village.

You will have to be the focal point. Make it so that at your words, they can eat even dirt.

That Theres no way that could be possible!

If its not possible, your family will eat dirt. No, since they will be dead, can they eat? Dont worry. I will open the mouths of the corpses of your family members and pour dirt in.

The man had no choice.

Lowering his head, he became a puppet in Raisas hands, gathering people and forcibly pretending to look after them and soothe their pain.

Those who suffered had trusted and relied on him more than others, so it was natural for more people to gather around him than expected.

At first, it was just a job he was forced to take on by Raisas order, like a cow with its nose pierced.

Gather more people. It doesnt matter what the excuse is.

What What should I do after that?

What is the reason for gathering people?


Im collecting to use. What a fool.

Although he did not know what that use was, the man faithfully followed Raisas orders for the sake of his family.

He himself couldnt figure out why, but as the number of people following him increased, he created a small community.

After that, he made the people useful under Raisas order and sent them away forever.

One by one, one by one under the justification of a mission given by God.

Since when did it

When did Raisas puppet become a prophet?

I believe!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I believe in you!

Ah, these are words from God!

As the man listened to peoples blind faith in him, at some point, he came to believe that it was real.

A prophet who hears the voice of God and conveys the will of God

Thats why he didnt want to do any more to drive people to death with a mission for usefulness.

It was no longer possible to ask those who blindly believe in him to die not for God but for a vicious woman.

And the messenger of Raisa appeared in front of such a prophet.

Have you confirmed it?

I saw it.

The sooner you start, the better. When are you going to do it?

Before that, let me ask you one thing.

The messenger nodded willingly at the words of the man who had been silently taking orders as they were given until now.


You said to get rid of it. The whole town? Really Is everything right?

Yes. She is telling you to deal with it entirely. So that there is nothing behind.

At the messengers answer that fell immediately, the prophet couldnt hold back his words.

Back then, she said to make it, but this time she said to get rid of it.

It was created out of necessity, so shouldnt it disappear when the need is gone?

Necessity Need.

As the prophet repeated the need for an extension, the messenger noticed that he was in a different state than usual.

But he didnt take a good look at his condition or ask what was going on.

Prophet or whatever, he was just a tool, like himself, a messenger.

Whats the point in a situation where tools could be broken by the owners hands and disappear the next moment?

If you cant decide when to start, start today. If its your words, wouldnt they gladly accept death?

He didnt say more, but he could tell without listening.

However, the answer that came out of the prophet was something that he, as well as the messenger, had not expected.

I cant.

The prophet shook his head.

I cannot destroy this village with my own hands.

Silent for a while toward the prophet who declared that he would disobey the order again, the messenger said with an expressionless face.

That is her command.

As I said, I cant.

Its not your decision.

Whether it was a puppet or a tool, it couldnt think and decide on something.

I know.

You know, but you cant do that?


The messenger shut his mouth. Even talking to a wall would be easier.

But there was no way he could go back like this.

Even a monkey would know what would happen if he brought bad news at a time where it was difficult to survive even if he brought good news.

Therefore, the messenger mercilessly dug at the weakest part of the prophet.

If you do not fulfill the order, your family will pay the price. You know that.

No answer came back, but the silence was affirmative.

Whats taking so long? Didnt you want to get out of this town anyway?

He asked a question that he didnt have to probe into or want to ask, but the answer still didnt come back.

The prophet shook his head to the end, and the messenger eventually turned away.

A long shadow clung to his back as he held the doorknob.

I cant hear the voice of God, but even so, I can see your future.

The messenger paused and added.

You will pay the price. You, your family, and this town too.

That was a prophecy.

Whether the man who became a prophet wanted it or not, it would come true.


By the time the torrential rain died down.

An unpleasant conversation was going on in the drawing room of the Marquisate of Neir.

To be precise, it was unpleasant only for the ones who were looking for the marchioness, and those who were facing such ones.

She is away?

I apologize.

Neirs general butler hid his haggard face and bowed deeply.

Then the count who was dealing with him frowned.

Didnt you say that she was away before?

I have nothing to say.


The count seemed very displeased, his voice hoarse.

No matter how much she is the Marchioness of Neir, she cant look down on people like this!

But the general butler just bowed deeper.

The count narrowed his eyes, but he was, after all, lower rank than Neir, so he couldnt force himself in. He turned around.

I will definitely remember this day.

Behind the angry steps of the count leaving the mansion, a long sigh came from the butler and servants of Marchioness Neir.

It wasnt once or twice that they turned away such angry guests.

It wasnt even for a day or two.

If it was just a whim, just as those who went back couldnt hold back their anger and spat it out

The general butler touched his face, which had gained more wrinkles lately, and asked just in case.

How is the marchioness?

But, indeed, it was just in case. Like the answer mixed with a sigh, he too had to let out a long sigh.

Its still No, it got worse.

The servant who responded was fed up.

Normally, the general butler would have yelled at such a servant because he was supposed to be respectful, but he only sighed.

It was understandable.

Marchioness Neir became addicted to a particular drug, and when it became unavailable, she sought a replacement.

Naturally, the longer the drug addiction lasted, the stronger and more she wanted, and now

If she dies suddenly like that

Uh-huh, stop it.

The butler!

What did the lady say?

You know.

Unlike when he was fed up, the servant swallowed his dry saliva while shaking his hand.

Did she tell you to give her more of the stronger medicine?

Yes and

How many died today?

Two. No one wants to enter the ladys room now.

The number of people who entered Raisas room and came out alive could be counted on one hand.

Many of them who came out alive was in such a mess that it would be better to die.

As the general butler opened his mouth

General butler! General butler! Please come!

The voice of an urgent servant resounded, and the general butler had to rush to Marchioness Neirs room.

The room was extremely tidy, but marchioness wasnt like that at all.

She was screaming loudly while chained to the bed like an animal.

Medicine! Bring the medicine!

Marchioness. Please think of your body.

The loyal butlers words did not reach Marchioness Neirs ears.

Bring it! Bring it!

The voice of the butler was covered up by a shout filled purely with desire, no different from the cry of a beast, just like the appearance.

The marchioness shout shook the entire mansion, which was shrouded in grave silence.

No matter how hard they tried to hide the nasty smell of medicine and death flowing from the marchioness, they could no longer hide it.

And to those who desperately shut their mouths to hide the source of the smell, a visitor like thunder from a clear blue sky rushed in.

No, it would be more correct to say that it was an uninvited guest.

Because he really was not invited.

But they couldnt refuse.

This is Cooper Halsey. I came to meet the Marchioness of Neir at the order of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Credits goes to Jassie for raw providing, Ame for translating, and Dea for proofreading.

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