I Didn't Choose the Gangsta System, the Gangsta System Chose Me

Chapter 40 - Filing For A Divorce!

"You don't like it?"

Joren asked after seeing Ness' hesitant face.

"Ah... ahahaha, I don't like singing at all..."

"Your eyes are drifting. Are actually just bad at singing?"

"What!? How dare you!?"

Ness strongly replied while putting her hands on her hips.


"... yeah, I'm bad at it."

"I'm tone-deaf too. Let's see who's worse!"

Hearing what Joren said made Ness lift her head up.

"Alright! I will not lose!"

They then ran into the karaoke and took more time than they expected to find the songs that they want. Joren was only familiar with the popular songs that were always being played in public. But after seeing Ness' troubled face, he picked a song from an anime that he watched some time ago.

"Ah... that's-!"

It immediately aroused Ness' attention.

"You know this?"

"Of course, I know the 'I Want to be A Hokage but I Have this Fox inside Me' anime. I even watched the 'I Still Want to be A Hokage but my Edgy Friend is Missing' sequel. That's a very popular anime, how could I not know that?"

"Then can you sing it? I actually forgot the tone."

Being offered the mic, Ness paused but when the theme song began, she just took it and sang.

"Isse no se..."

Ness began singing even though it's a language she does not know how to speak. Joren joined it with another mic. True to her words, her voice was bad. However, compared to Joren, she's normal.

When Joren joined, Ness gave an expected reaction but he still continued making Ness laugh and just ignore the bad voice.

The two continued for three more anime songs before trying the popular songs that they might know and found it good to sing.

An hour later, they dropped onto the sofa with tired throats.

"I need something to drink..."

Ness laughed while sweat trickled down her neck, making Joren gulp.

'Can't you just turn to your normal appearance? Why do you need to make me suffer?'

He could only say inwardly as it would be questionable if he really said it out loud.

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"I think we can order there, let me try."

Joren pushed the button below a speaker that's on the wall.


[Yes, what can I help you with?]

Joren smiled at Ness after learning his right to which she responded with two thumbs up.

"Umm..." he then thought it through before asking, "Is it free?"

[Yes, everything is free as long as you're on the cruise.]

"Nice..." Joren muttered while deciding that he will treat Virena like a princess once he returns.

He then asked what foods and beverages he can get to which he was given a wide variety of choices. Excitedly, he enumerated the ones he like before asking Ness-

"What do you want... umm, dear?"

He blushed but Ness just laughed it off.

"I want beer, dear!"

"Eh?" Joren raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, you're not going to drink."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Sure! Sure! Give me this chance, Virena doesn't allow me so it's been years since my last alcohol...!"

Ness made puppy eyes which is super effective.

"Give my wife all the beer she wants."

Joren just like calling her his wife since, why not? This might be the only time he can get to call her wife.

'I'm sorry, Scarlett, but I'm enjoying this false relationship even though it's already limited to calling names.'


Ness celebrated after hearing that she can taste alcohol again. She looks like she's already intoxicated before she had even drunk one drop.

When their order arrived, Joren got intimidated by the size.

"I think I got too ahead of myself..."

"It's fine, it's fine, we can eat this all night. This is already our dinner!"

Ness proclaimed.


Joren agreed with determination. Thus, night arrived and their vocal cords were used so much that they can't talk for a while.

"Hm mm hm?"

"Mmm hm..."

They communicated with hums.

The karaoke room was filled with plastic garbage from the snacks they ate and cans of beer. Ness had already drunk three cans. It was enough to make her slightly dizzy. It was so obvious by just looking at her face. She seemed high.

"Ergh... you okay?"

Joren was the first to speak.

"Yeah... yeah... yeah, of course..."

Ness replied while her head was swaying left to right. Of course, Joren took this as a no. He took her beer to which she cried.

"No! Bring it back!"

"You're already drunk, wife." Joren said and took advantage of the situation.

"Husband, gimme the beer or I'll file a divorce!"

"Go ahead."

"I'll really do it!"

Ness tried to threaten their fake relationship that she only made up this morning. Joren find this amusing so he played with it.

"You're going to give your children a broken family for a beer!?"

Hearing this made Ness cry more.

"No!! Not Johnny! I don't want to give Justine a broken family!"

Joren restrained himself to laugh as he continued.

"You want to take this to court? I'll sue you and get all the property and the children."

"I can't believe I'm married to a scumbag like you!"

Ness clenched her fist.

"I'll sue you back for cheating!"

"Huh? When did I cheat?"

Joren stopped laughing as the joke took a weird turn.

"Last night, you said you were working part-time but I saw you with your secretary."

[Oh no, busted...

Hey, I think the speaker is on.

No, I turned it off earlier.

Okay, but that husband is such a dick. How thick is his face?]

"You said you love me and Charlie but you're having sex with another woman!"


That husband deserves to die.

Yeah, she should really file a divorce.]

"Ehem... umm, can I order a coke?"

Joren finally talked after pushing the button.

[He has the guts to order a coke while his wife is like that!?


Hello, yes, your order will be there in a minute.]

The speaker was finally turned off which Joren hoped for.

'So they can hear us...?'

"Why did I marry someone who would cheat? And also, who wouldn't give me my beer?"

Ness cried while clinging onto Joren's thigh when a staff member knocked on the door. Joren opened and saw the smile on the staff member's face which is definitely fake.

"This is your order, Sir."

"Thanks, also, I'll appreciate it if you don't eavesdrop."

Joren directly said with a threatening smile, making the staff member sweat and run away.


After closing the door, Joren sighed and went back to Ness.

"I'm just joking, I wouldn't do that to you. But no more beer."

Joren's strength might not compare to Ness but he can still carry her weight as long as she doesn't resist. Therefore, he moved back to the couch with his extra coke even though he still has lots.


Ness asked with a sad expression while her chin was placed on Joren's thigh.

"Because... I want to drink too."

Joren lied. He's a minor, he wouldn't drink it.

"I guess that's fine."

Ness seemed to dose off as she surprisingly agreed. Joren removed her from his leg and placed her on the sofa. He then sat on the floor beside the sofa since he couldn't be bothered to walk.

"Uck...! I hate the smell of alcohol, I'm definitely not trying it out even once I'm old enough."

He then dropped onto the floor. It was a little cold but fatigue was getting to him. Now that he remembers it, didn't he just train for a whole week with minimum to no sleep? The only rejuvenizing thing he got was Virena's drops of blood. However, now that she's not there to give him again, the last drop was losing its effect.

Joren's eyelids were about to drop when he was hit by something.


He grunted before noticing that Ness fell on top of him.

"Ugh, I forgot she moves a lot when she sleeps."

With her face close to him, Joren felt his drowsiness disappearing. Her breath was touching his cheek while her sweet scent enters his nose.

'I didn't expect it this time but it happened.'

Joren even thought whether he's already dreaming or not as Ness' breasts were pressed against his chest. She was just a little curvy when she was in her teenage form but her mature form really has the ability to make men go crazy.

He gulped as he could feel his libido coming back. With her on top of him, sleeping and vulnerable, he could probably do something that she will not know nor remember.

Thinking about this, Joren's hand moved and held her head.

'She must be uncomfortable with her head down like that.'

He used his palm as a pillow to her head.

"Yep, I'm not going to remove you becuase I like this situation. It's just because I have no strength left, yes."

Joren agreed with himself before he was knocked out.

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