I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 95 - Of Course He Will

Christian had never been much of a grudge holder. Avery was genuinely apologetic about what she had done and was actively working to make amends by being more open about things and working with him. 

He couldn't really ask for more than that but he did wish she would be more at peace with everything that happened. She did a good thing. Why couldn't she be satisfied? 

He knew she still had conflicted feelings about her dad too. It was incredibly frustrating not knowing how to help her. 

Honestly, he had a hard time reconciling the man his wife clearly idolized with someone he used to fight regularly. Even if it was important, how could he leave such a heavy burden on his only child's shoulders? 

Christian would never do anything like that to their kids. He would let them live their own lives the way they wanted to without having unfair expectations. 

That seemed to be what Avery was struggling with most regarding her dad.. She couldn't quite make sense of her father raising her so lovingly only to put the weight of the world on her shoulders later when he couldn't finish something that was important to him. 

It had needed to be done—Nolan Hunsacher had been a major threat—but that didn't make it fair. The unfairness was the problem. 

She had struggled with it on her own while striving toward her own happiness for so long. At least she didn't have to bear it alone anymore. She had Christian now that she had opened up about it. 

They were going to be okay. Avery needed time, that was all. A huge part of her life had ended and she was still adjusting. She would get there. He was sure of it. 

When she came home from the baby shower beaming and carrying a mountain of gifts for Bailey he had more hope that she would be okay than he had in ages. She might be somewhat lost in the past but she was focusing on the future too. 

Christian helped her set everything up in the nursery and was satisfied seeing that light in her eyes that he loved as she talked about the games they had played and how much fun she had with her friends and family. Good. That was a totally normal thing that had nothing to do with her life as an antihero. 

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As long as Avery was happy he was happy too. Her happiness meant more to him than anything else in the world. 

He thought back on all of this as he sat in his office between meetings with clients trying and failing to get some paperwork done. It was hard to focus when he had so much on his mind. 

His office phone rang and he picked it up using the same businesslike tone as always. "Christian Slater."

"Christian!" Marianne's frantic voice sounded in his ear. "You need to come down here right now. Avery's water just broke and she needs to go to the hospital but I can't take her since I'm manning the counter."

He nearly jumped out of his chair. "Now?!" 


"…I'll be right down."

Christian hung up the phone, grabbed his suit coat and hurriedly told Cheryl that his wife was in labor and he needed to go. He asked her to call the client he was supposed to be meeting with in an hour and explain the situation for him. 

She looked at him, incensed. "You really think I wouldn't? Go! I'll explain it to anyone who asks."

He thanked her fervently before practically sprinting to the elevator. When he arrived downstairs Avery was already waiting for him, looking more than a little freaked out herself. 

He hadn't anticipated the baby coming quite this soon but had been driving them to work for the past week to be safe. The hospital bag they had packed was in the trunk of his car. All they had to do was make it to the nearest parking garage and pray traffic wasn't too bad. 

"You okay?" Christian asked her, noticing how fidgety she was. 

"I have no idea what I'm doing! I tried calling people with experience while waiting for you but I only managed to get a hold of your mom and Tía Felisa. They're going to meet us there."

That made sense. He had no doubt that his mother had dropped whatever she was doing to be there for her much beloved daughter-in-law. 

"You're going to be fine," he said soothingly. "You've taken all those classes on how to breathe properly and you're not going to be alone. I know it's hard but try to relax, okay?"

"Hard?! I have to push an entire human being out of me!" Avery exclaimed. 

Christian sighed. He should have known that anything he said at this point would be useless. He tried a different tack but she wasn't having it. In her nervousness she bickered with him all the way to the hospital. 

She calmed down slightly when she saw Nancy and Felisa. Apparently, having seasoned veterans there made her feel better than her husband. 

He couldn't feel bad about that though because he had no idea what it was like giving birth and never would. And she still depended on him to some extent because she refused to let go of his hand as she panicked. 

Christian couldn't deny he was concerned about all of the blood because of his wife's clotting issue but the doctor reassured him that Avery would be fine and they would keep an eye on both her and the baby for a few days once Bailey Anne West-Slater made her entrance into the world. 

Avery cried as she laid eyes on their daughter and he was tempted to do the same. She was so tiny and beautiful with a surprisingly thick mop of dark hair. 

As the doctor moved the newly cleaned baby into her mother's arms everyone collectively cooed about how perfect she was. Felisa murmured in Spanish as she moved Avery's sweaty hair off her forehead and Nancy looked about ready to burst with joy. 

"Oh, you did wonderful, Avery! She's absolutely gorgeous." 

Avery smiled gloriously at both of them despite her exhaustion. "She is, isn't she? Christian, get over here and say hello to your daughter."

He had been standing somewhat awkwardly to the side after getting his reassurances from the doctor and moved closer with a lump in his throat as he looked at his little family. He reached out to stroke Bailey's tiny cheek and grinned at his wife. 

"She's just as beautiful as her mother."

Avery blushed. "I've never felt less beautiful in my life."

Christian shook his head before leaning over to kiss her. "Well, you're wrong. Motherhood looks great on you."

Nancy laughed. "Good boy. Scoot over more so I can get a picture of the three of you!" 

He obediently did as he was told and he and Avery both beamed at the camera as she took several. This was definitely a moment that needed to be remembered. He had no doubt his mother was going to frame a photo of it somewhere. 

"I need to call your father and let him know that both mother and baby are doing well. Avery, sweetie, let me know when you're up for visitors. I won't have Brian or Liam disturbing you before you're ready," Nancy said before going out into the hall. 

Avery let out a small laugh. "Your mom is a force to be reckoned with."

"She had to be. She raised Liam, after all."

She laughed harder this time. "She raised you too, you know."

Christian shrugged. He couldn't exactly reference his powers with Felisa in the room but she had a point. His mother had been through a lot. 

"I'll do the same," Felisa promised. "Though I make no guarantees about Angelo. That boy has always done as he pleases but I'll do my best to keep him at bay. Congratulations, you two!" 

Avery smiled and shook her head as soon as she left. "I have no doubt Angelo will be here as soon as he knows." 

"Of course he will," Christian said with a laugh. 

It was honestly surprising he hadn't been pacing outside the room this whole time, knowing him. He must not have been clued in yet since not many people knew she had gone into labor. 

"I'll try to rest up before that happens. Do you want to hold her?" Avery asked. 

Christian nodded eagerly and took extra care as he picked up the baby. She seemed so tiny and fragile. She blinked up at him with big dark blue eyes and he felt his heart constrict. He loved her so much already!

"Hi, Bailey," he cooed softly. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

He could gaze at her forever. That was how beautiful she was to him. In this moment he felt like the luckiest man in the world. 

He glanced back at his wife and saw she was smiling widely at him. "Aww, you're such a cute dad already." 

"What can I say? We make adorable kids." 

Avery laughed. "We sure do."

"I love you, Avery," Christian said seriously. "I love you so much."

Her smile grew softer and she reached out to caress his face. "I love you too. With all my heart."

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