I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 4: Chapter 4: Part 1

Book 4: Chapter 4: Part 1

Heres the chapter, enjoy~

Chapter 4 Sharing the secret

Part 1

Rhaegar. I hereby confiscate your territory, and you will not be charged with this matter.


Although Lexia-sans impassioned plea allowed Rhaegar-sama to avoid the death penalty, the crime of attacking the royaltywell, the current king, did not disappear so easily, resulting in the confiscation of the territory that Rhaegar-sama had owned.

Although the territory was given to Rhaegar-sama, originally, there were no residents. It was treated as a so-called villa; even if it were confiscated, it wouldnt hurt Rhaegar-sama too much.

Or rather, its pretty stubborn to have given that whole territory to build a villa.

After the decision on Rhaegar-samas treatment was thus made, the surrounding aristocratic-looking people left, but me, Night, Akatsuki, Lexia-san, Luna, Owen-san, and Rhaegar-sama were left in the audience room.

I was worried that there was still some problem since I was also left behind during this audience when Arnold-sama tells me with a serious expression.

Yuuya-dono. This time thanks to you, I was saved. Truly, thank you!

And Arnold-sama bowed his head to me without any hesitation. Eh?

N-no! Please raise your head! I was just fortunate enough to be useful!

Thats not true. Even though I treated you unkindly, you did all you could for usYuuya-dono, and Im very grateful to you. Im truly grateful.

Let me thank you too. The wounds I thought would never heal again are now healed thank you so much.

Rhaegar-sama also speaks words of thanks with a serious expression. Eh, um

Well Im glad that I was able to help you.

Its more than helpful! Thanks to Yuuya-sama, I was able to get a little closer to my brother.


Leave him out of it already. Yuuyas looking embarrassed and confused and doesnt know what to do.

Lexia-san thanked me for it, and when I was confused because I didnt know what to do in earnest, Luna told them exactly what I was feeling. Its really true. Thanks to Luna, they managed to raise their heads, and I was relieved for now.

Then, Arnold-sama comes looking at me.

Well I have to reward Yuuya-dono for this matter, but

Oh, no! I didnt do it for a reward, so its okay!

Really, I was able to help because I happened to be able to help, not because I wanted something in return. However, Owen-san smiles bitterly at me.

Yuuya-dono it cant be like that.


The noblemen who were there already know that His Highness wounds have been healed thanks to Yuuya-dono, and that it was also Yuuya-dono who captured the assassin His Highness had sent out. Therefore, if a reward is not given to Yuuya-dono, the nobles who were there will think that no matter how hard they work for their country, they will not be rewarded.


Its hard to tell my intentions when they bring out the situation in this country like that For me personally, I really dont need a reward; I just happened to be able to help.

I understand.

Umu, youll accept your reward. Now, what shall I give you

Yes, yes! What about me?



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lexia-san suddenly raised her hand and said something outrageous, but Arnold-sama and Luna stopped her without pause.

A marriage with me? Isnt that reward enough?

Marriage to you is a reward? Are you kidding me?

Hey, Luna! What do you mean by that!

Luna snorted when Lexia-san prodded her in frustration at Lunas words.

Its just what it means. When a person marries you, that means theyre going to join the royal family.

Yes. Thats good, isnt it?

Are you sure about that? What do you think? Yuuya.

Ueehh? Eh, uh, well, Id rather not be a royalty


Ive never been in a relationship with a girl before, but I dont understand if they suddenly call it marriage, and most of all, I dont feel like I, a petty citizen, can endure royalty or anything like that. Mainly mentally.

Then Owen-san, who was nodding in response to my reply, adds something else.

Umu. Besides, Yuuya-dono is a foreign nobleman or royalty. It would be difficult for him to marry someone from another country so easily.

Huh? I said Im not an aristocrat or anything, and yet they still misunderstood me? Why are Arnold-sama and Rhaegar-sama also nodding there like Oh, I see?

Umm but when you say marriage, you mean Im marrying you, and I dont think it will affect Yuuya-samas country or position that much?

I see. So what are the advantages of marrying you?


Cooking, laundry, cleaning can you do all the housework?

W-why dont you have a maid to do it?

As I thought, that was not good.

What does that mean?

She was so cool and dignified when she decided on Rhaegar-samas treatment, but now Lexia-san was completely played by everyone. Despite Lexia-sans shouting, Luna turned her gaze to Arnold-sama.

So, how about rewarding him this time by having me be Yuuyas wife?


H-hey, Luna! No, no, no! Thats not gooodd!

When the words were too unexpected to freeze, Luna victoriously told Lexia-san.

Unlike Lexia, I am an orphan and have no status. So I can marry regardless of this country. Besides, Im very good at housework. For all intents and purposes, Im better suited to be Yuuyas wife than you are, right?

A-and what about protecting me?

Thanks for everything.

I wont forgive you!

No, I think youre right, Luna. Why does marriage come up in the first place when youre talking about rewards? Of course, Im happy about that, but I dont know if I want to do that until Ive had more time to think about it, or rather, why do you want me in the first place? Im sure there are people of better status in Lexia-sans case and Luna is beautiful, so Im sure she can find someone better than me

When I was thinking about that, before I knew it, Lexia-san and Luna were giving me half-eyes.

Luna, I wonder why. Right now, it seemed like Yuuya-sama was thinking something very out of line

Well, thats odd. I just felt the same way.

Eh, theyre reading my thoughts?

I dont know why, but Luna and Lexia-san both looked at me suspiciously. Oh, thats strange even though I didnt say it out loud

Even though it was in front of Arnold-sama and the others, as we were having such an exchange, Rhaegar-sama slowly raised his hand.

Uh well, father

Hmm? What is it?

About the reward


When Arnold-sama raised one eyebrow at Rheagar-samas words, Rhaegar-sama stood up and whispered in Arnold-samas ear.

How about we just hand over my mansion and land that was confiscated this time?


Yuuya-donos power and the items he has, those are very valuable. Rather than going to another country here, it would be more beneficial to have him stay here, right?

Well, youre right

Thats why I thought if you gave him the land I had, it would at least give him more connection to this country

Umu thats a good idea, but isnt it a bit weak?

Then how about a title? This work should certainly be honored.

Thats true, but the other aristocrats must be annoyed. Besides, Yuuya-dono is a foreign nobleman.

No, if its a knight peerage with strong title implications, that problem will be fine. Unlike other nobles, there is no salary from the state, but he will be treated as a noble in this country for a change


I cant hear what theyre talking about because theyre talking within the ear, but Arnold-sama is repeatedly nodding with a serious expression.

And then.

Umu. As for the reward, I will grant Rhaegars land, which was confiscated due to this matter, to you.


I, therefore, do hereby confer upon Yuuya-dono a knighthood in my kingdom.


Not only me, but also Lexia-san and Luna were surprised by the unexpected words, but for some reason, Owen-san was the only one nodding in agreement.

U-uum what does that mean? Eh? And a knighthood!

Even though Im still not fully understanding, due to my surprise, Arnold-sama goes on and on with his story.

The land that Rhaegar owned is a complete vacation home where no citizens live. Thats why I thought it would be just right to give it to Yuuya-dono.

H-huh but I dont know what Ill do with the land if I get it

Yuuya-dono. Dont worry. It was my land, but I also have my own mansion, and more importantly, the ocean is right in front of it. Just think of it as one of your vacation homes, as my father says, and thats all you need to know.

Huh yes, no, the land thing too, but what on earth is up with the knighthood?

Aah, I thought that land alone was too little to reward Lord Yuuya, so I decided to knight him. But you dont have to worry about it. The title to be given to Yuuya-dono is knight-peerage. The knights title is an honorary title given to the person who has contributed greatly to the Alceria Kingdom. But even if you are a nobleman, you are not obligated to do anything, so there should be no problem for Yuuya-dono either.

Apparently, Ive got a villa and a title. No, no, no, really?

I dont feel like Im going to be given a villa or a knighthood suddenly, but its no more troubling than being told Im married to Lexia-san and the others. I mean, if something were to happen on Earth in earnest, I could live in this country no, Im not going to cause anything or do anything, right?

Anyway, its not like Im under any obligation or anything, but it seems Im going to be a nobleman in this country.

Saving the First Prince Rhaegar is such a serious matter. Therefore, I want you to receive the land and the title.

W-well, in that case

If they say that much already, even for me, I cant say anything.

Umu well, if thats the result

That would be the most reasonable option.

Yes. And I remember brothers land was an amazingly beautiful place and in a way, this is

Lexia-san and the others are also somewhat dissatisfied, but they seem to have agreed to a point. Huh? This is talking about my reward, right? Why are you two so unhappy? And Lexia-san, do you have any more ideas? Are you okay?

When Arnold-sama puts his head in such a position, as if to say that his head hurts, he regains his mind and turns his gaze to me.

Well, Id like to show you the land as soon as possible Speaking of which, is Yuuya-donos time okay?

Eh? Oh, well, if that land is so far away, then its a tough one this time

Eh!? Yuuya-sama, will you be going home already?

W-well. To begin with, I wont be able to stay for that long


Lexia-san is blatantly disappointed. Im really glad that she enjoys being with me that much, but its all this. After the holidays, theres a normal school day.

So, Im sorry.

Umu. I suppose theres nothing I can do then. If you can come back to the royal castle when you have time, Ill show you around. Until then, well take care of things for you.

Thank you.

Yuuya-sama! Youre staying the night, right?

Eh? Well yes. If I could get somewhere to stay

Then lets stay here! Its a waste of space, and we have a lot of extra room anyway!

Lexia. Even if its true, theres no way you could say that its a necessary dignity for us royalty

Oh, yeah. Im not interested. That dignity doesnt make more money or less poor people.

When I was surprised at Lexia-sans divided mindset to any extent, Arnold-sama let out a deep sigh.

Sigh When it comes to this, I feel like it would have been better to let Yuuya-dono marry Lexia

Eh, just get it done right now!?

No, Im not changing my mind. Yuuya-dono. You may stay in the castle today, as Lexia insists. We would be happy to entertain you at our own expense.


Thus, Night, Akatsuki, and I were going to stay at the castle with Arnold-sama and others kindness.

What can I say, I was so tired the other day



After they let me stay at the castle, I managed to quiet down Lexia-san and the others who said they would follow me home, and somehow I made it back to my home on Earth safely, but I didnt have much time to rest my mind since I was in the castle.

The food was so fancy that I was always nervous, as I dont know any table manners at all, and when I tried to go into the bath in the castle, the maids came in with me to wash me, and I was tired of trying to stop them.

This one day alone made me think that royalty is really hard work, but at the same time, I knew I couldnt do it.

And Im also tired of Lexia-san and Luna barging in on me when Im going to bed, and Im tired of holding them back

I managed to stop Lexia-san and Luna that day, and I was able to get under the blankets safely yeah. It was a little hard in the morning because I was mentally exhausted and wanted to go to bed right away, but I couldnt sleep well due to my suspicions that there was still something wrong with me.

Then I made it through another breakfast that required table manners and made it home to Earth safely.

Well its best to sleep at home after all. It was already a good nights sleep.

As I was thinking about that, I suddenly remembered what Lexia-san had said before I left.

Yuuya-sama! Yuuya-sama is here this time, and next time Im going to visit Yuuya-samas house!


You idiot. Dont you have any idea how hard it is to get to Yuuyas house?

Oh, so Luna doesnt want to see Yuuya-sama then?

T-thats not what I said!

Thats good. Itll give Luna and Owen a chance to train!

Its not like were in an environment where we can just get away with training, you know!

This is how Lexia-san said shes coming to my house againI wonder if its okay. Luna had trained with me for a little while, but isnt it hard for all the soldiers, including Owen-san? I mean, can a princess come to such a danger zone so easily? Well, Ill treat them right when they come.

Anyway, today is the start of school again, so I need to get my mind off of it.

Ill see you later, Night, Akatsuki. Im off.



I said goodbye to them both and left the house.

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