I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 6: Chapter 2: Part 3

Book 6: Chapter 2: Part 3

Part 3



I shifted my body to the side in response to the ball coming at me from behind. The beach ball went right through where I had been a moment ago with great force.

Ah! Im sorry, Yuuya-san!

I-its okay.

I can avoid it, but if Kaede and Kaori were teaming up, it might have been dangerous

As I was thinking of that, Rin grinned when she saw Kaoris serve.

Heh? It seems that Kaori is not good at sports, huh? Lets aim at her.

Eeh? A-as expected thats

Kaede. This is a match, you know. Its a great strategy to win.

And Rin began to aim at Kaori with the next serve as she declared.



Kaori managed to deal with Rins serve, but the ball flew in the wrong direction. That direction was out towards the sea. However, I thought that I shouldnt let the ball go out. I ran along the surface of the sea without thinking, caught up with the ball, and returned it to Rins court.


Wait how can you pick that up!?

I mean, how can you run on the seas surface like that?

Eeh? Y-you must have seen it wrong.

No, I think so too, but!

I was chasing after the ball, but it was definitely not normal to run on the surface of the water! Or rather, Im surprised that I can run on the seas surface myself.

It seems that during my training with Master Usagi, my leg strength had become extraordinary. However, after I returned the ball to Rins court, Kaori was the only one left on our court. Rin took advantage of that and scored a point.

I tried to get back onto the court, but my feet got caught in the sand. Well I dont have much experience moving in the sand. Its hard to move, and it takes more energy than usual This seems to be a good practice for me.

Although I was here to play, I couldnt help but think about such things due to my training with Master Usagi.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After that, Kaori was intensively targeted, and Kaedes team defeated our team.

Ugh Yuuya-san, Im sorry Im just slowing you down

Well, dont mention it.

At the time of the ball game tournament, it was still possible to cover since we played tennis, but it wasnt as easy to do so in beach volleyball. Of course, Kaori always tried to keep the ball in play with volleys and receives, but all of them flew at me with lethal force.

On the other hand, if there was a competition where that ball could be fully utilized, I think Kaori could compete well enough. After all, it was not only unpredictable but also very fast, so that even I had to rush to avoid it. I think its at a level that even the monsters Ive fought in the Great Devils Nest would be afraid. I was really surprised.

After that, we also played against Ryos team, but the result was still our loss. Kaedes team won in the end.

Ugh Yuuya-san, Im sorry that we lost because of me

N-no! You dont have to worry about it!

Im not sure what the right thing to say to her would be, so I just panicked. But then, with a grin on her face, Rin called out to Kaori.

Kaoris team lost all of their games Isnt that a sign of a disaster?

Y-you dont have to say that!

Rin laughed out loud at Kaoris reaction.

We enjoyed playing beach volleyball for a while and decided to take a break since we played for a long time.

Lets take a break and eat somewhere, shall we?


We all agreed to Ryos suggestion and decided to have lunch at a beach house. The place we were at was far away from the crowds, so there were only a few people at the nearby beach house.

When we turned our attention to the more crowded area of the beach, we noticed that the beach houses there were very busy.

Even though there seemed to be more people over there, is this beach house okay with you guys?

I think its fine.

Yeah, I guess so. Its probably only crowded there because its in a good location. The taste wont have much difference.

So we headed to the nearest beach house.

Oh, Tenjou and the others. What a coincidence.


Im surprised.

W-whats Sawada-sensei doing here?

Our homeroom teacher, Sawada-sensei, acted as a waitress at the beach house we were headed to!

Whats more, she was wearing an apron over a black bikini. Unlike her usual loose shirt and lab coat. I-I dont know where to look No, I always have trouble looking at her!

We were surprised, but Ryo, who came to his senses quickly, hurriedly asked.

Sensei! What are you doing here? Youre a teacher, arent you? Huh? Is it okay to have a second job?

If you ask me that

Of course, I was surprised because I hadnt expected to meet her in such a place.

She had an image as someone who didnt go out much and might be doing experiments at some facility aside from being a teacher, but now when seeing that she was working as a clerk, I thought it would be unsuitable for her profession to have a second job.

Moreover, Kaori, the daughter of Tsukasa-san, the chairman of the board of directors, was also here right now, and I felt like Sawada-sensei couldnt make any excuses for it

Then, Sawada-sensei replied in a tone with no particular agitation and without hesitation.

Its not a side job. Because this is my parents house.


When I was surprised again by the unexpected answer, a stern man came out from the beach house. The man was wearing the same apron as Sawada-sensei, but he had a very tough expression on his face, which was somewhat mismatched. He also had a large scar on his face, and with his body being large and muscular, he was quite intimidating. Um he didnt look like an average person

Hey, Rie! Dont slack off!

The man probably called Sawada-sensei by her first name and yelled at her.

His loud voice, coupled with his appearance, was quite intimidating. We froze, but Sawada-sensei didnt seem to mind and replied in her usual tone.

No, Dad. These are my students.

Your students?


We and the manSawada-senseis fatheroverlapped our surprised voices. Eh, he is her father?

Even though I knew it was rude, I couldnt help but compare the two of them. D-do they even resemble each other?

We were dumbfounded, but as soon as the surprise subsided, the mans expression changed, and he spoke to us with a smile.

Ah, it cant be helped if you kids are Ries students! Since this girl is like this, you kids must be having a hard time, right? Is she a good teacher?

Y-yeah, shes a very good teacher

When Kaori, the chairmans daughter, answered in confusion, Sawada-senseis mouth twitched.

You dont trust me, do you? I am an excellent teacher, you know?

Even if youre talented, I dont know if that makes you a good teacher. Thats for the students to decide.

Thats a good point, I guess.

Sawada-sensei laughed and nodded. Sawada-senseis father looked at us in amazement.

Oh? When I looked closely, I realized that all of the girls were beautiful! And the guys are handsome, too. Whats this? Are all the kids at your school like this?

Hmm. All the students are like this.

What kind of monster school is that?

No, Father-san. I think so too. There are a lot of students with good personalities and have appearances that are beautiful or cool like Kaori and Ryo.

Well, as you may have figured out from the conversation, Im Ries father, Ginji. Since youre here, Im going to treat you all to lunch.

Eh? N-no. Were sorry for the trouble!

Dont worry about it! Hey, Rie! Youre not busy anyway, right? Show them to the tatami room while Im making the food!

Hmm, Im not busy, but thats because there are no customers.

Shut up!

C-certainly, there are a lot of people on the beach, but there are no customers here Is it possible that being just a little bit farther away from the beach can make such a difference?

Sawada Senseis father Ginji-san shouted at her, but Sawada Sensei walked out of the reception area and came over to us.

So thats it. Senseis family runs this beach house. Thats how I was forced to help out during the summer vacation if I was free. Of course, I dont get paid.

I-I see?

In other words, it doesnt pay as its an extension of helping out at home, so its not a side job. I dont know if thats really true, but its not something we can talk about. Kaori might be able to say something, though.

Sawada-sensei led us to the tatami room, and after waiting for a while, Ginji-san brought us some food.

Hey, youre all still growing up, right? Eat a lot, eat a lot!


What came out in front of us was a large bowl of yakisoba, the aroma of the sauce stimulating our appetite. When we took advantage of Ginji-sans kindness and tried the yakisoba, we were surprised at the taste.


Amazing I think Ive never had such delicious yakisoba before.


The yakisoba we were served was delicious. Of course, eating yakisoba at a beach house, combined with the situation, might have made it taste better than usual. However, the yakisoba made by Ginji-san was even better than that.

As everyone was absorbed in eating the yakisoba, Kaede muttered to herself.

Why are there so few customers when its so good?


Ah! I-Im sorry!

Kaede hurriedly apologized when Rin warned her in a dumbfounded manner. But Ginji-san didnt get angry about it as he smiled bitterly.

Its okay; its okay. Its the truth anyway.

Well, the location is bad. Its located at the edge of the beach, and when you compare it to the most crowded part of the beach, there are far fewer people here. Thats why we dont get many customers.

Besides, Im pretty sure the store over there has a better variety of food than this one.

I see

Indeed, when I looked at the menu for Ginji-sans beach house, there were only curry and beer on the menu aside from yakisoba.

I-its such a shame when the food is so good

Its a pity.

As Shingo-kun and Yukine said that, Sawada-sensei seemed to notice something and stood up.


Oh? Whats the matter, Rie?

Senseis got a great idea.

Good idea?

We tilted our heads in confusion, but Sawada-sensei nodded confidently.

Yeah, a good idea.

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