I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 7: Chapter 2: Part 1

Book 7: Chapter 2: Part 1

Heres the chapter, enjoy~

Chapter 2 Summer Festival

Part 1

In a certain high-class restaurant.

Its a well-known restaurant that celebrities, presidents of various companies, and politicians visit, and its not a place that ordinary people can often get into. In such a place, Miu was eating somewhat uncomfortably.

Miu. You know what were going to talk about today, dont you?


A middle-aged man with a well-developed face that resembled Mius in some way, was eating across from the model with a stern expression on his face. The man in front of her was Mius father and the reason for Mius tension.

Then, it will be quick. A marriage proposal has been arranged for you. The other party is a young man who runs several entertainment facilities overseas, including a large casino. Recently, hes been trying to start a new business with the money hes gained from running the casinos. After hearing his story in detail, I feel that he has a very promising future. He will be a good fit for our family.


It might be suitable for you, but its not for our family. Although Miu felt this way about her fathers words, she did not say it out loud.

Mius father was the president of one of Japans largest companies, and Miu was actually the presidents daughter. However, instead of following her fathers ideas and joining his company, Miu jumped into the entertainment industry and became a very famous model.


Im sorry. Im still working as a model.

Dont tell me youre turning this down for some silly show business?


Being pierced by her fathers sharp gaze, Miu tensed up. In fact, she wanted to make him apologize for calling her modeling job a waste of time right now. However, she couldnt control her bodys response, which was a subconscious reflex ingrained in her for years, and she could only remain silent.

Mius father spoke to her as if he was talking to a poorly taught daughter.

Miu. I approved your entertainment activities because I believe it will lead to an enhancement of our companys image. But apart from that, you have also promised to help our company grow if there is an opportunity to do so.


Dont tell me youve forgotten that?

Miu, who was once again being looked at sharply, held her tongue again.

Well, this is for your own good, too. I dont know about modeling or whatever, but your future is secure if you work for me instead of being in the unstable and unpredictable world of entertainment. Why cant you understand that?

You dont know how I feel about being a model.

I dont know. And Im not even interested in that.


No matter what you say, I intend to proceed with this marriage proposal.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Miu turned her face down in frustration at her fathers words. Her father let out a sigh of exasperation at the sight of her.

Good grief whats wrong with you if you marry someone I introduce you to; your future will be secure

Im not looking for that

Miu. Dont disappoint me too much.


Mius body tensed up at the sound of her fathers cold voice.

You lack awareness as a member of the Midou family. For the sake of the development of the Midou family and for your future, this marriage is very important.

Even so, I

Miu said this in a faint voice as if she was squeezing it out, but then she thought of a strange idea.

W-well then If I can bring a man who can make father feel more at ease, then you will cancel the marriage proposal, wont you?



Miu stared at her father with a serious expression. But her fathers expression was cold as if he knew that it was impossible.

Ive told you many times that this marriage is for your future and will greatly affect the development of the Midou family. However, if you can bring a similar no, an even better partner, I will have no complaints.

Well then!

Well, I dont think you can. I have some knowledge of your social circle. There has never been a man in your life that you have gotten to know personally, has there? I dont expect you to be able to bring someone who can meet those requirements out of the blue at all.

After saying that much, her father resumed his meal. It was as if he had nothing more to say, and Miu couldnt say anything else either.

Just when I was getting used to training with Iris-san, I was told by Master Usagi and Iris-san that today would be a day off, as I had been doing a lot of training recently. However, since I was ready to train again today, I was puzzled by the sudden break.

What should I do? Ive already finished my summer vacation homework early so that I can hang out with Kaori and the others before, and since I have a break from my usual training, I might as well stop doing voluntary training as well to rest my body.

I groaned for a while, but then an idea occurred to me.

Thats right! Now that I have a day off, lets go for a walk on Earth after a long while!



Night and Akatsuki squealed cheerfully at my words. Then, Ouma-san, who was lying down in the room, opened one eye.

Are you going out?


I see. Well, I dont think its going to be a disaster, but be careful.


Ive felt the presence of Evil before, even here on Earth. Since the worlds are connected through that door, its not surprising that anything can happen.

When I went to visit Kaoris vacation house, I met the Evil Beast in the place where we did the test of courage, and it seemed that Ouma-san had sensed the presence of it while he was in this house. As always, hes amazing

What about you, Yuti?

Stand by. Ill stay home. I havent finished my homework yet.

I-is that so?

I smiled bitterly when I saw Yuti struggling with her summer vacation homework spread out on the table. Not only did she need to study for junior high school, but she also needed to catch up on the material from elementary school in order to keep up with her classes, so she needed to study more than others. It was a lot of work, but Im always willing to help if she encountered any problems or didnt understand something in her studies.

We went out for a walk, leaving Yuti and Ouma-san to take care of things.

Its been a while since we took a walk like this.



While Night wore a collar and a leash, Akatsuki didnt have anything on him. The reason was that Akatsuki didnt like it. Akatsuki was often at his own pace and did not do anything dangerous, and he listened to me, so Ive left him as is for now.


As I was walking leisurely along the walking course, I noticed a bulletin board in the town. There was an advertisement for a summer festival to be held tomorrow night.

A summer festival? I talked about going with everyone when we came back from Kaoris vacation house but what should I do?

Unfortunately, I dont have a smartphone, so I dont have a way to get in touch with everyone.

I guess I should just go ahead and buy some new appliances and stuff for the house. Wasnt it impossible to sign up for a smartphone without parental consent? If thats the case, I would like to avoid getting one

Even though it was my day off, I felt depressed because I remembered something I didnt like.


Hmm? Whats wrong?

I noticed that Night was staring in a certain direction. When I turned my gaze in the same direction, I saw Miu-san sitting on the riverside of our walking course, staring at the river in a gloomy mood.

She looks like shes lost in thought Did something happen to her?

Fortunately, there werent many people around, and no one seemed to have noticed her, so I called out to her.


Eh? Oh, Yuuya-san!

When Miu-san recognized me, she raised her voice in surprise.

Its been a while, hasnt it?

Yes! Ah Im sorry that the president of my office forced you to do that before

N-no! Please dont worry about it. I think it was a good advertisement for our school

Yes, the president of the agency which Miu-san belonged to had asked me to cover the ball game of the Ousei Academy the other day.

Whats wrong? You looked like you had something on your mind

Oh, haha Im sorry, I showed my embarrassing side.

Oh no! Is something wrong?

No, its nothing serious

Miu-san was on the verge of saying something, but she shook her head once and looked at the river again.

Yes, thats right. As Yuuya-san said, I was in trouble

Oh, u-um, its late now, but you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to.

Fufufu. Certainly, its a little late. But its okay. Would you mind listening for a moment?


As I slowly sat down next to Miu-san, she stared at the river and began to talk in whispers.

To tell you the truth I think I might not be able to continue working as a model.


My eyes widened at her unexpected words. After all, Miu-san was an extremely popular model. Shes been on the cover of many magazines, and theres not a day that went by that I dont see her in some advertisements on the street.

If I might add, I didnt think the president of the agency to which Miu-san belongs would let her go so easily. Was there some kind of trouble with her work?

As if to answer my question, Miu-san continued.

Of course, its not that I want to do this. Its just that my family doesnt think I should continue working

Your family

Miu-sans words brought my parents faces to my mind again, but I quickly shook my head to dismiss the thought.

I love my job as a model. I love modeling, and I dont want to quit. But its not a world where I can continue to work while theres friction with my family.

I didnt know much about the entertainment industry, so I couldnt say for sure, but Im sure the problems she was facing were pretty complicated. Besides, Ive never met Miu-sans parents, so I couldnt say anything about them, and I shouldnt get involved in their family affairs.

I couldnt say a word to Miu-san, who struggled with her thoughts and itching to say something. Miu-san laughed, looking a little refreshed.

Im sorry for talking about this to an unrelated Yuuya-san

Oh no! Im not

No. I like my job. I just wanted someone to hear that I love my work and that its something I can be proud of My father denied me that.

I was at a loss for words when Miu-san smiled sadly at me.

Suddenly, Miu-san stood up and stretched as hard as she could.

Hmm! Its been a while since I went for a walk, but I was able to meet Yuuya-san like this, and more importantly, Yuuya-san listened to me. Its a good idea to take a walk. Ive been a little depressed lately

When I saw Miu-san acting cheerfully to hide the mood she was in earlier, my mouth naturally moved.



Do you have time tomorrow?

Eh? Oh, you mean tomorrow? I dont have any work tomorrow, so I do have time

I heard theres a summer festival near here tomorrow. It might take your mind off things a bit

Eh? T-t-t-t-that will be a d-d-date.

The second half of her words were too small to be heard, but I continued.

Of course, as long as youre okay with me

N-no! Its okay! Theres no problem!

For a moment, I was pressured by Miu-san, who seemed more excited than I expected, but then I breathed a sigh of relief.

Im glad then lets meet here tomorrow at 6 pm.


Thats how I ended up going with Miu-san to the summer festival tomorrow.

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