I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Translator: “Ashita” Editor: “Weasalopes”


(Ow ow ow)

I woke up in the darkness. It seems like I lost my consciousness.

(Where am I?)

As I try to get Old Lady to get up, I realize that her posture is weird. Her head is below and her legs are above.

(The sense between top and bottom dulls in pure darkness)

As I thought this, I tried to correct Old Lady’s posture.

However, she cannot move. It seems like she is buried.

(You’re kidding!)

Immediately after that, my muscles freeze up and cold sweat started pouring out.

Being buried head-first is the worst possible situation I can be in.

I become half-panicked and ran wild with Old Lady. When I did that, I confirmed that I can move her two legs somewhat.

(Upside-down, with the upper half of the body, stuck deeply)

I understand Old Lady’s current posture.

(Kuh! You! Hugh!)

I kicked with her lower body and managed to get the upper half of her body out.

She was buried in broken pieces of rocks.

Rocks that collided into one another, rock pieces and also scraps of small rocks. The surroundings are covered with them.

(The only thing I would not want is being buried alive)

I heaved a huge sigh.

Being buried alive is quite high on my list of deaths that I would like to avoid.

I am really glad that I was able to avoid that.

(That’s right, mana……! What happened to that?)

Immediately after I felt relieved, I took notice of that matter.

Old Lady was filled with so much internal pressure that she might burst from using C rank magic

(That’s right! I used Magic Missile to expel the mana and avoided an explosion)

I panicked for a second but my memory came back and I calmed myself down.

However, the next memories that came back made my heart

(What about injuries? How is Old Lady?)

Even though it has passed, I recalled earlier when I was wrecked by the mixture of the mass of rocks.

It seems like my memories are in the midst of slowly returning to me.

(……I am alive right?)

I subconsciously scan my surroundings, searching for a light source and the huge stone statue with a book on its face. It was the one I saw when I came here.

Reflected in these eyes of mine is a pile of rubble within the darkness.

Each of the two light obis from Old Lady’s shoulders lit them up.

[TL note: A sash worn together with a Kimono or with martial art garb. To find out more, click here]

(It seems like I am alive)

I finally grasped the current situation.

As I feel relieved, I started to realize that parts of my body are hurting.

(It is not about Old Lady but more of my own body)

I determined from the difference in feeling.

And in order to confirm the situation, I turned on the lighting for the pilot seat.


I unknowingly let out my voice. What my eyes saw was a pool of blood that ran all the way from my nose to my lap.

(What is this?!)

Looking between the dried blood from my nose and the dirtied pilot seat, I subconsciously picked my nose.

That is because my nose was filled with snot and that was suffocating.

(Isn’t this blood?!)

The lump trickled slowly down from my nose was black-red in color.

It seems like I had a bad nosebleed. Warm blood started trickling down from my nose, probably due to the wound opening from my picking.


I sniffled and gulped down.

It was then that I realized that some of my teeth were shaky.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Furthermore, when I gulped down, there was a stinging pain from the bottom left of my ribs.

(Injury Recovery F! Sickness Recovery F! Status Abnormality Recovery F!)

For now I should use all types of the lowest-ranked magic continuously.

Although my dirtied clothing did not become cleaner, my nosebleed stopped and the pain from parts of my body alleviated.

(F isn’t enough)

I activated the E rank magic for Injury Recovery only.

I gathered mana in places that were most likely injured, the pain dissolved, flowed away and disappeared. I got to experience that feeling.

(My head still hurts)

It hurt badly as if someone was whipping it. And my ribs hurt too. I am also starting to feel unwell.

Also, I just realized that my left leg is numb and there is little feeling in it.

「Injury Recovery D!」

I used my Injury Recovery magic once again. This time it was a D rank one.

It was probably faster to use a higher ranked magic to recover all at once. However, I nearly experienced the feeling of an explosion due to mana so I was too afraid to do it.

(It will probably be fine if I just use it on myself)

That probably happened because the target was Old Lady.

To prove this, the Injury Recovery D magic that I emitted to myself was not absorbed by the mithril silver shell, and it cured my body.

(……It’s perfect)

The remaining pain and unpleasant feeling disappeared without a trace from my whole body.

The feeling of my left leg also returned. Of course, my teeth also became sturdy.

Any missing bits turned back to normal so much so that even biting did nothing.

(As expected, recovery magic is the best!)

A person’s life starts from healthiness.

After feeling comfortable once again, I checked my surroundings.

I am able to see things even in the darkness due to the light emitted from the shoulders.

(Seems like the lamp pods are not broken)

Feeling relieved, I am once again impressed by their durability.

(No, not all of it is unharmed)

The intensity of the light has dropped and the emission range has become narrower. Even when Old Lady moved her head, there was no trailing band of light.

When I checked, out of the five installed on both shoulders and her head, only the two on her shoulders are unharmed.

(In that situation, I’d be fine if at least one of them still functions)

I am already not in combat. If it just lights up the path like this, then there will be no problems with my mobility.

In the midst of the light, I made Old Lady look around her surroundings and I grasped the rough situation.

(I am in the depths of the hole)

That would be it if I had to put it in a phrase.

Old Lady is standing in a deep hole shaped like a mortar.

The slopes of the mortar are made up of rubble. These rocks are like those that I often see that were artificially made by using machinery to break the rocks into pebbles at construction sites.

(No, as this is the size of the rubble scaled to what is seen by Old Lady, I should call them broken rocks)

Lumps, which are too big to be called small rocks, form a slope with a steep gradient, encircling Old Lady.

(That is……, it’s the rifle!)

I felt overjoyed when I discovered a white staff that is stuck into the slope of the rubble.

I would be able to protect myself if I had that.

(Alright. Let’s start by climbing)

I decide on my next course of action while retrieving the rifle. There is probably nothing for me to explore even if I were to be here.

Slinging the rifle after using the sling to wrap around it, I focused my conscience on getting Old Lady to climb.

As I did that I noticed that the insides no longer have much mana left.


I tilted my head.

(Did all the mana flow into the rifle?)

I think the feeling is different.

At that time, I was desperately making mana flow in but I am certain that I did not allow everything to flow in.

(Did it disperse to the surroundings?)

It is not something that is known by looking but I subconsciously set my eyes on Old Lady.

I was able to have a look at her body from the light that was reflected off of the rubble.

(Looks badly dented)

That is the first time that I realize the miserable state that Old Lady is in.

Her armor had deformed like it was hit by a tin bucket.

The surface had scratches everywhere, all the tips at various places were bent upwards.

They seem to be telling the tale of how destructive the damage caused by the mixer was.

(Though it seems Old Lady’s main body took little damage)

The golem main body that showed due to the bending had a smooth feel even though they had dirt on them.

I did not catch sight of any huge damage, broken or even shaved off parts.

Although I am thankful, I also had doubts.

Even though the outer armor had taken so much damage, it is weird how the main body had no damage at all.

(I should first head upwards, getting outside if possible, and checking this in a bright place)

With this darkness, it is impossible to be certain of anything.

After replenishing the empty Old Lady with the F-rank Injury Recovery magic, I placed both hands and feet on the slope of the rubble which looked like it would easily collapse and started climbing.


I immediately realize that something was off.

All of the mana emitted from the F-rank magic I had activated a moment ago was consumed immediately.

(This feeling……)

It was similar to the feeling when I was treating my injuries earlier. The feeling of mana gathering at places with pain and treating it.

(One more time)

I activate my F rank magic.

It was absorbed just like before but this time, it stopped at about half and there was no signs that it would decrease any further.

When I concentrated on mana control, it seems like Old Lady was repairing various places making me feel uneasy.

(So that was what [golems excel at self-repair] meant)

I recalled what I learned from a classroom lecture back when I was at the Pilot school.

Old Lady most likely used her inner mana to repair the main body.

Even though the armor was worn-out, the main body had little damage and when there should be mana remaining, it was empty.

It all makes sense.

(As expected, those existences known as Knights is amazing)

As long as there is fuel, they are a humanoid weapon that will repair anything from failures to damages themselves to a certain extent.

Setting aside whether their logic was 「bad」, they are existences that are beyond dreams.

While I am deeply impressed, Old Lady that was on all fours had almost climbed up the slope.

(Looks like an ant hell)

The slope of the rubble collapsed easily making her slip to the bottom numerous times.

However, the fortunate thing was that no matter how many times she slipped down, there was no Ant lion’s giant larva that suddenly appears and attacks.

(……It is supposed to be the Hell Divers’ nest right?)

My thoughts after climbing up the slope was exactly that.

The underground cavity’s state had changed so much that it had sparked that thought.

Old Lady is currently standing at the top of the slope. And from there, I am looking down on the landscape.

There lies terrain that looked like ant hell. That is all.

(There is nothing)

It is deserted.

The hexagonal wall that went all the way to the ceiling, the berth of pupa lined up like bookshelves at a book center, the countless Hell Divers that filled the landscape.

This place which was once like that is now empty. Under the ceiling with a smooth rock surface, there is only a large amount of rubble piled up like a spiral.

I picked up a fragment with my hand and observed it.

There is no roundness to it, all its sides are pointed and there are many cracks.

(It seems like this rock came about from the lumps of rock continually collided with one another)

A sandblast from lumps of rock the size of a Knight’s head.

They probably became this size and shape from colliding smashing into one another. They piled up near the walls of the cavity within the tornado-like storm, creating this scenery.


Suddenly, as I was looking around the cavity, I saw that there was a light source on the right. It was not a reflection from the lamp pod.

(Could it be light from the outside?)

With expectation and cautiousness, I approached the light source.

(It is as I expected)

I felt relieved as I became certain.

It was the path that I came from. The shape has changed somewhat but there is no mistaking it.

(But why?)

As I had not thought that I would be able to reach the surface this quickly, I was honestly very thankful.

But I had my doubts too.

That is because that much rocks and stones had flown about. On the contrary, not being buried in such a cave is weirder.

As I tilted my head, Old Lady and I faced the surface, about to begin walking.

And without further ado, Old Lady and I appeared on the surface.

The sunset dyed the sky red. There exists no ceiling, an endless existence.

I subconsciously synchronized my sense of liberation with Old Lady, doing a stretch.

(I see)

As my eyes take in the surroundings, I somewhat comprehend the reason.

With the activation of Magic Missile, the raging pressure within the nest traveled through the pathway to the surface like its a chimney, then bursting out from the entrance to the surface.

(That is why the road became buried)

At the top of the nest’s exit, broke rocks and scraps of rock were scattered far and wide in a fan shape.

I once again realize the scariness of an explosion in an airtight room.

(Well then)

I made Old Lady standstill at that position and opened the hatch. Thereafter, I started checking Old Lady’s and my state.

As I expected, checking in a bright place is different.

(It was quite a huge injury but it is now fine)

Only my shirt and the pilot seat has blood smeared all over. My body has already completely recovered.

I am very thankful to my recovery magic.

Next up is Old Lady’s state.

Getting down from the pilot seat, I walked one round around the surroundings as I observed.

(As I expected, the armor is in a sorry state, it seems like the main body does not have much damage)

There will be no problems in heading back to the Royal Capital as is.

I am impressed once again at the power of the golem’s self-repair.

I got on Old Lady once again and closed the hatch.

(That only leaves how to explain this situation)

I turned back to the nest’s entrance.

Perhaps feeling the need to sort it out in my mind, I grasped the landscape detail by detail.

(I have completed the Hell Divers’ extermination)

There is no doubt about that. The request has been accomplished.

(Although it is impossible to submit any drop items as proof, that is probably not required)

It is not a request that cannot be confirmed without a drop item. I nodded.

(But the state of the inside of the nest and these rock pieces are a problem)

There are no traces, let alone pieces of the nest remaining only an underground space overflowing with scraps of rock. And the stones and rocks spread out on the surface.

I would not be able to answer even if they ask how it became like this.

(What will happen if I answer as much as I can?)

Even though I am saying this myself, I am not one of the intelligent types.

If I lie, I will gradually be unable to keep up its consistency and it will ultimately be found out. I am the owner of such a brain.

(To me, what is the thing I most want to keep a secret?)

I questioned myself.

The answer is simple. I cannot tell people that I used Akashaic Magic (Primordial Magic) that was lent.

(If that is so, then it is simple. I should simply not tell them that I have used C rank magic)

*nod*, I constructed the sentences in my mind and tried speaking them.

「I charged into the Hell Divers’ nest and fired Magic Missiles. An explosion then occurred and it became like this」

I closed my eyes for a while and scrutinized it.

I am not lying. It should be possible for my brain if it is to only express what I can talk about.

I opened my eyes suddenly, glaring at the nest’s entrance.

In my heart, I have already decided.

(I will go with this. I will push through with I don’t know for the rest)

That’s right. For someone like me who is lacking in magic and common knowledge, there is no way I can make up an excuse that will satisfy them.

If I make up something poor, the holes will show and I will only get cornered.

Honestly answering only what I can say is the best.

In other words, just like this.

『Why is the inside of the nest all messed up and there only being scraps of rock remaining?』

『Because an explosion occurred』

『What in the world exploded and why?』

『I don’t know』

My heart is unfazed, other than realizing the fact that that is a bad excuse.

One of my styles is to move cautiously when I did something shady.

(Alright, with this, everything is settled. All that is left is to return to the Royal Capital)

I turned my face towards the sun, forcefully killing these feelings of mine.

(Only a little bit left before night comes)

I have submitted a schedule to the Merchant’s Guild that I will be back by tomorrow. There are no worries if I cannot be back by today.

(I advanced towards the town until it got dark. All that is left is to camp outside of the town)

There is the option of going to Auwalk but Auwalk is something I would like to avoid so.


My muscles went numb for a second as I recalled the unpleasant memories.

Shaking my head once, facing parallel to the ridgeline cast on by the sun, Old Lady started walking towards the Royal Capital.

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