I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!

Chapter 132 - A Husband Thinks Every God Is A Tsundere!

[Goddess Fiana: Only you can know about my identity.]

"So you should at least change your nickname."

If the goddess didn't want to expose her identity, then it would be far better if she just changed her nickname. Kyoya suggested it and the goddess followed him as he was the game master.

She didn't know what kind of nickname she should choose, though.

This made Kyoya smile as she was like 'reward' from the belief from beating the pyromaniacs. Besides, if she wanted to keep her identity secret, then Xiaoxiao would just name her anyway.

"Xiaoxiao will name you, so please wait a little."


The goddess looked at the blank game system window, then closed her eyes. She then felt her body being petted by the husband. Her current cat form was too fluffy and purry sounds escaped her body when the husband petted, so he got immersed in this feeling relatively easy.

He also didn't have any pets, so it was something new.

The only way for the goddess to escape such treatment was to cancel the audience. The whole world became blank and Kyoya soon found himself in front of Xiaoxiao. She was still in her respectful posture, probably speaking with another consciousness of goddess. Soon, she opened her eyes gradually, then stood up.

As she spun, Xiaoxiao noticed the pet.


Then, her hands went up to cover her mouth as such a loud exclamation was not so respectful in this place. Her eyes wandered around to glance at the candles and its flames. If even one of these showed off some weird movement, then Xiaoxiao would feel cry inwardly.

She didn't notice that the cat in front of her nodded her head when she did that.

Then, Kyoya extended his hands forth to pass the cat.

"It's yours."

"I heard about the special reward from the goddess, but I didn't expect it to be a kitty."

Xiaoxiao reached for the cat, then raised it high so their eyes could meet. She was mesmerized by beautiful red eyes, then put the cat closer to her chest. The red cat wriggled a little, but then positioned itself casually near Xiaoxiao's body.

Its eyes then glanced at Kyoya.

'A name.'

"What about the name? We need to name it."

"Yes, but I have to ask something, Kyoya. I also heard a part of your belief got used to get this kitty, so it's our pet."


It was needed because Goddess Fiana's consciousness wanted to work with the system closely. Thus, she already explained to Xiaoxiao that Kyoya's belief has been used to form the special pet.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was all about this special power of the husband! Xiaoxiao knew that it was huge for goddess to accept this interference of unknown divine energy, but was glad that this got accepted.

And even now, her goddess was supporting her by giving her such a pet.


A new system window appeared in front of Kyoya's eyes. It was sent by Xiaoxiao as she pushed it by flicking her fingers. The message just briefly explained that Xiaoxiao and Goddess Fiana became somewhat connected.

[A pet has been added to Xiaoxiao's game system.]

'A name.'

Kyoya had to urge Xiaoxiao to name Goddess Fiana as she somehow couldn't withstand being nameless. This cat's tail was dangerously swaying close to Xiaoxiao's crotch and so Kyoya felt like he couldn't waste time here.

This made Xiaoxiao grasp her chin as she wondered about the name.

After a while of consideration, Xiaoxiao's lips let out the name.

"Her name will be 'Akaro' What do you think?"

"It's a good name."

[Akaro(Goddess Fiana): I don't mind this name.]

[Kyoya(A weirdo husbando): And how am I supposed to relay that?]

There was no answer, so the husband just extended his hand to pet the cat's head. The cat raised her eyes at him and using this for his advantage, the husband convinced Xiaoxiao that the goddess liked this new name.

"I also think she likes it!"

Both of them left the shrine then.

There were some disciples that couldn't believe their eyes. After all, the small cat was something that didn't enter the shrine and never in their lives would some animal be allowed to enter their goddess' shrine.

This just meant that the small animal was the goddess' reward!

They felt an envy scratching the backs of their hearts while looking at the small cat, then closed their eyes to control their emotions. It was an achievement for their shrine to reach the goddess, so they should be happy instead. They also believed that some rewards would be for them too as such special individual arrived and got the reward from the shrine they work and take care of.

The believers returned to their work shortly after.

As for the husband and Xiaoxiao, they were slowly going back to the inn. They already got a message about the inn and their rooms from Maria, so it was just a slow walk toward it. On this walk, Xiaoxiao and Kyoya spoke freely about their adventurers yet again.

It was nice for Xiaoxiao as she could drop the serious attitude to zero and just speak with excitement. Then, she stopped by the pet shop.

"We should buy some food for kitty."

"I don't really… think…"

"And some toys too. I think kitties like to play with wool balls!"

"Xiaoxiao, your cat is a unique one, you know…"

The husband paled slightly, then wiped off the sweat from his temples. His friend was just going to buy some cheap food for the goddess! And even more, toys! He licked his lips, then did his best to convince her, but the goddess herself chimed in.

She came with the quest!

[Quest for Xiaoxiao!]

"I got from the kitty!"

"Show me, show me."

[Akaro is a unique cat summoned by the belief of Goddess Fiana!

She will be able to provide you with help if you bring her fire related resources! It can be in any form; food, jewels and other treasures related to fire element!

You can not disrespect Akaro! Her status is equal to divine disciple! A mere mortal food or treasures aren't recommended!

You have to take care of Akaro's soft fur every morning, afternoon and evening! If you manage to satisfy her enough, a new piece of information will appear in your quest log.]

"Oh, I can't buy cheap food then. But won't kitty die from starvation?"

"I don't think so. If anything, then your flames would be the perfect food for her."

"That's right! Let's go back to the inn now! I will pet her."

Kyoya glanced at the small game system window.

[Akaro's satisfaction - 100]

'Is she tsundere too?'

The husband felt like the goddess closed up the special realm where there were only two of them because of his petting. He thought she didn't like it and wanted to escape, but now, there was a petting quest for Xiaoxiao?

Was it because she was a woman or Kyoya just did a bad job? Xaya always liked when he stroked her hair, so it had to be something else! This somehow flared up the competitive feelings within Kyoya's heart.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course!"


It was unexpected for the goddess, so she didn't pay any attention to the husband's movement. He suddenly reached for her cat body, then petted like he did to Xaya, but even more careful to which his eyes dilated.

[Akaro's satisfaction - 105]

It went up!

Thus, the husband continued to pet, but no more points had been added to the counter.

'She is also tsundere! These gods are damn tsunderes!'

It was clear that the goddess liked his petting, but she just didn't want to acknowledge it. Even Xiaoxiao laughed while covering her mouth at the cat's attempts to escape Kyoya's hug. She patted the cat's puffy face, then took her back.

'It is because I am a mortal. If I were a god, then their stances would be different… Would they even speak with me, though?'

The Trickster Gods were known to be wicked, their actions always resulted with disaster and adversity. If Kyoya was a pure trickster god, then people except the father in law and his old disciples wouldn't even talk with him!

Of course, Kyoya didn't want to surround himself with such people similar to other trickster gods.

And if he didn't have father in law's divine energy, then there was a high chance Goddess Fiana would've told Xiaoxiao to go against him!

This made Kyoya to rub his chin as he realized.

'They are tsunderes in the end.'

Because of the circumstances, Kyoya and Goddess Fiana had enough talk. And even after all of this, she still didn't accept his petting and escaped to Xiaoxiao's arms. This was the same to Xiaoxiao's petting too, though.

The goddess didn't accept anyone's petting for now, even if she was reduced to a small cat form.

"This is my room."

"Yes, see you tomorrow."

"See you! It was nice to spend time with you. Thanks for coming to the shrine with me."

"Ah, please."

Kyoya just smiled widely at Xiaoxiao, then sent her off after a small hug. Then, he opened the doors to his room in the inn! Once the husband stepped onto the room, his eyes immediately shifted to the bed.

He saw his wife in her small wolf form hugging the plush toy.


Xaya's eyes were already on his body, going up and down for a few seconds. Then, she let the plush toy go, her paws kicking the ground so fast it couldn't be seen by naked eyes! She ran toward him so fast that the husband couldn't even spread his arms!


And then he got headbutt by Xaya onto the stomach.

"I smell women!"

"Ugh… How do you change your forms so fast?"

In front of him, his wife was already in her human form, naked. She looked deeply in his eyes while holding his shoulders. As the husband dodged the question, Xaya's fingers began digging into his flesh slowly.

"I was with Xiaoxiao and within her goddess' shrine! There were some women too which is obvious, right?"


[A yandere wife!]

[A yandere wife!]

[A yandere wife!]


"I know, you can check me. Feel free to sniff me."

The husband had nothing to hide except the goddess' identity which should be fine as this woman is totally with another level and nothing happened anyway!

Thus, Xaya began sniffing her husband! Her little nose went around his face, hair and chest, then she brought him up to the bed. Here, the husband landed while laughing as it was kinda amusing for him.

"What now?"

"I will get rid of the clothes, husband."

"Well, these are ordinary ones, so feel free."

Then Xaya did as she said and checked every part of the husband's body.

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