I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 22

C22 – Training!

Ninghe, the maid, approached Zhou Jibo with swift steps and whispered, “Young Master, would you like to freshen up with a bath first?”

Zhou Youqing’s face lit up with excitement. “Jibo, you’re finally taking a break. I’ve been looking forward to going out and having fun with you!”

The Third Elder spoke with a mix of indulgence and resignation, “All you think about is playing. Jibo has become so formidable, yet he doesn’t even consider playing.”

Curiosity piqued, Zhou Youqing inquired, “Just how formidable is Jibo? I’ve heard that his bone root is the Earth Spirit and his martial skill talent is exceptional, allowing him to defeat a ninth layer Acquired Warrior with ease. What level has Jibo reached now?”

The Third Elder, Zhou Shu, and Zhou Kaile all shared the curiosity. But the Third Elder quickly regained his composure and advised Zhou Jibo, “The Zhou family has only just settled its internal turmoil, and we haven’t rooted out all the spies. It’s best not to disclose your level to her, lest the Zheng family and other enemies catch wind of it.”

Zhou Kaile nodded in agreement, “Exactly.”

Zhou Shu couldn’t help but reflect, “The Zhou and Zheng families have long been friends. When our family was the premier clan in Icefair City, the Zhengs were our staunch allies. Their recent actions have been truly unforeseen.”

“Yes, indeed,” echoed the Third Elder.

Zhou Jibo responded coolly, “Maybe the Zhou family never fully grasped the Zheng family’s true nature. When we were strong, they were utterly devoted. When we showed weakness, they shifted their allegiance to those more powerful. Their actions are not entirely unjustifiable. If they had been more adept in their dealings, they wouldn’t have made so many enemies.”

“But they’ve taken the one path they should have avoided.”

Noticing Zhou Youqing’s lingering curiosity, Zhou Jibo added, “Demonstrating my strength can help stabilize the Zhou family’s situation. Still, some of my techniques must remain unknown to outsiders.”

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Upon hearing this, Zhou Shu suggested, “Behind the ancestor temple, there’s a large hall used for formal family gatherings. It’s spacious and private, perfect for martial arts practice.”

Zhou Jibo nodded. “Alright.”

“Let’s have three senior elders, two elders, and a few of our most trusted individuals come and assess Zhou Jibo’s current abilities and his potential for the future,” Zhou Kaile proposed. “Having a clear goal and hope for the future is essential for the Zhou family’s progress and for reclaiming our status as the preeminent family in Icefair City.”

He knew he shouldn’t speak such words, but that was the stark reality they faced.

Zhou Kaile, who had been unable to defeat Zhou Qian, had nonetheless secured his role as the Patriarch, largely thanks to his son, Zhou Jibo, whose decisive actions had swiftly brought an end to Zhou Qian’s challenge. The family’s support had shifted; they now favored Zhou Jibo over Zhou Qian. Zhou Jibo’s willingness to demonstrate his capabilities was a boon, fostering unity and strengthening the family’s core.

The stronger Zhou Jibo became, the brighter the future appeared to the Zhou family, and the more united their efforts became. This was the true significance of Zhou Jibo showcasing his strength to all.

Half an hour later, Zhou Jibo, clad in a moon-white robe, made his way to the ancestor temple. The temple grounds were already teeming with the Zhou family’s guards and young disciples. To keep Zhou Jibo’s abilities confidential, Zhou Kaile and the others had ensured that only the most trustworthy guards were on duty.

Nearly ten days had passed since his last visit to the ancestor temple, and the Zhou family had undergone a remarkable transformation. As Zhou Jibo entered the temple once more, he was met with fervent and reverent looks from those around him.

He strode through the courtyard and the grand hall, arriving at the expansive hall at the rear of the temple. There, Zhou Kaile, two elders, and three senior elders awaited him.

In addition to them, a few young people were in tow: Zhou Tong, Zhou Youqing, and Zhou Zheyan. Each senior elder had brought along a younger family member.

Undoubtedly, they were presenting their heirs to Zhou Jibo, the Zhou family’s eldest son. These young members would be the ones Zhou Jibo could rely on in the future.

Among the group, there was an unexpected presence—a young man whose attendance surprised Zhou Jibo.

It was Zhou Qian’s son, Zhou Leng.

Now, Zhou Leng’s demeanor was devoid of his former arrogance. He regarded Zhou Jibo with a vacant stare, a stark contrast to his past self-assurance.

“He’s not inherently evil; he’s just been spoiled by his father, who was fixated on usurping the role of the Patriarch,” Zhou Chulang explained to Zhou Jibo. “In recent days, I’ve taken care of his father’s funeral arrangements and settled him and his mother outside the Zhou family estate. I’ve also handled the loyal followers of Zhou Qian.”

“Zhou Qian no longer has any sway over the Zhou family. Today, you have the authority to decide Zhou Leng’s fate.”

Zhou Jibo was taken aback by Zhou Chulang’s approach. Their reluctance to take a life due to the bonds of kinship was clear.

Now, the question of whether Zhou Leng would live or die hinged on whether he harbored resentment or could prove to be an asset to the Zhou family. Zhou Jibo made a mental note of the situation and decided not to intervene further.

However, should Zhou Chulang and the others be too lenient with Zhou Leng, allowing him to become a future threat to Zhou Jibo, it would signal that the Zhou family needed to undergo an internal purge to strengthen their unity. In such a case, Zhou Jibo would be compelled to act himself.

With ample space cleared, Zhou Jibo began to practice his palm technique.

He started with the Gravel Palm, earning nods of approval from Zhou Kaile, the three Zhou family Elders, and two other elders. Zhou Jibo’s ability to refine and innovate the Gravel Palm was evident. His foundation was solid, and he had mastered the technique completely.

Zhou Tong, Zhou Zheyan, and others watched in awe. Zhou Jibo’s command of the Gravel Palm far surpassed their own. He was truly formidable.

Zhou Youqing’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and she nearly burst into applause, but a stern look from the Third Elder caught her eye, and she restrained herself. The Third Elder was particularly fond of her, and she was here only because she had pleaded with him for the chance.

She knew that clapping might lead to her being sent away.

Meanwhile, Zhou Leng watched intently, his mind not filled with hatred but with comparisons of his father’s Gravel Palm to Zhou Jibo’s technique.

Zhou Jibo’s palm technique was indeed superior to his father’s, almost as if this was the true essence of the Gravel Palm.

However, if Zhou Jibo had merely mastered the Gravel Palm to this level, it’s unlikely he could have defeated two warriors at the ninth layer of the Acquired Stage.

Lost in thought, he watched as Zhou Jibo executed the final move of the Gravel Palm. In an instant, Zhou Jibo’s stance transformed, exuding a newfound ferocity. With a deft twist of his wrist, it became clear to the onlookers that he had transitioned to an entirely different palm technique.

This new technique bore a resemblance to the Gravel Palm, yet it was significantly more potent.

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