I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 12 – Sweet Sister

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 12 – Sweet Sister

“Ha. I’m asking you, what are you doing?”


Irene’s red lips curved into a sarcastic smile, a laugh slipping out.

What should I say?

To me, that laugh sounded like a roar from a giant predator, making my entire body tense.

It felt as if invisible hands were strangling me, cutting off my breath. It was only natural.

[Skill, ‘Appraisal’ has been activated.]

[Irene Vermont]

[Age: 24]

[Affection: -99]

[She hates you so much that she has to consciously suppress her murderous intent.]

Irene was indeed exuding murderous intent.

Her face was pale as she stared at me, frozen in place.

Realizing what she was doing, she brushed her hair back, and the suffocating aura dissipated.

I exhaled a shaky breath.

“I was shocked. Seeing you acting like a different person when I returned to the mansion, I thought you were going through a late rebellious phase. But I’m relieved. You’re still the cowardly little brother I know.”


Irene forced her way into the carriage.

I instinctively moved back, making room for her.

Even in the cramped space, she insisted on sitting right in front of me, crossing her legs.

Her sharp heels brushed against my thigh, sending chills down my spine.

“Aren’t you going to answer my question? Don’t make sister angry again.”

“What do you mean…”

“The talented children you begged me to save. I saved them for you. So, what are you doing with them now? Is this place an orphanage?”


I had anticipated this day would come.

As someone who took on a subcontract, presenting results was a given responsibility.

Although it wasn’t a regular occurrence, such sudden inspections could happen anytime.

I had prepared for this.

I had hints from Sylvia.

Groaning from the heel digging into my thigh, I opened my trembling lips.

“I’m conducting various experiments. It’s easy to break those kids, but impossible to fix them. So, I’m trying everything possible before they break. I need to gather research data.”


“And to maximize the dark energy, I need to increase the disparity. Simply put, I need to break them at their happiest moment to get the best results.”

“Is that all?”


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“That might fool Lord Kali, but don’t think you can fool me.”

[The evil god, ‘Kali,’ looks at you with a sense of betrayal.]


Irene laughed sarcastically and pressed her heel harder into my thigh.

The heel dug deeper, and I barely suppressed a groan.

“Tell me the truth. What are you hiding?”


How did she know?

Was my lie too obvious?

That couldn’t be it.

Aslan’s passive skills should perfectly support my lies.

Every evil line I delivered should sound convincing.

So why?

Did she have the ability to detect lies?

Wait a minute. Aslan also had abilities.

Albeit useless ones like not needing sleep, but abilities nonetheless, gained through his contract with the evil god, Kali.

Could Irene have a similar contract…?

[You have successfully recognized the evil god.]

[Character profile updated.]

[Irene Vermont]

[Age: 24]

[Affection: -99]

[She hates you so much that she has to consciously suppress her murderous intent.]

[*Contracted with the evil god, ‘Laura.’]

[Contract Effect: Wields Laura’s Evil Eye, capable of discerning lies.]


Suddenly, a dark, smoky figure appeared behind Irene.

So, there’s something like that behind me too?

Do all evil gods attach themselves to people like that?

“Stop daydreaming and answer my question.”



The heel dug in deeper, and I let out a groan.

As I tried to lean back to escape, Irene grabbed my collar and pulled me closer, our eyes locking.

Her red eyes seemed to pierce through me.

“Sister can tell when you’re lying. Speak the truth.”


She wasn’t bluffing.

Her Evil Eye saw through all lies.

I had no choice but to confront this head-on.

Cold sweat trickled down the back of my neck.

“All the dark magic research I’ve done is worthless. The idea that dark magic existed in ancient times but is now lost is a lie.”

“What? What do you mean? What about the books I found for you?”

“All worthless novels.”


Irene’s expression hardened as she confirmed the truth of my words.

Good. It’s working.

“So researching dark magic is like creating something from nothing. It’s beyond my ability. That’s why I need those kids. They’ll conduct the research for me.”

“Huh. So you set up an orphanage in the mansion and started teaching them?”



It’s not entirely a lie.

I had planned to use them for Aslan’s research all along.

Charlotte might not be useful, but wasting Julia’s extraordinary intellect would be a shame.

Irene stared at me for a long time, then finally smiled and released my collar.

“Well, if that’s the case, I misunderstood. I thought you were sympathizing with those kids.”

She uncrossed her legs, and the threat to my future lineage vanished.

“But isn’t it taking too long? How long until those little kids are capable of research?”

“It won’t take long. They’re geniuses. I guarantee it.”

“Hmm… Fine. I’ll look forward to our next meeting. Don’t just whine about difficulties then. You know what I mean, right?”


Waving her hand, Irene exited the carriage.

As the door slammed shut, the tension drained from my body, and I let out a sigh of relief.

‘Damnit. What do I do about her?’

Despite knowing the dark magic books were all fake, she still pressured me for results.

Is she completely insane?

Why is she so obsessed with dark magic?

Growing up under a sister like her, it’s no wonder Aslan became a psychopath.

Now I understand the villain’s background for his descent into darkness.

‘I don’t have much time. I need results.’

Both the academic presentation and Irene’s pressure were mounting.

I really needed to produce results soon.

But how was I supposed to create dark magic without any clues?

Where should I start?

How did Aslan complete dark magic?

‘Wait. Was it really dark magic?’

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me.

That dark magic Aslan showed at the end of Chapter 1.

Was that really dark magic?

Could it have been something else, just resembling dark magic?

I think I’m starting to see a direction.


“Alright, this is the dormitory. And your room is the one at the end.”

“Where at the end?”

“Up there, the attic.”


The matron completed the introduction half-heartedly and turned away.

Yuri frowned, displeased.

Were they disapproving of his special admission?

‘Well, I can’t blame them.’

Yuri didn’t fully understand the situation either.

To be admitted without even taking the exam…

If he didn’t perform well, it would be a huge disgrace to the benefactor.

That meant the benefactor had immense confidence in his abilities.

But what did they see in him? How?

Did they have some ability to measure potential just by looking?

It was an unprecedented case in the Academy’s history.

“Wow! The attic is huge!”

Climbing the ladder to his room, Yuri’s expression brightened.

A fully enclosed window.

Walls that didn’t let drafts in.

And a soft bed…!

Is this heaven?

How could a room be so luxurious?

For Yuri, who had only known the poor conditions of the orphanage, this was the epitome of luxury.

“This is not the time!”

After rolling around on the bed for a while, Yuri snapped back to reality.

He wasn’t here to enjoy himself.

“I didn’t come here to have fun. Stay focused, Yuri.”

He was here to gain power.

To ultimately rescue Julia and Charlotte.

This wasn’t a vacation.

Yuri repeated this to himself, burying his face in the soft mattress.

So soft.

Soft enough to make him forget why he was here.

After rolling around with the pillow for a while, he suddenly thought of the person who made this possible and sat up.

“A strange person…”

The anonymous benefactor.

He couldn’t know their identity, but he could contact them.

Immediately, Yuri unpacked his belongings and took out a pen, sitting down at the desk.

“What should I write? Hmm. They wore all black, so I’ll call them Mr. Black.”

And so, he began to scribble.

To Mr. Black.

He started to write a thank-you letter…

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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