I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 61 - The Girl Ghost

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 61 - The Girl Ghost

"Sylvia. I’m scared."


When I checked in Sylvia’s direction, she was keeping a close eye on me from a distance while pretending not to care.

Alright. No matter how much of a cheat the protagonist Yuri is, at this point, he can’t be a match for Sylvia with her mana fully charged.

At least I don’t have to worry about getting my head chopped off and dying right here.

Even though I was getting a tingling sensation down there, and my spine was freezing, making me want to run away immediately.

I put on the most solemn expression I could muster.

And took a step forward.

"You are..."

"Greetings, Count Vermont. We met before at the academy. Allow me to introduce myself again. I am Yuria Brussels. It’s truly an honor to be able to serve under you."


A slight bow.

It was a bit clumsy, but Yuri tried to show his manners.

Yuria, my foot.

Has this guy been cross-dressing so much that he’s finally developed the mental illness of believing he’s a girl?

This guy is the protagonist? My head started to spin.

"Nice to meet you. I hired you on Sylvia’s recommendation, but... I didn’t know you were this young. How old are you?"

"I’m thirteen this year. I’ll work hard so I don’t become a burden to the team."


Yuri slowly lifted his head as he spoke.

The moment I met his intense gaze, I almost shivered uncontrollably.

Hey, you little punk, tone down the killing intent.

I almost mistook you for Vermont.

If I stay here any longer, I might wet my pants.

Just as I was about to turn away.

"Right. Do your best."


Yuri called out to me again.

What now?

"I heard there are prospective brides for you in the mansion."

"Who the hell said that?"


"Do you really believe such tabloid nonsense?"

Prospective brides, my foot.

They can’t become prospective brides until I give them permission.

For now, I’m just keeping them safe.

...For now, at least.

"My apologies. I meant your slaves, Count. They say they’ve blossomed talents in wielding cursed swords and necromancy…"

"What about them?"

"I wish to apply for the position of guarding those girls."

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[The Evil God, 'Kali,' is desperately begging you to accept!]

Is he already planning on running away with Charlotte and Julia?

In the past, I might have let them escape without a second thought.

But without Sylvia to mentor them and with the protagonist yet to awaken.

Letting them escape and survive on their own is practically leaving them to die.

'Even if I have to let them go eventually, it can’t be until they’re strong enough to protect themselves.'

Until this protagonist proves he can protect both Charlotte and Julia.

Not until I’m dead will I let them go.

This is non-negotiable.

Even if Yuri threatens my life, I won’t compromise on this.

"I’m their age, so I think I’m the most suitable candidate. Having a guard who can be like a friend would provide emotional stability while also…"

"It’s unnecessary. I’m raising those girls with love and care."


[The Evil God, 'Kali,' is disappointed but admits that’s a good point.]

Yuri’s eyes widened in shock at my answer.

What now?

I said I’m taking good care of them, so why are you freaking out?

I’m too scared to even speak.

"I refuse."

"Then, at least as your personal guard…!"

"Are you underestimating the role of a guard? What reason do I have to entrust my safety to a rookie like you?"


"You have neither the ability, skill, nor experience to back up such confidence. What gives you that confidence?"

"Then, if I gain the ability, skill, and experience, does that mean I have a chance?"


"I’ll develop all of them to a top level. I’ve longed for the honor of serving by your side!"

"We can talk about it then."

"I’ll make sure to become the top trainee in this program! Please watch me, Count!!!"

[The Evil God, 'Kali,' is fervently cheering for Yuri.]

Leaving him with a half-hearted response.

I headed back to the carriage, leaving the loud, fired-up Yuri behind.

If I kept meeting his passionate and revenge-driven gaze, I might lose control and mess myself.

‘Ah. I told him to just focus on his studies...’

This is driving me crazy.

What if he really becomes the top trainee, completes all the given missions flawlessly, and grows into a guard capable of serving as my personal protector?

Then I’ll have no reason left to reject him.

My head was starting to throb.

But for now, he has to juggle both academics and the training program.

Plus, he’s overloaded with lectures, so he has twice as many classes and assignments as others.

If he focuses too much on training, his grades will suffer, and he’ll break his promises with his sponsors.

‘Please just focus on your studies. Stop messing around.’

If he falls behind on his assignments, he’ll naturally refocus on his academics.

No way he can pull off double majors and guard training while excelling at everything, right?

No way.

That’s just impossible.

"I really need some healing now."

I was already exhausted.

I hurried into the carriage and returned to the mansion.

I didn’t want to stay in Arient, surrounded by muscleheads and terrifying little kids, any longer.

"Kyaaaah! Massage coupon! Let me use the Massage coupon! Where’s Charlotte…!"

As I stepped out of the carriage.

In the garden’s flower bed.

Sitting quietly.

I found Julia staring at me blankly like I was some strange person.

"Looking for Charlotte? ...Huh?"

"No. It’s fine now. What were you doing here?"

Was she having a flower viewing or something?

I carefully walked into the flower bed, being cautious not to step on any flowers.

As I got closer, a fragrant scent wafted toward me.

I couldn’t tell if it was the smell of flowers or Julia’s scent.

"I was talking to a spirit. It’s rare to find one with intelligence..."

Lower-level spirits have the intelligence of bugs, so communication beyond simple expressions is impossible.

They’re like colorful pet bugs, I guess.

As you can tell from Earthy, the higher their rank, the higher their intelligence.

And the level of conversation also improves.

Although I couldn’t see it, the spirit in front of Julia must be of a medium rank or higher.

"What does it look like?"

"It’s a little girl in a white dress. She’s really cute! She seems about the same age as me. ...Hmm."


Is that really a spirit?

Spirits don’t usually take human form, though?

Unless a powerful high spirit is disguising itself as a prank, this shouldn’t be happening.

"Julia. Try checking the spirit’s rank."

"Huh? Why the rank? ...Yeah?"

"Just do it."

"Ugh. She doesn’t like this kind of stuff. Sorry, okay? This fussy human here is super strict…"


Concentrating mana on her fingertips.

Julia used a detection spell.

"It’s low-rank. So why the rank? ...Hmm?"

"Julia. Did that spirit ever introduce itself as a spirit?"

"Yep. She said she’s a low-rank spirit. ...Hmm."

"Get behind me. That’s not a spirit."


I grabbed Julia’s wrist and pulled her behind me.

For a moment, Julia’s hair fluttered, spreading a nice scent.

‘It’s a dangerous vengeful spirit.’

It’s low-rank but has taken a human form.

That means it’s not a spirit but a vengeful ghost.

The most concerning part is that it hid its identity and approached Julia while claiming to be a spirit.

What would a ghost have to gain by lying and approaching Julia?

One thing’s for sure—it’s not here with good intentions.

"Uh, uh!? It’s starting to distort suddenly?"


"Blood is pouring out of its face! Ugh! Its voice is getting all creepy! Kyaaah! It’s charging at us!!!"

Tears welling up, Julia clung tightly to me.

She even wrapped her legs around my waist, clinging like a koala.

One word from her could drive it away immediately, but she’s too panicked to do so.

[The Evil God, 'Kali,' is scolding you, saying our necromancer might fall and get hurt!]

I gently hugged Julia to keep her from falling.

She was soft.

Then I muttered inwardly.

‘Skill, Touch of Death.’


A cold energy spread, causing the surrounding flowers to wilt all at once.

Is it dealt with?

The only way to check was by watching Julia’s reaction.

"Julia. Is the girl gone?"

"I don’t know…"

"You’ll have to lift your head to find out."

"I don’t know, I don’t know… Sniff…"

Hiccuping constantly, Julia buried her face in my chest and started crying.

She must’ve been really scared.

Since nothing happened even after a while of standing still, it seems the ghost has been vanquished.

Once Julia’s sobs died down, I decided it was time to let her go.



When I tried to pull her away, Julia shook her head fiercely, resisting.

I had no choice but to take drastic measures.


I poked her armpit, making her jump.

Not missing that moment, I pried her off and set her down on the ground.

"Your face is a mess. Go wash up."



Julia was about to leave my side but froze mid-step.

"I-I’m scared…"

"Don’t worry. I’ve already taken care of it."

"There might be more… I’m scared…"

"What do you want me to do then?"

"…Come with me."

Blushing slightly as if embarrassed.

Mumbling in a barely audible voice.

Julia tugged on my sleeve, trying to lead me along.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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