I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 121: His Brother Stabbed Him

Chapter 121: His Brother Stabbed Him

Before anyone could say anything. A loud roar erupted from the skies, shaking the earth below with an incredible force.

"What do you say, Heir?" Cain asked, crossing his arms. "I cannot defeat the Ruler alone. But with you and your group, I can."

Connor turned to Elliot who nodded, wanting to get everything over with. After all, they have one more problem to deal with. That being Lance's trial.

"Who killed my daughter?!" The voice roared, shaking the ground even more. 

"That must be the Ruler," Connor said. "Okay, Cain. I owe you one when Petra attacked us anyway. Consider this as payment for that. So, now we're even."

"Okay," Cain sighed and raised his arms beside him. Flames appeared on his fists, traveling up to his face where a helmet was formed from the blazing fire. A cape was also formed behind him, along with a new set of armor that made his large build heavier.

"God Mode."

A black lightning-like flames shot from the skies and into the forests. The scorch spread like wildfire, burning the forests that surrounded the group inside.

"I am now in God Mode," Cain said. "For the next 15 minutes, I can at least par the Ruler. I'll create openings for you."

"Okay," Connor said, taking charge of the situation. "We have Midnight and Luck, they should be enough to handle the minions."

Ed turned to him, "Minions? What minions?"

Hope tapped Ed's shoulder, pointing at the black skies. "I think he meant that."

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Skinny humanoid creatures with wings and lava-like skin descended from the skies. The elder Seductors cried and huddled over to each other, afraid of the beasts that was coming to them.

Their distance was long but it won't take time before they could reach them.

"We'll handle those," Luck said. "I personally would want the big boss, but our widespread power gives us more advantage over the number of beasts anyway."

The fire minions crawled to the ground, screeching with their high-pitched voices and screaming ominously.

'Multiple beasts detected.'

[[ Ember Minion ]]

[[ Ember Minion ]]

[[ Ember Minion ]]

It has been a while since Elliot saw the notification. He had always wondered why the Manual would not show some of its features from time to time. Even the Non-human Detector could not be triggered when he faced the Black Knights from hell or the Infernals. Even the dragons were undetected.

And the biggest mystery for him was why the The Creator's Greed did not activate when he faced Clan or Bright. He had to discover why such things would happen from time to time. Their inconsistency was bugging him.

'If I showed who the enemy was'

Elliot paused after hearing the voice trailing off.

'It would ruin the fun.'

He shook his head and pushed the thoughts aside. This ability he had, it felt like he was being made into a puppet by the Manual's games.

It was as if though the book had attached strings into his limb, controlling his fate like it was a play for its own entertainment.

"Cain and I will take care of the Ruler first," Connor said. "If there's any Seductor who could fight"

"What do you mean who could fight? Dude they're old. Some could barely walk right," Ed retorted. 

"Ed, Hope, Elliot and I will escort them to safety. Ed can nullify the flames to create a path while these three could guide the villagers. Midnight, Luck, Ripple and Frost can stay to defend us from the minions," Lance said. "Think you can hold him?"

Connor nodded, smiling awkwardly. "Of course. Okay, but please be fast. Cain's God Mode has a time limit."

"Are you going to be okay?" Elliot asked, looking at Connor in the eye. "The Ruler seemed to be strong."

"Cain is with me," Connor said. "I'll be fine."

A figure hovered over the area the Ruler landed. It was a large man, taller than Luck and even more muscled than him. The man wields a sword that was twice his size, his head was shaved to the side with his hair standing, making him remind Elliot of a rooster.

"Oh, Cain is also here. The one who murdered my daughter," the Ruler growled, gritting his teeth in anger. "How's your brother doing? In the Afterlife, that is."

Cain blasted from the ground, dashing straight for the Ruler. The latter swung his giant sword and struck Cain with it like he was a baseball. Cain flew right through the forests and into a mountain.

"Let me tell you something," the Ruler said. "First of all, my name is Monstrum. I am the Ruler of Inferno, and the Eternal of Apocalypse."

"He's lying," Geneva said. "He does not have the Eternal Rock. He's not an Eternal. There are no more Eternal in the Six Realms."

"But I received the Eternal Rock," Hope said. "It was placed into me by the previous Eternal."

"Impossible," Geneva said. "The previous Eternals hid the rocks in unknown locations. You must have received the fragments of the Supreme Emperor. And one more thing"

Geneva trailed off and closed her eyes. She extended her hands in front of her and chanted something under her breath. Flames sparked from her hands as she continuing her chant.

"Hypnommunity Beasts."

A group of flaming eels wiggled from the flames, swimming in the air like it was the seas and bit their tail over everyone's head, creating some sort of halo.

"The Ruler's name is cursed. Once you say it, you will burn into ashes," Geneva warned. "He has his ways to make you say his name, Hypnotic Magic to be exact. These beasts will protect you from his hypnosis."

"Okay," Connor said.

Monstrum raised his sword, igniting it with his black flames. He swung his sword forward, the flames forming a whirlwind of pure rage, raining down into the group.

Cain appeared in front of the whirlwind and conjured a large red dome that covered them and successfully blocked the attack. Cain had two flaming orbs in his shoulders, both giving him the ability to fly.

"Connor, come here in your Infernal form," Cain said. "Let's finish this."

Connor nodded, morphing into his Infernal form and wrapped his legs with flames to fly. He glanced at his friends one last time before he dashed to where Cain was.

After receiving the last fragment of the Heir, Connor's morph had changed. His hands up to his elbow now had the lava skin while other parts of his body darkened, tattoos embelishing them.

"Are you going to usurp me?" Monstrum asked, grinning widely. "You know, you both have the right to usurp."

"Shut up, Monstrum," Cain growled. "Shut up!"

He deactivated the shield, letting Luck, Midnight, Ripple and Frost to attack the minions while he conjured nine flame spears around him. He fired them all at Monstrum who only blocked with a spiral shield.

"Abel was the kindest Ruler," Monstrum said. Cain kept summoning spears and attacking the larger man, with Monstrum keep provoking him. "He even loved his younger brother so much that he was willing to sacrifice for him."

"Shut up!" Cain yelled. "You know it wasn't the truth!"

"But when Abel let his guard down, his beloved brother stabbed him. Right on the back."

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