I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 144: Attack on the Royal Court (1)

Chapter 144: Attack on the Royal Court (1)

Immediately, Hope got up but was pulled down by Elliot. Lance was sitting by the aisle, Elliot was beside him, then Hope, Connor, and then Ed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Elliot asked. "Hope, sit down."

"His daughter is in danger. If we don't save her"

"Don't act so recklessly. You'll put her in even more danger," Elliot said. "I've done that a couple of times. I promise you, I should know."

Hope slowly relaxed in his seat, understanding Elliot. He looked at the judge and nodded his head, "Thank you for your response, your honor."

"I was quite a playboy back in the day," Jude Benjamin chuckled, eyes pleading to help him. "Anyway, let us continue w-with the trial."

After he rejected the offer, the cloaked man instantly took a dagger and pointed it at the judge's neck. He threatened the man that he will kill his daughter if Georgina Hoot wouldn't be executed.

His daughter is all that he has. Judge Benjamin had no other choice but to do what the cloaked man ordered him to. Even if it was neglecting his duties. For him, his daughter is the greatest priority.

"Locate Judge Benjamin's child," Lance said that made the other four turn to him. He was talking to someone through the Contact and he was ordering that person to find the daughter and guard her.

"Who did you call?" Elliot asked. "Was it someone from the guild?"

"We don't have someone with a high locating capabilities in the guild, I called an old friend to help us out," Lance replied. "For now, we have to delay this trial as much as we can. Even if that person I called has the highest locating capabilities in the city, she still needs a bit of time."

"Well you're in luck," Ed said and stood. "Delaying something is my specialty."

Meanwhile, at the other side of Solaguer. A woman stood at the top of the Strike Bell Tower. Her clothes were composed of a black skin-tight body suit, a white scarf with a hood, and metal boots that was infused with air magic.

She breathed deeply, feeling the wind as she raised her hand in front of her. A silver ring appeared on her index finger, she pointed it down and opened her eyes.

In her vision, the whole city was divided into dirty white squares. They were about one hundred square meters in length and divided the city into small regions. Her ability allows her to search for every presence in every square.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Distinct Location."

Her finger twitched as she felt herself dive into the furthest region. It was like she was a bird, flying to the region and looking over it for any presence.

"A1, clear," she reported and moved on to another region. "A2, clear."

A tall and thin man walked from behind her. The locator doesn't seem fazed by his presence, meaning she knew the man.

"You want me to help you?" the man asked, sitting by the railing of the tower. "You're gonna do that until V12. That's a long way to go, Beatriz."

"Don't disturb me, Ram," Beatriz said. "A19, clear."

"I'm just trying to help out," Ram said. "The guild will be disbanded. The members will leave Solaguer due to the battle, afraid that Malice will come after them."

"Our Almighty will protect us, at least the Holy Crow will," Beatriz said. "B20, clear."

"Old Man Crow is losing his powers," Ram laid on the wooden planks of the tower. "As days pass, his extraction of Heaven's powers is weakening. It won't be long before he completely loses it."

"Trust the Holy Crow," Beatriz said. "You need to have more faith in him. D12, clear."

"How can I be confident when the war is about to begin?" Arm chuckled. "The Vassals will come and Heaven won't send not one soldier."

"Terra is not their domain, you have to understand. We're just followers of the Almight and even He will not send help," Beatriz replied and sighed. "Just shut up one moment. I think I see something."

Arm instantly sat up, "Really? Where?"

Beatriz was silent for a moment. She fluttered her eyes a few times and got back into her ability, looking closely at what she saw. If it was actually true or she was just hallucinating.

"You're scaring me, B. What's going on?" Arm asked.

Still, the girl did not answer him. Instead, she opened her Console and called Lance.

"Did you find her?" Lance asked.

"There's several Flame Orbs under the Royal Hall of Justice. The attacker is nearby, Lance. You have to get out of there now!" Beatriz yelled and leaped from the bell tower.

"What the" Arm cut himself off and followed. Black tentacle-like arms started growing from his back, he used one to catch Beatriz, and another to catapult them to the Court's location. Using the arms, he held on to one of the beams of the tower and spring them away.

"It will explode, Lance. The Judge's daughter is under the hall, in the middle of the orbs," Beatriz said. "Sh*t!"

"What happened?" Lance yelled. "Beatriz, what"

"There's a Vassal inside the Court!" she yelled. "Arm, hurry up. Lance, Blithe is inside the Court."


An explosion interrupted Lance, intense black flames lit up from the side of the court, burning everyone there. The Holy Crow's guards instantly covered him with a white sphere shield. Another came to the Raven Justice and protected him too.

"What in the hell?" Elliot stood, brandishing his sword along with everyone else.

A figure stood behind the smoke. A slim figure that was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. He wore so little clothing. Only a cloth wrapping across his chest and formed a skirt-like veil to cover his thighs, ending just above the knee.

"Are those the guards?" the figure asked, walking forward and revealing itself to the people. "They burned quite majestically."

"Why you" a guard dashed towards Blithe with raging water spheres covering his hands. He thrusted his arms forward, firing a beam of water into the man.

His attack formed a smoke out of the dust and debris, blinding everyone from seeing him.

"Did we get him?" Another guard asked.

"That was my strongest attack. I'm sure I got him," the guard said proudly.

"Water is superior to fire." They gasped, turning to the direction of Blithe. As the fog of dust cleared, Blithe appeared. "That was a fundamental rule of affinities. Only if they have equal power levels."

"W-What?" the water guard stuttered, slowly backing away as Blithe summoned flames in front of him. "But my attack got you!"

"I told you, that only works when we have the same power levels," Blithe smirked. "But you're way beneath me, Terran."

Blithe spun and shot multiple fire attacks at the guard. He could only shield himself with his arms, waiting for his demise that didn't come.

"Flame Shield!" Connor casted from the back. He crossed his weapons and took a deep breath. "Infernal Ring of Fire!"

"Finally, someone with the same level as me," Blithe grinned and dashed forward, meeting the flames. The attack didn't hesitated on devouring the man, taking every part of the man inside it.

"Did you get him?" Hope cheered but was stopped when Lance raised his hand in front of him.

"His presence is still here," Lance said. "Can't you feel that immense pressure?"

"Delicious," Blithe said from the flames. They heard a gulping sound and saw that the fire had slowly gone up to Blithe's mouth, his throat moving up and down as he consumed the flames. "This is the most delicious flames I had in my entire life. As expected from an Unawakened Eternal."

"Don't play lightly, Blithe," another voice came from the large hole Blithe punched through with his flames. "We were ordered to kill everyone in here apart from the Prince."

"I think Malice will forgive me if I keep the flame user, right?" Blithe made a puppy eyes and looked at the woman beside him. "It's rare to see an SS-class flame user, and his flames will only make me get stronger and tougher. Now, don't you want that, Sora?"

"But I'm not gonna save you if Malice gets mad," Sora said. She was wielding as spear and she pointed it at everyone. "Now, let's get our intention first."

She was looking forward, towards a group of boys that stood with their swords raising in defense. With a twist of her spear, Sora launched herself towards their target.

"Good, good," Malice said as she sat on her throne. A large, flat holographic display played the scenes in Terra. "Once they take him, they can do whatever they want with the Terrans. Kill them, keep them as pets, whatever their little hearts desire."

"I thought we weren't going to attack so soon," the younger Vassal asked Appetite.

The older Vassal shrugged, "I don't know what changed the Queen's mind. And she only sent two of us."

"She even sent the weakest ones too," Void said, walking towards the two. "The Queen changes her mind from time to time but this was a surprise."

"I bet those Terrans were also surprised about their appearance. Bruno" Appetite turned to the younger Vassal. "You're the strongest Vassal among us, yet you lack the experience. Observe their fight and study. This will be your little notes. Void will review your work by explaining everything that had happened."

Void scoffed, "Why do I have to review?"

"Because I said so," Appetite shrugged and left the throne room.

"Weird," Void sighed. "Well, Bruno. Observe that, okay? I'll be back soon."

Bruno nodded and turned to the screen. But little did everyone know, he wasn't looking at the fight. His eyes were lingering somewhere else.

I will free you, princess.

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