I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 146: Attack on the Royal Court (3)

Chapter 146: Attack on the Royal Court (3)

Sora continuously slashed her spear against Elliot, but the latter's body wouldn't give up. As she tried to wound the boy, Ed was behind her, sneaking and trying to get an opening.

When Sora retaliated her spear, Ed dashed right to her, hacking his sword but was blocked by Sora's bare hand. It started to bleed as her eyes fixated on Elliot, seemingly bulging out of their sockets.

"Why won't you just die?!" Sora yelled and tried to kick Ed but the latter spun, pulling the spear and hacking his sword in the woman's chest.

"Eternal Chaos Strike!"

Sora barely dodged the attack, her chestplate sliced open by how close the attack was. Her armor was so tough, Ed's attack only broke it and not piercing through. And it only broke because she couldn't reinforce it with magic in time.

Sora used the other side of her spear to swerve Ed out of the way. She sent him flying against a wall by a kick alone. When she turned to Elliot, a devilish smirk arose from his lips.

Instantly, she hid herself with her hands, her chest was now only covered by a thin sheet of black fabric.

"You f*cking pervert!" Sora yelled and thrust her sword, yet once again, unable to pierce Elliot's skin.

Little did she know, Elliot wasn't intently looking at her chest. He was grinning at the sight of the glowing symbol that he can see through the thin almost transparent fabric.

A red The Creator's Greed Mark.

"Ugh, men," Sora grunted and slashed her spear. This time, Elliot has to avoid it. The two minutes given by The Creator's Pride was now over. It also didn't specify the cooldown time of it, which was a bother.

"Ohh," Sora backed away, grinning as she realized that the boy lost his power. "Your trump card skill time is over. Your friend is also knocked out, so I doubt you will survive now."

Elliot raised his sword with an offensive stance, "Bring it on!"

"I was going to save you from death but turns out, I didn't need to," Sora said. "I lost interest in you."

"Go here!" Hope yelled, pointing at the large hole in the other side of the court. He had morph into his dragon from to create the exit and shift back to guide the people.

The Holy Crow was evacuated earlier and the Raven Justice was nowhere to be found. Hope was getting worried about what might happen to the man. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Even though he had an immense strength, considering he has the highest rank in the military division, their enemies right now were fearsom and malevolent. One would be a fool to challenge them alone.

"Hope," one of the Holy Crow's guard walked up to him. "We have evacuated the Holy Crow, Raven Justice, and Judge Benjamin. It won't be long before the people would all be gone and by then, don't hold back."

"W-What do you mean?" Hope asked.

"The king himself ordered for everyone here to push their limits and kill the intruders," the woman said. "And the Almighty has given word to the Holy Crow that you are forgiven for their deaths if you ever commit one."

"I don't think I get"

"Let loose, Hope," the woman said, her body slowly turning into mist. "You can unleash your full potential."

It didn't take long before the woman had completely dissappeared. Hope was left silent before Beatriz and Arm arrived at the scene.

"Good, you're one of Prince Lance's friends," Beatriz greeted. "I am Beatriz from the White Light Guild. We're here to tell you that an explosion will happen."

"What?" Hope gasped. "What do you mean an explosion?"

"There are highly reactive Ember Explosion Gems beneath this building," Beatriz said. "If whoever puts that there activates it, this entire part of the city will be destroyed."

"What do we do then?" Hope uttered. He turned to the panicking people and continued guiding them. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"We need to nullify the gems," Beatriz said. "If we could somehow find someone with a water affinity. Oh, your other friend. I heard he can nullify spells and curses. If he could just nullify the gems."

"Oh, that's me." The debris by their side started to move, Ed appearing from under all the rubble. He raised his sword and smirked. "I can nullify sh*t."

"Go with me," Beatriz said and tried to walk away but Ed held her wrist. "What? We don't have much time."

"Elliot can't handle our opponent alone," Ed said. "She's too strong."

"Arm!" Beatriz yelled. "Provide support for Elliot Max. You two, go with me. Hope, you contain the flames in case they go off.

"Lead the way then," Ed said and Beatriz nodded, walking to the back of the building.

They got down a set of stairs and into a dungeon-like basement. Any Adventurer that would come close could feel the intense condensation of pressurize magic inside the dungeon. It was intoxicating for flame users but toxic to flora and air users.

"Good thing we don't have any air users here," Beatriz said. "My affinity is Sight, how about the both of you?"

"I don't know," Hope answered. "But it's neither."

"Well, I also don't know," Ed grinned. "I can nullify and can shoot magic attacks with my sword. And can't really do anything with other swords."

"Okay, so we don't have to worry about dying just because of the pressure," Beatriz said.

They proceeded deeper into the dungeons, passing through the empty cells and wondering why the Court Dungeon was empty.

"What the hell, this place is so silent," Beatriz said. "This shouldn't be this silent. There are prisoners here."

Beatriz was the first one to turn to a corner and instantly retreat, pulling both boys back. She pushed them up the wall and covered their mouths.

"Shh," Beatriz said. "There's an Under Vassal."

"What are these Vassals?" Hope asked. "Those two above, are they Vassals?"

"Unfortunately so," she replied. "Those two are the lowest of the Twelve Vassals in the Queen of Hell's Court. The ones below them are the Fourteen Under Vassals, the ones who have almost the same powers as the Vassals."

"What are they doing here then?" Ed asked this time, removing the girl's hand in his mouth. "Why did they attack? Is this connected to Madam Hoot's case?"

"Yes and no," Beatriz replied. "It's because Malice originally used Madam Hoot to spread despair. It just so happens that she discovered the prophecy of her demise."

"And what prophecy is that?" Ed asked.

"That the person who can kill her has been born."

They heard a grunt from the hallway that was connected to the corner in front of them. It was as though a man was screaming for help.

"Those must be the prisoners," Beatriz whispered. The ring appeared on her finger and darkness suddenly covered everything around them.

"Cloaked Darkness."

Beatriz lifted the skill's effect on the two and pulled them back. The three turned back and gasped when they saw that the hallway was now also just a brick wall. Ed walked towards it, tapping his sword at the brick wall.

"It really is just a wall," Ed said. "We're trapped."

"Yes, you are."

They were frozen in place as they heard a high-pitched male voice behind them. When they glanced behind them, they saw the hallway through the corner move, replacing the dead end in front of them.

There, a masked man that stood on top of a mountain of dead bodies. He was tilting his head, slowly leaning in forward.

"Impossible," Beatriz gasped. She tried raising her hand to cast a spell but everything suddenly spun.

As though they were in a merry-go-round, the two different hallways that is now a long rectangular room, spun.

The two boys had to pierce their swords to the ground to keep them still, the girl behind them clinging to their free hands as the room continued to spin.

"I see that you don't get dizzy easily," the masked man said. The room stopped spinning, making everyone lose their balance and fall on their faces. "I'm bored. Let us fight."

Meanwhile, back at Alorde, a man covered in sweat pushed the Azure Scorch Guild's door open. His strength was too much that the hinges fell off, the large wooden door falling to the ground as everyone talking inside silenced and turned to the doorway.

"Oi!" Luck yelled, slamming his glass full of beer. "What's the big idea?"

The man was panting, he placed his hands on his knees to keep his breathing. He took a deep inhale before screaming, "Solaguer is being attacked by the Queen of Hell's Vassals!"

The guild members were quick to their feet and left their beer and food on the table. Adventurers who were capable of transporting like Midnight and Sun brought their core members with them to get there faster.

The other members boarded the magical wagons. Vehicles that uses mana to run with incredible speed and with great distances.

"We'll be there not ten minutes after you," Ethan said as he was the first one to drive the magic wagon. "If it's the Vassals, they must be after him."

"They are," Frederick said with a grim expression. "Let's not waste time."

Midnight and Sun carried Frederick and Luck with them. Just when the others were about to follow, Kian came over and smirked.

"Frederick told me everything," Kian said. He raised his head just in time for everything to darken and loud fluttering sounds boomed the entire city. "The dragons will take you there faster. This is not just your fight now."

In the other side of the city, a girl sat on a branch of a tree, a boy laying his head on her lap.

"It has started, sister," Adam said. "What I feared most, it has started."

Eve caressed her brother's head, running her hands through his hair to put him at ease. "Calm down, little bro."

Adam sniffled, "I can't calm down. The Great War of the Six Realms has started."

Eve raised her head and basked under the sun with a thought in her head.

"Who will win the Prophesized Boy?"

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