I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 162: Same Temperature

Chapter 162: Same Temperature

Two bodies fell to the ground in exhaustion. Viper was laying on his stomach while Florencia was laying on her back.

They just finished their stamina training. Elliot made them do vigorous activities such as leaping into branches of trees, running around the forest with rocks ties to their legs. He even made them run against a shallow river nearby.

Elliot had also did these exercises when he was still a newbie. For the first few weeks, he had gained physical strength and stamina throughout the training, but then realized that it was all useless since his body synchronizes with his Console.

The more he leveled up, the more his body befome fit and lean. When he asked Lance about this before, Lance told him that it was impossible. For them, the system and their bodies are two different entities but are somehow interlinked.

"Why do we have to endure this torture?" Florencia groaned. "I wanna go back home. Father was just clouded with darkness and now she wants his little princess back. He said I can come back home and he won't be mean to me anymore."

Viper was silent, only looking at the girl who is now sitting up, hands on the ground behind her as she basked under the sun. She was closing her eyes when she felt the intense stare Viper was giving her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Florencia said, turning to Viper with grimace on her face. "Don't make this look weird."

"I'm just tired," Viper said, laying on his back and sighing. "Where is Mr. Elliot anyway? He said he was just going to get refreshments. The nearest store is far. It'll take him"

"I'm back," Elliot announced that made the two snap their heads to his direction. He was walking towards them without anything in his hands, making the two look at each other in confusion.

"Shouldn't you be carrying a jar or something oh," Florencia stopped herself after seeing Elliot pull a small jug and three glasses in the air. "I forgot you could do that."

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Elliot had already prepared their refreshments back in their guild and he wanted to test something. If the time in the Inventory is frozen, what if he places something cold or hot inside? He hasn't really tried doing this before and it just crossed his mind.

Touching the jug with plenty of ice inside, Elliot's lips quirked to a smirk after feeling its coldness. He excitedly pulled it out along with the glasses, letting the two rest after their vigorous training.

"Today, I'll tell you a technique that a lot of Adventurers use, especially stealth knights. Although I cannot use it to its full potential, I can at least mimic about half of it," Elliot said and walked back a few meters from them. "It's called Flash Walk. And it's something like"

He disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared right in front of the two. Their glasses almost fell in shock, seeing Elliot suddenly standing right in front of them.

"Is that even possible for us?" Viper asked. "I mean, that looks too advanced."

"It's not," Elliot said and smiled. When he saw that the two wasn't believing him, his smile fell and he chuckled. "Well it is, but it's going to be very useful for our mission. We're going on a dungeon of spiders that's been left for so long."

"I hate spiders," Florencia deadpanned. "I don't want any spider near me in this mission and if there's any. Even one, I'll smack you."

Elliot playfully rolled his eyes at her, he crossed his arms and quirked his brow up. "Are you sure about that? Can you take me?"

"T-Take you?! W-Well" Florencia stuttered, face blushing. "Whatever. Just don't let any spider get near me or you're dead."

Elliot laughed at this, ruffling her hair and his other hand ruffled Viper's. Lance's habit had rubbed itself on him, his palms, seemingly itchy whenever he saw a smaller person than him. He couldn't help himself and mess their hair."

"Why did this dungeon become like that?" Viper asked. "Spiders are easy kill. A group of low-level Adventurers could handle that easily. Why request a Meteor for it?"

"Good question," Elliot placed his finger on his chin to look like he was thinking deeply. "Well, since you mentioned it. The dungeon itself is not popular. Since there's just spiders inside, you won't grind many levels. This made the dungeon abandoned, and the beasts inside procreated like maggots and now here we are."

"Oh," Viper nodded. "I still haven't got any of the pre-requisite though. Can I still join you?"

"That's easy, let's grind some Meteorite quests so you can proceed," Elliot said.

"But we don't have the right amount of heads in our party, how are we going to do this?" Florencia asked. She placed her hands on her waist and tapped her foot. "You got any answer for that?"

"Oh, you haven't learned all the tricks up my sleeve," Elliot said with a toothy grin. "But now you will."

"Here is your Waiver," Glitch said as he handed each of the three a piece of paper. "This will mean that the guild and its other members will not be responsible in whatever may happen in your Quest."

"Ohh," Viper and Florencia chorused. 

"So, this is the trick," Florencia crossed her arms. "How many of these have you signed considering you did a lot of cheating in this field."

"They take on Comet quests and there's only five of them," Glitch said. "Imagine the horror of the people who requested the quest when the guild sent them a five-man party against all matter of creatures."

"Oh, it seems like we have a newbie," Ethan walked over them with George following him. He turned to Florencia tilted his head, face scrunched in confusion. "So, are you like a young Midnight?"

Florencia's jaw dropped. She couldn't help but scoff at the statement. "Excuse you, I am a girl. Why would you even think otherwise?"

"Have you seen Midnight though?" Ethan grinned awkwardly, slunging his arm around Elliot's neck. "For months, I literally had the biggest crush for him. I mean, Midnight is so damn fine, man. How could he"

"How could you talk about me behind my back?" Midnight said from behind them. "But you should finish your sentence. How could I? What? How could I?"

Elliot cleared his throat and immediately dragged George, Viper and Florencia away. He went over to the counter where Glitch was and watch as an amusing scene will unfold.

"Good luck, Ethan," George said with a chuckle. "You need it."

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