I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 214: Stirring a Fight

Chapter 214: Stirring a Fight

Elliot froze after hearing her name. He turned to Lance, seeing as he also had the same expression as him.

"I'll come back right after," Lance said and got out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"You mean, Hell didn't take Adam and Eve?" Elliot wanted to clear things up. Whatever these Fallen Angels are planning, they are trying to start a war between Realms.

Marrietta shook her head, "No. Hell wouldn't dare to touch their source of Prophet. Adam needs to be in a certain mental state so his prophecies would be accurate. If he goes under stress, he wouldn't be able to predict anything."

"But what about their eldest sister, Lilith?" Elliot asked. "Have you seen her there?"

Marrietta shook her head, "The only ones they took so far were me, my brother, and the two. As far as I know and feel, there was no other prisoner."

"Then" Elliot trailed off. "The Fallen Angels are going to stir a fight between Inferno and Hell."

"I think that's their plan," Marrietta sighed. "I am one of the spies from Hell. I spy in Heaven and watch their every movement. Malice does not say anything to us spies, but I know she wants someone here, in Terra."

"Do you know what?" Elliot asked.

"I'm afraid I don't," Marrietta said. "You can turn on the lights now."

Elliot walked over to the bedside table and turned the Ember Light on. When he turned, he saw Marrietta's pale red eyes slowly die down with their glowing color, turning to a dark brown.

"I could never forget how powerful the Surpasser was," Marrietta said. "I am considered as an Elite in Hell. My stealth is top notch and my attacks deal crazy damage. Yet, I couldn't seem to move in front of him. I was so powerless."

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"M-Maybe you were just at the wrong spot?" Elliot tried to smoothen the conversation.

Marrietta shook her head, "We fought in the middle of a dense forest at night. The colossal trees covered even the moonlight to pass through. Demons thrive in the dark and Angels should have been weakened, but in front of him, I looked like an ant."

"But wait," Elliot placed his finger on his chin, crossing his legs as he was in deep thought. "You said you were a spy, right? And your brother is too?"

"Yes, and he had been spying longer than I did," Marrietta said. "We know mostly everything about Heaven."

With a gulp, Elliot asked, "Even their citizens?"

"The prominent ones, yes," Marrietta answered. "Do you know any Angel?"

"I-I encountered one," Elliot said. "He had long hair, pale complexion, and a firm gaze that seemed to cut even metal."

Marrietta tilted her head, narrowing her eyes and thought about the description given to her, "Any other feature? Angels have long hair, pale skin, and their gaze are always sharp. You're description of that someone is common."

He was thinking deeply, but he couldn't seem to say anything else. He could still remember the figure of the man, his overwhelming strength, and his ominous presence, but the words to describe him were nowhere near his tongue. It was as if the memory itself was taken from him.

Elliot shook his head, "Nevermind. I don't think I can give another description. My memory has been all messed up these days."

Before Marrietta could respond, the door opened and Lance walked in, their other friends following after him. "I'm sorry I told them. They could hear us talk to a woman and had other thoughts. I needed to clear things up."

Elliot could only nod as he saw the victorious smirk up in his friends' faces. The other three walked inside and went to their usual spot. Ed was on the couch Elliot crafted while Connor and Hope sat on the carpet in front of the couch.

"Lance," Elliot called. "Cain's children weren't taken by Malice. Malice needed the children safe, somehow, and the ones who took them are a band of defected Angels."

Lance's eyebrows knit in confusion. He turned to Marrietta with a firm gaze, "How credible is this?"

"I was there," Marrietta said. "I was a spy in Heaven and during my time to report to Hell, the Fallen Angels caught me and my brother. We tried to fight them, but they had a Surpasser on their side. Lucky for me, I have the power of the Shadows and was able to escape them."

"And you saw Adam and Eve there?" Lance asked. "You saw them with both your eyes?"

"Yes," Marrietta said. "And I also saw another man who was practicing his magic. He was creating wells with his earth magic, and I saw him create a black one just like the one Malice leaves as a trace."

"I will call Cain right now," Lance said and went to his Console. He looked for Cain's name in his Acquaintances list, calling him the second his eyes spotted on the name.

It took him a few rings before Cain answered, "What is it, Lance?"

"Cain, Hell did not take Adam and Eve," Lance said. "There's a group of Angels who are trying to start a fight between Realms. Their motive is still unknown, but we have a witness as to what they've been doing."

"Lance" Cain trailed off. There was a heavy sigh that followed, like he just exhaled his whole lungs. "Are you sure?"

Lance glanced at Marrietta who had a serious expression plastered on her face. Lance would know if a person was lying. After all, he was living in a place where people lie for their own advantage. How every muscle of the face move when someone lies, he knew.

"Positive," Lance said to Cain. "But Cain, we still don't know where these Angels are, and we don't know what they're after."

"The Twilight Bless," Elliot muttered under his breath. "Lance, that's why I know they'll be in the Championship. They're after the Twilight Bless."

"The one who will be blessed will hold great power," Lance said to himself. "Cain, I'll call you back. Whatever it is that you might have want to start against Hell, don't do it. Without any help, you'll all be wiped out. You know that."

"Usually, I would be mad for you to underestimate me," Cain chuckled sadly. "But, okay. I don't see a glimpse of hope in this fight anyway."

"Good," Lance said and dropped the call. "Elliot, if they're after the Twilight Bless, then we have more rivals for it now."

"Doesn't matter," Elliot said. "We will win this anyway."

Marrietta cleared her throat, "I know a thing or two about Twilight Bless."

They all turned to her, waiting for her next words.

"And you're all not far from the truth."

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