I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 221: Round One (2)

Chapter 221: Round One (2)

The man hummed for a couple of seconds. His island kept on hovering around the cylindrical dome, eyeing on all the participants.

"I will explain the rules once everyone has gotten inside," he said. He was holding a scepter that Elliot realized was the item that amplified his voice. Whenever he clicks on the scepter, his voice wouldn't boom throughout the arena.

"I am here!" Another island hovered beside the man. A woman was on top of the island this time. The both of them wore black suits with white inner garments with the woman wearing a skirt while the man wore pants.

The man had a pair of dark glasses on, his hair was pitch black with a goatee in his chin. His look was rugged, like he didn't care for himself that much. If it wasn't for his clean suit, anyone would mistaken him for a poor homeless man.

The woman on the other hand was the complete opposite. Her hair was blonde and she wore it in a clean ponytail. Her figure stood firm unlike the sluggish man beside her.

"I thought Jester's team came in," the woman chuckled to the man without their voice amplifier on.

"That was why I was so excited," the man replied and pointed his eyes at Elliot. Their communication was clean and subtle, but they understood each other well.

"Is that the boy whom we mistook for their member?" the woman asked to which the man nodded. "He doesn't look much, but that aura is incredible. And look at the others with him."

"Maybe this year will bring us some excitement," the man giggled and jumped in his small island. "Let's hurry this up."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It wasn't long before all the participating guilds were inside the stadium. There were spying gems on every island that lets the people outside see what was happening inside the venue.

"Welcome everyone," the man repeated. "To Round One of the Championship of the Greats! My name is Irv Robinson"

"And I am Zia Matthews," the woman introduced. "And tonight, we will witness the first elimination round. Which guilds shall thrive and which guilds shall fall? I am so excited."

"I will explain the rules," Irv said. "There is a specific number of islands in this stadium that is also equal to the number of guilds who will proceed. You will have to stay on your island for your guild to pass through this round."

"To clarify," Zia added. "All participating guild members will have to stay on the island so that your guild will continue. Failing to do so will result in the elimination."

"That's right," Irk nodded. "Some of the guilds have taken control of the islands already. Your task is to knock them out and take over. For the other guilds, protect your island. This game will last for an hour. I hope everyone will have a fun time and"

"Let Round One, begin!"

Without any hesitation, the guilds started their moves. Almost everyone blasted themselves form ground aimlessly. 

'New quest [ The Highest ] available.'

[ The Highest

Reward: Twilight Brew

// The top island is the safest place in the arena. Pass the Round by staying there. ]

"Those are the ones who could never get into the rankings," Aquarius smirked. "Okay, plan first. How can we do this?"

"That island," Elliot pointed at the island on the upper side of the arena, just like The Manual said.

"Don't you think that's too far?" Connor asked. "We will have a hard time reaching there."

"But there's no one there," Elliot said. "Everyone is too focused on the ones below, the ones on top are almost clear. I haven't seen a lot of groups going after the top islands."

"That's right, but are you sure?" Aquarius asked.

Elliot shrugged without looking away from the island, "Positive."

They all looked at each other. With a defeated sigh, they nodded.

"Okay, then let's take that island," Aquarius said. "Let's go through the islands one by one. Let's do it in three teams, the tanks should be divided."

"Minos will be going with Ed and Connor, Hope will go with me and Ethan, and George will go with Elliot and Midnight," Aquarius instructed. "Is that okay?"

"Yes," the others chorused and started to form their teams.

Elliot was paired with George and Midnight. He was confident with their abilities considering George can sustain himself even when he's being attacked by a pride of lions for a long period of time. For Midnight, it was already nighttime. The man would fully thrive in this condition.

"Let's go through the islands one by one," Midnight said. "Let's not engage fight with the occupants of the islands and move as quiet as possible. We don't want them to be alarmed of our presence"

"Galaxia's darling Midnight!"

The three of them leaped out from the ground when they felt a series of electric orbs coming towards them. Just when they were out of the orbs' range, they exploded into dome-like blasts.

The attack left a crater on the brick ground, making the other Adventurers gulp at how powerful it was.

"Can we even beat that?"

"There's no chance for us now."

"I wanna go home."

Elliot landed on the ground a couple of meters back. He instantly spotted Galaxia's guild considering they occupied an island that was the closest to the ground.

"They didn't even bother strategizing," Midnight scoffed. "They're very basic, I'll give the that."

"Midnight!" the man who almost tripped before waved his arm at them. "Oh, there's little Elliot too! And your guild member who's obsessed with pain. Hi!"

Janine smacked the back of his head to knock some sense into him. "You idiot, why did you even attack them?"

"To test something," the man grinned.

"Test what, Kingsley?" Another girl from their guild asked. Her name was Susan, their healer. Galaxia's guild was known as the ones who would charge into their enemy's base without prior planning. With their strength, they could overpower their enemies.

What they needed was a healer and a support that could give them buffs. Susan filled that spot with her tremendous healing and boosting capabilities.

"I sneaked my attack in the air until a few meters from them," Kingsley turned to Janine, his expression was serious this time. "I only activated it when it reached about six meters from them. And you know how fast my attacks are."

"And?" Janine quirked her brow up, intrigued by the man's test. "What did you find out."

Kingsley turned to the three. Even though they were glaring at him, he still gave them a grin, "Their reaction time is faster than mine."

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