I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 317: Top Wings

Chapter 317: Top Wings

Sybyl smirked while looking at Aquarius's unwavering confidence. "A God, eh?"

She raised her hand and threw an orb of her magic towards Aquarius. The latter rotated his trident before thrusting it, the middle tip blocking the attack and popping it like it was a bubble.

This caught Sybyl off guard. She grit her teeth and conjured three more orbs. Her pride could not make out how Aquarius was blocking her attacks so easily.

On the bleachers where they were taking care of everyone, Frederick was watching the fight. They were delayed with their task when members of Son of Heaven meddled with them. This time, the followers were more powerful.

They were able to cast high-level magic and were able to think critically. Frederick was getting annoyed with them. He was already having a hard time suppressing his magic as to not burn the people into ash, and when they were able to make use of this handicap to poke him endlessly, his patience was wearing thin.

"There's a big misconception about Aquarius's capabilities," Frederick said. Luck just hummed while he battled a few members in his area. "A lot of Adventurers even civilians would always question his title."

"That's not a question," Luck said. "Among all the God titles, only three had sat on their throne currently, God of the Seas, God of the Firelands, and God of the Grasslands. The title is as heavy as a Guardianship, and Aquarius isn't really looking like he's in Guardian-level."

"But then again" Frederick trailed off, pointing his palm at the four followers in front of him and firing a beam of raging flames. "Have you ever seen him use his weapon?"

Luck paused for a moment. His eyes looked at Frederick in disbelief as if a giant reveleation went past through his mind. Because a giant revelation did.

Weapons of Adventurers would give them high game changing boosts. The higher the quality of the weapon, the higher the boost is. From physical strength, magic damage, and speed, weapons are crucial in a fight.

But only a few people had seen Frederick use his weapon. To normal people and beginner Adventurers, they would think he was using a trinket as his weapon. But to veterans, they know all too well that he was not.

"There's a gap in power between him and I," Frederick said and chuckled. "If that man takes things seriously, I doubt even the both of us could defeat him."

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"But I thought you were the strongest one in the guild?" Luck asked.

"Excluding our complications, yes," Frederick replied, eyes wandered to Aquarius again. "But since we're at a place where we are at a large disadvantage, Aquarius is the strongest man in Avancia."

Raising his trident and conjuring a wall of water in front of him, Aquarius blocked the attacks that came from Sybyl. The woman continued conjuring her orbs rapidly, orbs capable of cracking a shield that withstood powerful beams.

"I could see that you're different from all the other angels," Aquarius spoke as he slowly lowered his shield. "The others doesn't look as capable as you."

"That's because the Man only keeps the strongest by his side as his top wings," Sybyl replied. "We're at the bottom wing, making us the losers."

"Bottom wings" Aquarius whispered. "I was once at the bottom."

"As if I care," Sybyl snickered. She grunted and raised her hands in front of her, conjuring a much larger orb of gravity magic. The orb felt like it was sucking the very air around it, making Aquarius raise his guard.

"This is my trump card," Sybyl said. "Black Hole!"

The woman leaped and threw the orb like it was a ball. Aquarius raised his trident and took one step back so his body was facing the side. His eyes looked like it was the unwavering waves of the sea, slowly activating a spell while hand gripped the shaft of his weapon tightly.

"Endless Flow," Aquarius casted.

There were three spheres of flowing water on the three tips of his trident. The orbs shot a beam to the middle, making a larger orb that fired a giant beam to block Sybyl's attack.

The woman laughed hysterically, she gripped her hair and looked at Aquarius dead in the eyes, "Are you dumb? That's a black hole. It's an infinite force that will suck everything"

Before she could finish, there was a large popping sound above her. She looked up to see what it was, only to be greeted with a rain of hot burning water.

"What is this?!" Sybyl yelled. She raised her hand protectively above her, creating her transparent dome. "But my black hole is a strong and powerful attack. How did it I don't understand."

"Infinite magic," Aquarius smirked. "As if you know anything about infinity."

The man lowered his trident while his body floated in the air. He hovered over Sybyl, staring at her in the eyes without breaking eye contact. "You don't know anything, wench."

"My power is gravitational force!" Sybyl yelled. She deactivated her shield and tried to conjure another black hole. Before she could fully cast her spell, a spear went past through her shoulder, pinning her to the ground. 

The woman screamed in pain. She clutched the golden trident but a blast of electricity made her retract her hand. "What is this?!"

"You're not Godly," Aquarius deadpanned. He slolwy descended from the air and stood in front of Sybyl. "With your level, you're not allowed to touch weapons that aren't in your tier."

"But The Man didn't say such thing!" Sybyl gasped. "He said we could spread war in Terra and win. No one warned us about Terrans like you."

"That will be his fault," Aquarius said. "Whoever your leader is, he wasn't planning on keeping you."

"What do you mean?" Sybyl asked in fear. A thought came inside her mind but she didn't want to accept the truth. "The Man told us we were important pieces."

"Like a chess game," Aquarius said. "You're nothing but pawns. You said it, you're at a bottom. He doesn't really need you."

"No!" Sybyl yelled. "The man could never!"

Aquarius held the shaft of his trident. He pulled it from Sybyl and locked her in a water bubble. "This bubble will protect you. After this war, let's talk everything out."

"B-But he's coming," Sybyl whispered. "I know he's coming for me. He's going to kill me."

"No one's going to kill you"

With a sound of a clanking metal, Aquarius raised his trident beside him. The middle tip was bent while it blocked a small metal ball.

"Sybyl has turned against us," the boy in front of him silently. His voice was low and it felt like he wasn't saying anything at all.

"H-He's one of them," Sybyl yelled and placed both her hand on the wall of the bubble. She looked at Aquarius with nothing but fear in her eyes. "He's one of the top wings."

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