I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 334: God Mode of Chaos

Chapter 334: God Mode of Chaos

Inside the large spherical tree were a giant figure and a giant arm fighting. Ed was keeping up with Juno's attacks while the latter was seemingly enjoying the fight.

"What did you do to her?!" Ed yelled. He raised his sword and charged a large amount of mana in it. "What kind of trance is she in?"

"Just a small trance," Juno smirked. Her control of her weapon was exquisite. She could hold the sword with her hand well and the timing of her letting it go and spinnig to create a slash was spot on.

"What kind of trance?!" Ed lowered his sword that made the projected sword create a powerful slash.

Juno shrugged, kicking her hind legs so the sword would swerve forward. She then took the handle of her sword and galloped to the direction of the slash at an incredible speed.

The Sin hacked her sword and blocked the slash. The attack was powerful enough to force Juno to grind her sword before she thrust it away to overpower it.

"You are indeed quite strong," Juno said. "But you're not Terran. Why are you helping them?"

"Because this is my home," Ed replied with a smirk. He screamed and raised his arm once more. "And I will not let you trample on it. Eternal Chaos Darkest Strike!"

The projected sword burst with an even brighter light. Ed rotated his wrist around to gather momentum before he took one step back, swinging the sword as hard as he could. The aura from his sword blasted off, spinning at an incredible speed as it approached the enemy.

Juno was laughing while the attack was right in front of her. She let her weapon go and slammed her palms at each other, "Misdirection!"

Ed's eyes could only widen after seeing his attack take a turn to the side. The attack rolled to the edge of the tree where it dug through the branch, almost tearing a hole in it.

"T-This is" Ed stuttered. "But how?"

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"My power allows me to control directions," Juno said. "I could also put people into trance with my other skill."

"How unfair," Ed sighed. "I barely have any power and you get two."

"That's because the ones with power are special creature that the Forsaken has created," Juno said. "We are selected from His hundreds of thousands specimen. His view of power is very different from his counterpart. The Almighty view his creations as equals with equal potential and capabilities, but the Forsaken does not."

"That's because your creator is a d*ckhead," Ed chuckled. "He's like a parent, but he chose his favorites. What kind of parenting is that?"

"That's because the Forsaken is different and he's not our father," Juno replied. "He creates his beings and selects from those who the strong are. If you put me in a room full of Abyssal Creatures from a lower tier than me, you'll see the difference right away."

"So, you mean he chooses those who are strong and those who are weak?" Ed asked to which Juno nodded.

"Yes, that is correct. And let me show you how powerful he made us."

Juno raised her hand to the side and the chain automatically sat on her hand. She stared at Ed in the eyes while spinning her sword with the chains attach to it. The spinning started to gain momentum while Juno didn't look like she would break eye contact soon.

"Guess the direction," Juno smirked and threw her sword. Ed raised his own and tried to block the approaching weapon when it swerved to the side.

Ed gasped after seeing the sword got to the side and shoot other Adventurers instead. The sword created a large hole in the ground and splattered all the Adventurers in the vicinity.

"No!" Ed yelled, seeing the crimson liquid splash on the ground and on the branches of tree. "Juno, I am your enemy! Fight me!"

"But you're all my enemies," Juno snickered. "You even grouped yourselves to fight me, remember? You should know that I would fight back since you think that's how it is."

Juno raised her hand again and once more, the chain reconnected with her palm. The speed of how she shoots her weapon and how fast it reaches its target was beyond Ed's comprehension. His eyes could only take so much that something as fast as this was impossible.

"Why do you care about all these humans anyway?" Juno asked. She was spinning her sword with the chain once again while keeping eye to eye contact with Ed. "They're nothing but some lowly creatures. You are strong, I can tell. Why bother protecting them?"

"Because that is my job," Ed said. He raised his sword and returned the burning gaze of Juno. "And I will protect them with my last breath."

"You can protect the remaining ones," Juno laughed hysterically as she shoot her weapon once more.

And once again, Ed wasn't as quick to block it. He ran to the direction of the weapon but he was too late. All the people there were already dead with their guts scattered on the ground.

"No!" Ed yelled. "Fight me alone and only me. Why are you doing this?"

Juno shrugged. She was staring to spin her sword again while looking at Ed when her gaze shifted to the kneeling Elizabeth. Juno was smirking as she gave the sign to Ed.

"Do not even go there," Ed growled. "She's one of the most important people in Avancia, you cannot do that!"

"Or can't I?" In a blink of an eye, Juno had her hands retracted before thrusting it out.

In Ed's perspective, it was like everything was in slow motion. The sword on the chain looked so slow as it was shot from Juno's hands, launching to the direction of the girl who was still in a trance.

The boy yelled and started to run. He was forcing his legs to move faster, but he knew it will be hard. By the time he gets to Elizabeth, the girl might have perished already.

"Please don't," Ed whispered to himself. "The girl I'm starting to like. And the girl who's starting to like me back. I can never find someone like her again."

Ed's legs started to sore as he was forcing his mana to make them run even faster. His aura was all over the place as he unleashed as much power as he can from the curse. His projected sword was also close to Juno's sword, but it will take a miracle for Ed to actually reach it.

"How can I do this?!" Ed yelled. "I need more power, but I don't know if my body can. What would Elliot do?"

It seemed like his world was in halt after he asked the question. Everything around him was at pause, even him who was standing there, extending his arm forwarded in the hopes to block the attack.

Ed started to fall into the sink of his throughts. There was a strong burning aura in the depth of his mind that he hasn't seen before. The aura seemed to be talking to him, trying to convince the man to take a peeek.

Ed was at the edge of temptation. Not a few more seconds later, the boy gave up and dove to the depths of his mind.

There he saw a large purple fire. Ed touched the fire and it swallowed him whole, spinning to form a vortex and slammed itself inside him through his chest.

"What is this?!" Ed yelled. When all the flames was sucked inside him, he returned to reality. Everything was still at pause but his body was now glowing with an intense purple flame. "God Mode!"

"Simon, Galvin, Schneider" Elizabeth trailed off as she floated in front of her fallen friends. Tears started to fall from her eyes as her heart slowly sink lower and lower. "Why are you all here?"

"It's your fault that this happened to us!" one of her friends yelled. He opened his mouth and a swarm of pure darkness gushed out.

"No!" Elizabeth yelled, blocking the black liquid with her hands. "But you're all dead!"

"And who's fault is that?!" another one of her guilmates yelled. "You abandoned us!"

"I could never!" Elizabeth cried. She started to push the water out and tried to get closer to them. "Everyone, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

"You failed us!"

"You're useless!"

"You only care about yourself!"

Elizabeth fell to her knees and covered her ears as the screams continued. Her fallen comrades started to surround her, spinning around her like a carousel.

"Please stop!" Elizabeth cried. "Please."

A few seconds had passed and the woman felt a warm light in front of her. The sounds from her guild mates were silence after she felt the warmth. Elizabeth looked up and saw a figure of a dark purple light, offering its hand to her.

"Who are you?" Elizabeth asked. She didn't know why but her hand found itself on top of the figure's hand.

"God Mode of Chaos!"

With a snap of her eyes open, Elizabeth found herself behind the familiar warmth. Her eyes looked up and saw Ed covered with a glowing armor and a large figure that had the same gesture as him was blocking an attack from Juno.

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