I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 346: Unexpected Interruption

Chapter 346: Unexpected Interruption

Vigor was facing Alice and Galaxia along with their guildmates. They weren't having the hardest time facing the Sin since they have the highest number of Top Adventurers in their group. 

"Kingsley, Janine!" Galaxia yelled. "Create shields. Miss Alice, let's attack this fatty together. Give it your all."

"I will," Alice nodded and raised her staff, waiting for Galaxia to start their attack.

"Let's go!" Galaxia yelled. He leaped and raised his giant sword. It was different from the weapon he used when the Vassals attacked Solaguer.

This time, he was using a large white sword that looked like it was forged by angels. The pommel was a head of a man who had long hair that was made with leather that weaved into the handle, wrapping itself around it.

On the guard of the sword was a large bluish white gem that had an arch made of feathers above it. There were also two pairs of thin wings below the arch, curling to the back of the sword. The blade was long and large, much like what heavy-duty fighter type Adventurers like Galaxia would carry.

He raised his sword and charged it with multicolored particles, making the sword emit the light of a thousand stars in a clear sky.

Alice went behind Galaxia and tapped her staff on the man's back. "Heaven's Light, Son of the Final Haven Spirit."

From her hands, a white light sparked, forming clouds that ran up to the shaft of her staff and into the tip. The light covered Galaxia, making the light in his sword glow brighter. He smirked and watched Vigor's scared expression.

The large boar-like Sin raised his weapon to defend himself. The aura Galaxia was emitting wasn't something to be reckoned with. He wasn't holding back, and so was his support who was giving him all the boost he needed.

"Starlight Road Destruction!"

With a single swing of his sword, Galaxia fired a large slash of multicolored light. From the slash were small beams that merged with it, making it glow even brighter.

They watched the attack reach the sin and swallow him mercilessly. Vigor didn't say anything or produce any sign of pain, but anyone who faces an attack with that scale would at least be in a critical condition.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thinking they were victorious, Galaxia lowered his sword. He sighed and looked at Alice, "That was a wonderful boost, Miss Alice! If my heart wasn't already a slave to a special someone, I would pursue you."

"Oh, trust me, I don't want your persuasion," Alice smiled awkward, slowly stepping back to Janine and the others.

When she got there, Janine was staring at the large explosion in the air. The light from Galaxia's attack was still exploding in the air, taking its time to show off before it fades completely.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Alice asked with a smile. "We can all agree that Galaxia has the highest damage output. Elizabeth can sustain and defend, but she can't produce an attack like this."

"It's still there," Janine said without blinking. Her eyes were wide, not leaving the light. "The aura didn't vanish."

"What do you"

A loud growl echoed around the stadium. Vigor was the only gigantic creature in the stadium, so he had all the attention to himself. 

His large hairy hands came out of the light. He slammed it down and the light was lifted up, showing him drinking it like it was his delicious drink.

Galaxia couldn't believe his eyes. His attack, one that was capable of destroying multiple villages, were being sucked down by a monster like it was nothing. Vigor gulped gulped, continuously drinking the light with a curl at the tip of his lips that formed a smirk.

"This magic is insane!" Livor yelled in excitement. "How come you didn't brought it out earlier! I could've used the boost myself."

"B-Boost?" Galaxia stuttered. "That attack could destroy a part of a city. And you just consumed it like that."

"I'm the Sin of Gluttony!" Vigor laughed. "What did you expect me to do? Just eat food?"

"Galaxia, fall back!" Alice yelled. "He's gonna attack."

"Oh, I am," Vigor grinned. He opened his large mouth and conjured the same light he consumed in a form of a sphere. The sohere looked like it was a multicolored gem as it hovered in between Galaxia's sharp teeth. "One Giant Puke"

Before he could finish, Vigor stopped his cast. He looked around, seemingly in distress. "Impossible!"

He looked at Galaxia and they now shared the same expression, but for completely different reasons. The former was afraid of Vigor for drinking his most powerful attack without any problems. Meanwhile Vigor was afraid after feeling a presence he thought he would never feel again.

"So that's why they decided to kill themselves," Vigor shook his head and chuckled to himself. He threw his weapon away and shrunk himself, losing his animal features.

He was now like a tall man with a large belly and thick limbs. He was now wearing a flannel shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. On his feet were a pair of fur boots with metal soles, making him look like a lumberjack.

"Leslie!" Vigor yelled. "He's here!"

A sound of a crack draw everyone's attention in the air in the middle of the stadium. They watched the space crack and shatter like glass, spewing out the ones Leslie took and Cain who came to them.

Cain had large wounds on his arms, while Christina was healing him. Apart from him, no one else was injured.

Aquarius waved his hand and summoned a large wave that caught them before they fall to the ground. The wave swallowed them and let them descend from inside it.

"Aquarius!" Connor yelled as he ran to them. "Are you guys okay?"

"We are," Aquarius replied. He looked at Minos, checking his best friend for any injuries. "Apart from those large cuts on Cain's arms, we're fine."

"But Luck isn't," Lance ran to them. "He had a large open hole in his chest. He's dead."

Aquarius looked at Lance without any expression. "How long has it been since?"

"About five minutes," Lance said. "He's really gone. Frederick is still crying while holding his body."

"Take me to him," Aquarius said. "Knowing Luck, I'm sure he moved his heart somewhere."

"Ew, he can do that?" Connor contorted his face in disgust. "How?"

"No time," Aqaurius said. "Lance, take me to him now."

While the Adventurers were still processing everything, Leslie was hovering closer to Vigor. He had a sour look in his face, making the latter roll his eyes.

"You didn't have to call me out," Leslie rolled his eyes. "I was just a move away from killing that intruder."

"You felt it, didn't you?" Vigor asked. "Everyone else is dead. Us two alone don't stand a chance against him."

"I know," Leslie said. He looked at Aquarius who was running to where Luck was. "But I gave up. I'm going to give my Bless."

"You're kidding!" Vigor groaned. "You don't have to do that. Maybe if we find capable people, we can kill him finally."

"I'm tired, brother," Leslie smiled. "I'll just give him my Bless. Then I'll return."

"Fine then," Vigor said. "Make it quick."

Leslie smiled and nodded. He turned to descend to where Aquarius was but a large chest blocked him.

"Goodbye," Malice smirked and pierced her hand through Leslie's chest.

'Congratulations! You have gained the Blessing of Sloth.'

"Leslie!" Vigor yelled. Malice grinned and removed her hand from Leslie, throwing the body away like it was nothing.

She dashed to Vigor and crossed her arms, capturing the Sin with a large sphere and crushing him inside.

'Congratulations! You have gained the Blessing of Gluttony!'

The stadium was silent as they all watched the woman throw the body of Vigor. She threw her head back, feeling the power travel through her veins with a wide smirk plastered on her face. "This is amazing! Just like how I planned everything to happen."

"Malice!" Galaxia yelled. "How dare you!"

"Oh, I had help," Malice smirked, pointing at the roof of the balcony where the judges previously sat.

There, Madam Locraine was raising her hands. Several items were hovering behind them, glowing with a pale yellow light. Madam Locraine's eyes were glowing with the same color of light before she pointed her palms at Malice.

The light shot to the Queen of Hell. She received the light and laughed as it traveled across her body.

"Realm Expansion!"

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