I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 365: Samson

Chapter 365: Samson

Elliot was beyond thrilled after the couple gave him the book. He was going to represent Avancia as a diplomat for their kingdom. All the knowledge for their Eastern neighbors would be great if he ever hopes to rebuild the bridge of Avancia and the East.

"You look excited," Connor smirked. "Are you really excited to go to the East?"

"For some reason, yeah," Elliot said with a smile. "I don't know why, but something about them just pulls me in. Like it's a place we should be right now."

"Speaking of places, we should go to another street," Connor suggested. "Unless you want all eyes on you again, then be my guest."

"Jeez, I know," Elliot playfully rolled his eyes. Connor and him went to the other street to get to their inn. This street had stores that sold beauty products, clothes and jewelry and the stores were indoors so it was less busier than the street filled with produce on the other side.

They were walking past an alley when they heard whispers of two people who seemed to be arguing. The boys looked at each other and contemplated for a moment.

"I don't know if we should," Connor said. Elliot gave him a look, making him give in. "Fine. Let's just listen for a bit."

"I did everything I can," a familiar voice spoke from the alley. They were still a few feet away but the voices were heard from afar.

"This is more serious than we think," Connor whispered. They both crouched and got closer to the alley, taking a peek in the corner.

In the dark narrow alley was the male vendor who they argued with earlier. With him was a woman wearing a long coat and a hat. A pair of sunglasses covered her face, but they could make out her pale complexion and her small face.

"You told me to ruin their name," the male vendor said. "You took my wife and son, and you said I should ruin their reputation, right? I'm doing it right now."

"It's not enough," the woman in the long coat said. "You're still not doing the job you should do. Lives are at stake here, do you know that, Samson?"

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Samson, the vendor, could only nod. He was shaking in fear, trying to hold himself together after standing in front of his family's captor. "I have talked to some of my fellow vendors. I have gathered a lot of them to protest against Adventurers. Your goal of making this kingdom fall apart will bear its fruits soon, Madam."

"Good," the woman grinned. "You're a very good person, Samson. But at this rate, at how slow you work, you'll receive your family inside a body bag."

"Madam, please"

The woman walked to the side of the alley and whispered something under her breath. The wall on the alley formed a large circular portal to which she passed through, leaving Samson behind.

"Should we go talk to him?" Connor asked. He turned around to listen to Elliot but saw that the other boy was not there anymore. "Elliot you stupid mutt."

"So, that's why you're so eager on making us angry," Elliot said, standing in front of Samson. "She has your family captive."

"And?" Samson quirked his brow at him. "I might be doing more than what I should be doing, but it doesn't change the fact that I do not like you Aventurers."

"And why is that?" Elliot asked, his eyes softening as he watched the anger in Samson's eyes. "Did we do something to you?"

"I don't have to tell you that," Samson replied. "And if you tell anyone about this, I'll make sure to do my job better."

Elliot was silent. He watched the man walk away from the alley and into the street where his store was.

"That was intense," Connor said with a whisper as he approached Elliot. "Let's go to the guild. I think you'll feel better when you get there."

He dragged his friend out of the alley and they walked back into their inn. Connor didn't say anything on their way there, leading to Elliot thinking that his friend was giving him space to think. They all knew how sensitive he was to these king of things and he was lucky to have friends who understood him.

Elliot was the first one to open the door of the inn and he was instantly met with a hug. He gasped after seeing Christina, Viper, and Florencia wrapped their arms around him.

"Oh, my god," Elliot gasped, smiling and returning the embrace. "You three, where have you been?"

"Claiming Christina's title," Frederick walked to them with a scroll in his hand. "While you were asleep, the Trinity of Power declared a winner, our guild. And since we won"

"You took Florencia's city," Elliot whispered. "That is amazing! And the villagers?"

"All safe and sound," Emalda walked up to them with a smile in her face. He tapped Elliot's shoulder, "Thank you."

Dustin also managed to get his way through the thre students of Elliot and hugged him too, "Thank you, Elliot."

Elliot grinned, nodding at them, "I didn't do everything in my own. Everyone helped. If it wasn't for them, none of these things would've happened."

"You give us too much credit," Lance snickered playfully. "If it wasn't for your leadership skills, Christina and the Cilcans could have never made it out alive."

"Also," Isabelle walked to Elliot and shook her head, "Jameson gave me the Wanderer I need for the payment for the gems. You don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Wow," Elliot looked for the prince, and when he saw the grinning Jameson in the corner, he smiled, mouthing a "Thank you" to which the prince gave him a wink as a response.

Elliot felt relieved and happy at the same time. He wanted some time for him to breathe and this was it. This was his breather. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment when the door slammed open, a deeply panting Samson walking inside.

"What's the big idea?" Connor asked, walking up to the man. "Just a few moments ago"

"I am from the East," Samson said. "Although my eyes aren't narrow and my skin isn't as fair, but my blood is Eastern."

This silenced Connor completely, even their other friends behind them didn't talk. They let Samson catch his breath before he continued, "I was the General of Kingdom of Kkeun before I was stripped of my title. They took my family and sent me here to make your kingdom fall into ruins."

"You mean all the eight kingdoms want Avancia to fall?" Elliot asked, releasing his arms from the embrance. He walked closer to Samson and searched for the lies in his eyes. When he found nothing, he took the matter more seriously.

"I don't know how you know about the remaining kingdoms, but that was long ago," Samsons said. "My kingdom was one of the ones that fell under their power, but there are only two kingdoms in the East. The other six were absorbed by these kingdoms, and they are planning to wage an all out war against us here."

"And how do we know you're not lying?" Elliot quirked his brow up. "For all we know, you could still be doing your propaganda."

Samson handed him a locket, "Take it. They sent me the locket of my wife. She's dead as well as my child."

Elliot took the locket, jaws dropped in shock. Just when Samson let go of the locket, his body froze and turned to ash the next moment.

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