I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 369: Eastern Airship

Chapter 369: Eastern Airship

The ship was large and the interior was like they were in a palace with golden furnishings. Elliot and his friends watched in awe as they watched the decorations flaunting their bright golden color.

The king let Frederick decide who he see fit to become one of the diplomats for the East. He chose Elliot, Lance, Connor, Ed, Hope, Florencia, Viper, and Christina.

His decision shocked the entire kingdom. The initial five were just like the original ones that they planned for, but the last three came in a shock. Many have doubted Fredrick's decision, even the Trinity of Power themselves.

The man only shrugged all the objections off by saying, "The king let me chose the ones I saw fit. I just decided on who the fittest among them was."

A lot of people had snickered on this, spitting venom in their words as they insulted the red haired man. Frederick, however, was nonchalant. He let all the words enter his ear, and pass through his other ear.

He was solid in his decision. The man didn't waiver even when threats were literally thrown at him.

Meanwhile, in the Eastern airship, the diplomats were made to gather in the lobby. The four men from earlier was instructing them on what and what not to do while they were on board. And it seemed like there were a lot of things prohibited todo inside.

"You should not cast any high level offensive skill inside, no to flame affinity, no to strength enhancement skills, and finally, no drinking," the man with the sword symbol said, emphasizing the last three items on their dozen item list. "Get that, everyone?"

"Yes, sir," the group chorused.

"Good," the man with the arrow symbol said with a wide, but obviously fake, smile. "My name is Dexter, and I will be showing you to your room."

"Your name's surprisingly Western," Ed commented that made the fake smile on Dexter's lips disappear in an instant. "I-I mean"

"You, sir, are stereotyping," Dexter said. "I'm glad that it didn't come in a shock that we could speak your language."

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"I didn't mean it like that"

"Then don't say things that others might misunderstand," Dexter said, his voice slightly higher that made Ed flinch. "Remember, you are diplomats that will be conversing with the leaders of the Eastern kingdoms. The Emperors and Empressesaren't as forgiving as me and they won't let it slide."

"G-Got it," Ed said. His sweat starred to fall from his forehead in fear. He was afraid that he might screw things up for them before they have could even landed. "I apologize."

"Consider your apology accepted," Dexter said, the fake smile returning to his face. "But there should be no next time. Now, follow me to your rooms."

They walked the grandiose halls decorated with gold and flowers until they reached the end of a hallway. Dexter placed his hand on the side, leaning his palm on the wall where a blue light lit up around his hand. 

The wall of the dead end opened, revealing a large room that looked like it was a living room of a mansion.

"This will be where you'll stay for the three day travel," Dexter said. "In these three days, you are not permitted to leave this area for any reason apart from an emergency. That hall leads to the rooms where there are two beds each room. Follow me."

Dexter was surprisingly good at touring them. Although the group were barely holding themselves back from ripping the fake smile on his face, his instructions were clear and he didn't miss a spot in the tour, even explaining everything to the last detail.

He walked right by the main door and pointed at a small rectangular box in a table. It looked like the one they used to talk to the people in the ship before they left.

"This is a communicator," Dexter said. "It is directly connected to us, your convoys."

"Convoys? But there's only" Ed was about to tell a joke again but the glare from Dexted silenced him immediately.

The latter shook his head and finally dropped his smile, replacing it with a smug smirk before pointing his eyes to the side where the large windows were. "See for yourself."

With that, the man left the room, leaving them inside their area. The group looked at each other before following Dexter's eyes. They walked to where the floor to ceiling windows were and gasped after seeing ten more of the airships.

"What is this?!" Elliot gasped, grinning in awe as he watched all the ships hover in the air and pass through the clouds. "This is amazing."

Lance took something from his pocket. He walked to the side and wrote something on a piece of paper. When he finished, he walked back to the others and showed them the note while placing a finger on his lips.

"They want to show us how powerful they are. This is the start of the all out war. Samson was just the beginning," his note said.

Elliot was about to speak again but Lance moved his finger to Elliot's lips. He removed it and wrote on the other side of the paper.

"We can't just talk about them. You see their technology. Every room in this room is recorded."

"What do you mean?" Elliot mouthed.

Lance sighed and took another paper, writing, "This is a mistake. We made a huge mistake."

Back in Solaguer, Frederick stood by the balcony of the palace. He was watching the convoy of their diplomats fly away, getting smaller and smaller as seconds passed.

"So, why did you do it?" Luck asked him. "You know those three were kids, right? What can they possibly do to help?"

"I believe something miraculous will happen," Frederick said, turning to face his best friend. "I have never felt like this since she gave birth to Elliot. That's why I'm sure I made the right choice."

"Then I'm okay with that," Luck chuckled. "My Etheorian gut had nothing against your Infernal gut."

"You think she'll be proud of him?" Frederick suddenly asked. "Melissa always envisioned her son to be great like his father. And now he's doing great things."

"That kid may be small, but yeah," Luck said. "He's doing thigs we could only dream of."

A sheathed sword was placed beside them, making the boys snap their heads to the direction. Francoise stood there, eyes glimmering with tears while the airships finally vanished from their vision.

"I'm so proud of Melissa's boy," the old man said. "The day I saw him, I knew he'll reach this far."

"Enough with your drama," Frederick rolled his eyes and took the sword from the man. He touched the red scabbard that had black wave designs made from crystals on its surface. "Is this it?"

"The one and only," Francoise smirked. "The Blade of Eternal Flames."

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