I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 423: Adventurers vs Zombies

Chapter 423: Adventurers vs Zombies

Elizabeth had a doubtful expression on her face, "I'm not too sure about this."

"And why not?" Zeus asked, his eyebrows meeting. "Jon said that he can lead us to the others."

"Can't we just call them?" Elizabeth muttered. "But I can't seem to contact them."

"They're fighting zombies on their end, it will be hard to reach them at the moment," Galaxia said. "And I agree with Zeus on this one. Jon seems to be trustworthy. If he's actually evil, then we just have to raise our guards all the time. It's that easy."

Elizabeth sighed. She had no other choice but to agree. Both men were on the same team, and the other leaders looked like they were too. Only she was agaisnt the idea.

"So?" Jon asked. "Are you going to take my offer or not?"

"We will," Zeus said. "Please take us to our friends, Jon."

Jon smiled and nodded. "Come with me then. I'll make you a tunnel that leads to where they are."

The Earth Master kept his wings, making him land to the ground with a sof thud. He raised both his hands and slammed it to the ground, the soil shaking as if the cave they were in was crumbling to pieces.

"What's happening?" Zeus asked. "Jon?"

"Relax," the beetle chuckled. "I'm just redirecting the tunnel I made before. We can use this to go to them."

From how Zeus just acted on, Elisha knew that the man didn't fully trusted Jon yet. He was just taking chances so they could get further instead of just waiting.

"Lance is still fighting," Frederick said before they were going to the tunnel. "It's been two hours since we had contact with them. What kind of zombies are they fighting? Evolved or mutated ones?"

"About a tens of thousands ones," Jon said, looking at Frederick with a serious expression. "Licht doesn't just send one or two undead armies. He sends thousands."

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Zeus massaged his chin with his index finger. "If that's the case, then we should hurry up even more. Killing a couple of zombies is draining enough, a hundred will make you tired, a thousand will make you lose energy in your knees. Imagine fighting thousands of them."

Frederick was the first one to enter the tunnel. He was there even before Jon, making the beetle grin and laugh. "You really care about those guys, don't you?"

"They're my family," Frederick said. "Family needs to take care of family."

A laugh and a slow clapping garnered everyone's attention. A man walked out of the crowd, a smug grin was plastered on his face. "How cute. Family this, family that. Did you know that your so-called family is doing something behind your back?"

Luck stepped in front of Frederick. "Unless they're calling service women to their rooms at night, I don't care what they do, huh, Gian?"

Gian couldn't hold his laugh. He was cupping his stomach while he continued laughing like a maniac. "You're so silly. But it's not that. You'd wish it was as simple as hiring prostitutes, but no. When we were here, I saw an unfamiliar guild."

"There's hundreds of guilds," Luck contorted his face. "How did you manage to memorize them all?"

"Doesn't matter," Gian shrugged. "Your members created another guild behind your backs. It's called The Eternals and Elliot is the guild master, your petty vice guild master is their vice guild master. They're not actually here for diplomatic reason. They're here because they wanted to create another guild."

"You're stirring an empty pot, child," Frederick said. He picked his nose and walked up to the man. "They already asked permission for that. I was just waiting for Elliot to finally man up and start it. Besides, it's okay that they start a new guild. Doesn't matter to me."

Gian was silent. Frederick let him take a couple of seconds to retaliate, but he did nothing but scoff then go back to the crowd.

"Anyone else have an issue?" Frederick asked out loud. When no one answered, he sighed and nodded. "Let's go then."

While Jon was leading the reinforcements in a tunnel that he made himself, their destination was filled with chaos.

Attacks flew in the air. All of those were launched with the intent to literally pulverize their enemies.

"How many are there left?" Lance asked as he just landed on the roof from unleashing an attack.

"A lot more," Connor replied from above. He was the main vision provider for the group. His staff allowed him to go into a height that's much further from the ground, giving him an entire scenery.

"How come there's a lot of them when there were only a couple that came out of the tree?" Elliot asked in frustration. He fired his sixth Enhanced Lotus Blast in a row. He felt his energy dwindling after attacking so many times.

His mana was depleting and so was his stamina. If this goes on, he won't be able to last until all the zombies are defeated.

"They keep coming from the tree," Connor said. "Maybe they only looked small in number before since the tree can only teleport a few people at once."

"This is annoying," Lance groaned. He brandished his sword and crossed them in front of him. He then took a deep breath before launching orbs in the air.

The orbs hovered for a couple of seconds before firing into the ground with large area of effect. It was like meteors were falling to the ground, the rain of orbs hitting the soil and exploding looked great and magnificent.

"That's good and all, but there's still more," Connor said. "They just won't stop coming."

"What if we destroy the tree?" Ed asked. Connor hovered beside him and slammed his hand on the other man's head.

"You dumb*ss," Connor groaned. "You heard Emperor Kang before right? They tried to look as to where this place is and they couldn't find it."

"What if we go through Geneva?" Elliot asked. "Can we ask her if we can travel through her portals?"

Connor raised two fingers, "One, there's too much of them. Two, I can't contact the Infernals. It seems like we're in a different realm, but what it is is the mysterious part."

"There's only six realms," Elliot said. "We've been to three of them, we live in one. So this has to be Heaven or Hell."

"You forgot artificial realms," Lance said. "The ones created by people."

"Ah, that too," Elliot pursed his lips. "But that requires a lot of mana and magic. Who can do such a thing?"

As if on cue, several beams of light shot from nowhere. The beams turned zombies into ashes and it continuously did so until all zombies were gone.

"Who was that?" Guan Yin yelled and looked around. "Show yourself!"

No one answered her. Instead, the ashes from the undead soldiers were slowly blown by the wind in s twirling motion. The wind became a vortex not long after, forming a small tornado that curved and exited through the tree.

No one could say anything. They just watched the ashes leave, none of them knew how it was happening or who did it. What they do know is that the person is incredibly powerful.

Little did they know, that same person was among them, just hiding and watching their every move.

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