I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 447: Son of the Sun

Chapter 447: Son of the Sun

Pommel raised his staff as the rescue team neared the floating island. The light of the magic circle that was conjured on the ground started flickering and the old man had gritted his teeth as if he was in pain.

"The higher they are, the more energy it consumes," Pommel grunted. "But I can do this. My rank has significantly lowered due to the ascension of the youngsters, but I wasn't the ninth strongest Adventurer for twelve years for nothing!"

The light on his magic circle had now settled. Pommel was grunting while the ones who were assisting him on casting his spell had lost their energy and fell to the ground i exhaustion.

"Rise, my friends!" Pommel yelled.

The rescue team felt the boost in their speed. Pommel was right. The higher they are from the ground, the harder it is to cast the spell or even move. The air pressure was restricting a lot of their movements and it was getting harder and harder the higher they go.

When they reached the island, the group didn't hesitate to land on its soil. It wasn't a surprise how the twins that were behind Lady Hao. They were standing right in front of the house, waiting for the arrival of the rescue team.

"You prepared for us?" Elliot smirked as he brandished his sword. He stood straight and pointed his blade on the women. "Where is Lance?"

"Such bravery," one of the women asked. "My name is Xing and this is my sister Qing. We're Lady Hao's apprentices."

"No one cares," Connor scoffed. "Now give Lance back to us and we swear blood won't be spilled on your soil."

Perhaps the biggest difference between the twins were their hairstyles and the color of their clothing. One had an ombre of red and orange paired with a ponytail, while the other had white to blue that was paired with a braid.

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"Funny how you say that," Qing, the one with white and blue and the braid, said. "You saw how powerless your strong members were. We saw through your ranks and immediately chopped your legs off."

"They're not exactly the best of us," Ed smirked. He raised his sword and groaned. Suddenly, his entire sheethed arm glowed with its dark purple color. 

From the glowing of his hand came out a giant arm that manifested itself from Ed's mana. The arm was similar to when Ed fought one of the Sins, but this one was smaller. It was the size of half of the island and it was hovering over it.

"Give us Lance, or else you're going to deal with this," Ed threatened. The giant aura arm was following his actual arm and the monent he moves it, the island would also shake slightly.

"Size is inversely proportional to speed," Xing said. "You might have that giant arm, but you can never be fast when you're welding it"

Ed swing hus sword randomly, causing the giant arm to also move just as fast as he did. Instead of getting afraid, this made the twins grinned.

"Amazing!" Qing and Xing said at the same time. It was like there were stars in their eyes as they watched Ed with his giant arm.

"You're going to be a part of our collection," Xing said. "We'll take you too then. Along with Lance."

Qing and Xing vanished from their spot. This made the Adventurers raise their swords and stood defensively. Any moment now, the twins might attack them and it might be the end of the road for them.

"Everyone, be careful!" Elliot yelled. "We should anticipate their attacks in every possible angle."

Elliot saw something flash right in his peripheral vision. He took one step back and spun his body to the side as he swerved his sword in the air, perfectly blocking a dagger that went straight for him.

"What the hell was that," Elliot gasped. He felt his body shiver in fear after the dagger fell to the ground and made the grass around the area where it fell rot. "Their blades are poisoned. Be careful."

The twins were giggling from nowhere. No one could see exactly where they are, making it hard to look for them.

"I know where they are," Hope said. He unsheathed his sword and raised his shield as he ran straight through the patches of grass in the island. He looked like he was getting nowhere, just running as he swerved his sword and shield in thin air.

"Hope, what are you doing?" Elliot asked. "They can't possibly be there"

"But they are!" Hope yelled. He suddenly threw both his weapons to the side and shifted into his dragon form in a split second.

This made the two women gasp in excitement. Hope heard their sound and swung his tail right to where he heard it, successfully hitting the two women with him.

"There!" Elliot yelled. He rushed to where the women were and swung his sword. Just when he thought he got them, the two women vanished. "No!"

"Boy, you are good," Xing said. She slowly manifested herself and appeared above the house beside Qing. "You're good, but I'm not sure if you're worthy."

"Worthy for what?" Elliot seethed in anger. "You injured our friends and you took one of us. Then you said that we're not worthy? What in the actuall hell are you talking about?!"

Qing appeared in front of Elliot and slapped him across his face. The sudden appearance and slap happened so fast and no one anticipated it.

"W-What" Elliot trailed off as he watched Qing vanished and returned to her sister's side. "What?"

"You really are just a stupid bunch," Xing sighed. "You pride yourself in being the Eternals for half of the realms, but you didn't know one was also walking alongside you?"

"I don't have to listen to your bullsh*t," Elliot growled. "Lance is"

"The Eternal of Terra," Xing cut Elliot off, a smile forming on her lips. "He currently talking to her grandmother."

"What" Elliot dropped his sword to the ground. "I-Impossible."

"And to make things more interesting," Qing grinned. "He's not from this timeline. He's from the past, the actual and only son of the One Sun."

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