I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 90: Crystal Woman

Chapter 90: Crystal Woman

The group froze at the words that escaped the man's lips.

For Elliot, he was confused as to which was more surprising. The fact that Hope had already knew his father, or the fact that he was trembling at the sight of him.

For Ed, Hope, and him, family wasn't a familiar thing but for Hope to react like this, there seems to be something wrong. When you see your long lost family member, you would wrap your arms around them and hug them like you don't want to let go. But Hope was acting the complete opposite of that.

It seemed like he wanted to run away.

"He's going to kill my mother." What Hope said just a few seconds ago rang inside Elliot's head like a bell.

"Connor," he called out in a whispered voice. "Could you stun him?"

"I can, but why?" Connor asked.

"When I say go, you stun him," Elliot instructed. "Do the thing where the ground opens up and fire comes out."

"Come with me, my son."

They two of them fell silent after hearing the man behind them. "Don't expect to land a trick on me because it wouldn't happen."


In split second, the man's arm flicked and blasted Elliot off and into a nearby house. His collision with the building wrecked the bricked walls and made the roof collapse over him.

"Elliot!" Connor yelled. The man flicked his hand again but it was blocked by Lance who took a few steps back, unable to deal with the impact fully.

Connor grit his teeth and flexed his hands in front of him. "Infernal Morph!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His hands began to burn, his tanned skin sank into the embers. The flames started to travel up to his arm but he was blown away by the man's forcefield-like attack.

"Pfft," the man chuckled. "An slumbering Eternal. Pathetic. And oh," he turned and saw Ed hiding Hope behind him, his sword was raised defensively in front of him. "An almost Awakened."

"What are you?" Ed growled.

The man bowed his head, "Etheorian Eternal, I am Clan, of the Dracon Realm."

"D-Dracon Eternal" Ed trailed off. "The Supreme Dragon Emperor?"

"That's exactly correct," the man said. "Although, Eternal Destruction is another one of my titles. The Six Eternals, bearers of the"

"Jade Lance."

A large spear made of green crystal shot directly towards the man. But everyone could only gasp when it did not penetrate through his skin. The crystal weapon shattered and turned to dust without even a single movement from Clan.

Lance appeared behind Ed and Hope and dragged them away in a flash. Just when they got out of the street, several more spears followed, all with different colors.

"Rainbow Lance Shower."

The dust that accumulated in the air fogged the street, covering the entire brick road. They lost the vision of the man but the spears continued pouring like rain, showing no signs of stopping.

On top of one of the tallest building of the city stood a woman with light green hair. She conjured two swords made of multi-colored crystals and leapes from the three storey building, landing in the dust-filled street.

"Lilith," Lance said, holding his swords tight. "The Guardian of the West, Lilith Battlefield."

"That's the Guardian?" Ed gasped, squinting his eyes as he struggled to see through the specks of dust. "I can't seem to see."

In a flash, a blast of cold air cleared the fog-like dust. There they saw Lilith, standing in front of Clan. Her swords were broken and her left arm was filled with blood.

"You're good," Clan clapped his hands slowly, sighing right after a few applauses. "But is this all you can do?"

Lilith spat on the street, her spit was filled with blood. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and smirked. "I was just testing the waters."

She blasted herself off and got closer to Clan. Her swords regrew as she swiftly turned and slashed her blades against the man.

Clan did not even flinch once the swords hit him, the crystal blades cracked as its user struggled to defeat the man. Even with her rapid slashes and her regenerating swords, all it took was for Clan to flick his finger and blow Lilith directly towards a house.

"I expected more from a Terran," Clan sighed. "And you were hailed as one if this kingdom's protectors. What a shame."

"Argh. This is really troublesome." The rubble from the destroyed house Lilith shook. Small streaks of liquefied crystals had seeped through the bricks. The liquid traveled to different directions, seemingly away from them.

"You know, dragon dude, I'm really bad at close combat." Lilith rose from the rubbles and glared at Clan.

Clan chuckled and looked at her with amused eyes. "Anyone can see that, you know. It's quite obvious."

"Yeah," Lilith nodded. "That is why I needed a bit of help."

A series of roars echoed the skies. Loud flapping wings could be heard from afar as the Emperor Dragons dashed towards them.

"I see," Clan said, his skin slowly shifting into scales. "It all had to dawn to this. I tried on going easy on such delicate Terrans, but it seems like you want to go all out."

"We do," Lilith smirked. She raised her hands and along with them was the liquid crystals, forming large pillars that encircled the city. The pillars stood 50 meters tall, taller than any building inside the city.

"Crystal Prison!"

The dragons flew inside the city as the pillars shot off four intersecting wave of lines that all met in the middle, forming a roof-like structure.

"No one can exit as long as I don't let them," Lilith smirked. "You have no escape."

"And you have no mana left." Clan appeared beside her, recoling his hand and thrusting it to her stomach. His eyes widened when a clank sounded and Lilith flew into the air. "She's made of crystal."

"Crystalize!" Lilith yelled with her entire body was now made of crystal. She flipped midair and pierced her now crystal heels to the ground, stopping her from flying even further. "Let's do this!"

Swords, daggers, axes, and all kinds of weapons that were made of crystals, started forming from around Lilith. They shone under the glistening fortress that glowed under the moonlight.

"Let me show you the power of a Guardian!" she said and thrusted her hands in front of her, making the weapons that were floating launch themselves towards Clan who was in the middle of his morphing process.

He raised his hand in front of him with two fingers tracing a symbol in the air. He stopped and smirked, instead he took a sharp breath and screamed, visible sonic waves blasting off from the man's mouth.

The crystalized weapons that approached him shattered into pieces. Lilith shook her head and crossed her arms in front of her.

"Repentance of the Gemstones."

Twelve different colored gems appeared above Clan. He halted his morph, smirking with his face that now half dragon from the nose up to the back of his head, only his lips was now human.

"You are such an interesting Terran," he praised and looked up.

Six of the gems circled outside of the other six. The outer circle of gems fired beams that pierced the ground while the other six fired their beams in the middle, creating a multi-colored sphere that was slowly enlarging.

Clan touched the beam from the outer gems and electricity instantly blasted from it. He didn't even flinch as he retracted his hand back slowly. "This should tickle a bit."


Clan looked up and awaited for the beam but could only gasp when sand seeped out of the brick steeet and covered his body like a cocoon. His hands got out of the sand to clear his face but it was too late, the beam had already fired down on him.

Lilith fell to her knees after seeing her beam engulf the man. She was confident that she had won over him, after all, not one enemy had survived that attack.


Her body flinched after hearing Clan behind her. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor, his head slightly tilted as he smirked devilishly. He crawled towards her and was about to to grab Lilith by the face when a figure got passed through them.

"Hasty Aspire! Hasty Aspire!"

The moment was paused as blood dripped from the figure. He chuckled and dropped his sword.

"He could even catch up with my speed," he chuckled as his legs began to weaken.

The sound of flesh flopping on the ground sounded from the silent street.

Elliot panted, falling to his knees and falling face first on the floor. Clan smirked and chuckled, seeing the large tear on the side of the boy's stomach.

"Pathetic kid," he said. He looked in front of him only for his eyes to widen after seeing that his forelimb was missing.

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