I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 94: Fooled

Chapter 94: Fooled

Clan had landed from the massive hole on top of the dome. He had landed on one knee, looking down and slowly looked up. There was a wide toothy grin on his face that it made everyone shiver in fear.

"Maybe you didn't know that one of ours can cast Micro Poisoning," he chuckled. "She had been injecting poison in the air and the crystal user why in the hell are you alive?!"

He growled after seeing Lilith stood. She made a crystal sword that she used as a cane as a smirk was plastered on her face, mocking the opponent.

"You cannot get rid of me that easily," she said. 

"Doesn't matter," Clan morphed his legs, forming his tail. "I'll kill you all inside this dome now then."

With a blink of an eye, Clan had vanished from where he stood. He reappeared in front of a random Adventurer, piercing her stomach with his sharp claws.

"One down, eighteen more to go," Clan chuckled and started attacking the Adventurers one by one. 

He was swift and agile that no one could keep up with his speed. He was too fast that even both the Guardians have had trouble following his movements.

"Walls of Sand!" Johnson slammed his palms on the ground, summoning walls made of sand and encircling them around the Adventurers.

Clan backed away, seeing the protective walls Johnson made. He cackled and sighed. "Oh, Terrans."

With another blink of an eye, Clan pierced through the sand and hitting one Adventurer, ripping off his arm.

"Pathetically weak magic," Clan smirked. "I guess I just have to get through this fragile wall and kill everyone."

"Crystal Fortress!" Lilith casted and fortified the sand wall Johnson made. Clan backed away again, looking at the wall and shaking his head. 

"I particularly hate the feeling of crystal breaking by my nails," he said. "It's tingling sensation makes it feel weird."

Clan was about to dash again when two figures appeared in front of him. Johnson wielded a spear, rotating it and thrusting towards the man. Lilith had conjured thorns on the ground, firing them upwards.

Clan easily avoidded both the attacks, his afterimages were the only thing both the Guardians had seen.

"This is not Double Alpha anymore," Lilith said, leaping away. "This is a Triple Alpha."

"I know," Johnson sighed. He had rotated his spear throughout the air around him, trying to strike Clan who was laughing while avoding the spear.

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"Such pathetic movements," Clan cackled. "Can you move faster?"

He flipped midair, about to kick Johnson when a familiar fast figure past through him.

A sound of flesh tearing had made everyone halted their movements. Clan landed on the ground on his foot while he laughed devilishly.

"Oops, you did it again!" he yelled, looking at Elliot who had just went past through him.

He sat on the ground, losing the balance with only one foot attached to his body. He grit his teeth as a dark gray aura surrounded him.

"I lost a foot, how pitiful," he laughed lightly. "I'm so vulnerable."

"Attack now!" a female Adventurer yelled and dashed off with two more.

Pommel raised his broken staff and pulled the three Adventurers down. They had groaned and looked at Pommel in disbelief.

"What's the big idea, old man?" the female Adventurer yelled.

"Unless its his head that had been cut off, not one of us can get nearby," Pommel replied. "You're a fool if you think he'd be defenseless that easily."

One of the three asked, "What?"

Johnson and Lilith had lunged towards Clan. He smirked and roared, the auras surrounding him splashes like a raging waves towards the two.

Black and white ropes had appeared around the Guardians' waists before they were pulled away. Johnson's spear who had been left behind had vanished instantly after the gray aura reached it.

"My baby!" Johnson pouted. Lance safely landed them both on the ground, sighing as he shook his head.

"Can't believe you'd both fall for that," Lance sighed.

"Lilith!" Eve ran towards her sister. "Lilith, the Etheorian and Infernal Eternals are here. Make them help."

"The what?" Lilith asked. "What are you talking about."

"When Eternals clash, the realm they're on will perish, that is a common knowledge," Lilith said. "You know that. So why would we let them fight?"

"We're gonna die if we don't seek help, Lilith," Adam cried. "I saw it. We're gonna die."

While the others are panicking, Elliot was amazed.

'You have borrowed [[ Hourglass of the Tima ]]'

[[ Hourglass of Tima ]]

Useable for 3 times.

// This item will let you skip, reverse or stop the an individual's time, including death.

Current max: 24 hours

!You will be in a vegetative state after 1 hour of using the item. The time you will borrow will claim its flow, the modifications shall remain.

'You can now input the time and method you want.'

Elliot panted, checking his body for any wound but nothing had appeared.

'Finished crafting [[ Crest of Dragon Immunity ]].'

[[ Crest of Dragon Immunity ]]

// The user shall gain an immunity for any fatal attack. The immunity will recharge every 2 days.

"It worked," Elliot cheered. "It worked!"

"What worked?" 

He froze after hearing Clan behind him. He felt claws tracing his jaw, to his nape and down to his waist.

Clan had already regenerated his lost limb. It was marvel how fast it was that Elliot was not expecting it.

"I don't know how you were able to block my attack, but you amuse me, Terran," Clan whispered. "What gives you power?"

Elliot gulped, not realing what came over him when he blurted. "Your dead brother's soul."

Clan chuckled. "Interesting. But will his soul protect you again?"

"Gravity One Hundred," Pommel casted on Clan.

When Elliot felt Clan drop his hands by the force of the gravity, he kicked the man behind him. He was able to use Hasty Aspire to dash off while five people had formed a triangle around Clan, all had their attacks firing.

"Black and White Annihilation!"

"Infernal Blaze!"

"Eternal Chaos Strike!"

"The Sandman's Drill!"

"Crystal Beam!"

Their attacks had met in the middle, engulfing Clan with a mixed waves of powers. The merged attacks had formed a vortex, going upwards like a vicous tornado.

"Is it working?" Elliot asked.

His question was answered when Clan yelled and a surge of gray shock burst from him, nullifying all the attacks.

"As expected," Clan chuckled. "Even after all those, you're all still so"

Hope had appeared in front of him, recoiling his sword and thrusting it through his uncle's chest in one swift motion.

It was so quick, so unexpected that it left everyone silent. A white dragon symbol appeared on top of him. The symbol had strings attached to his limb. The strings were severed as the symbol cracked and shattered.

"M-My dear nephew," Clan chuckled, raising his hand and caressing Hope's hair. "You have your father's face."

"You killed him," Hope sniffled. "You killed"

"I never killed anyone," Clan leaned his head on Hope's shoulder, whispering, "One dragon is lying. She brainwashed everyone. Be careful."

"What do you mean?" Hope's eyes widened. He suddenly felt like a waterfall of cold water had been splashed all over him.

The dragons landed around them, the white dragon walking towards them. "Grayson, finish him."

"Oh, no," Sittie gasped. She was about to run towards the battle but she was too late.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked. "We won."

"You made a mistake," Sittie cried and touched Lance's hand. "I tried reading his memories before, but it was blocked by some kind of aura. Now I look at this."

She passed the memory to Lance and the latter could only widen his eyes after seeing everything.

Lance grit his teeth and ran, "Hope! Run! She's controlling the dragons!"

The White Dragon Empress opened her wings, her eyes glowing with a white color. She covered herself and Hope with a forcefield, laughing devilishly as she flapped her wings.

"Too late, Terran!"

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