I Met The Male Lead In Prison

Chapter 100 - It’s Time To Feed The Candy (1)

Chapter 100 – It’s Time To Feed The Candy (1)

Translator: SKAIS Editor: Dict Groiler

The grip I had on the candy tightened up until my knuckles turned white. What was wrong with him? And just what does he think he’s doing?!

The only thing left in my mind was how ridiculous the things he was spouting on about right now.

This was all nonsense!


Of course I couldn’t allow this to continue.

I was well aware by now that my face had settled into a frown. I must stand my ground. I will refuse...

But then he looked up at the ceiling, with eyes like a beast, before he shot up to his feet, as if trying to mark his territory. I could see, from my point of view, that there was a dangerous glint in his eye...

Maybe he heard something from the floor above us. That is why he looked up to see what it was about.

“Oh, I think someone’s coming.” He muttered, following the sounds as it moved. I turned back to him.

“What?” I asked in slight alarm, “People?”

“Yes.” Ricdorian nodded, he then closed his eyes, his eyeballs darting back and forth beneath his eyelids. I could tell he was trying to listen to something...

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“There could be three of them, no,” he murmured, eyes still closed, before he opened them up, “There’s a lot of them up there.”

My eyes darted back up at the ceiling.

It’s quite obvious that I didn’t hear anything. I could only hear the silence in the cell. But I knew Ricdorian had sharp senses. He couldn’t be wrong with this, especially with what I’ve seen him do before. He’s less likely to make stories up now.

I bit my lower lips at the thought of people headed our way. But why? Why were people on their way here? Usually it was just the lone senior guard making his rounds before going back to stand guard by the entrance of the prison cell.

I remember him telling me once that Lenag had specifically assigned him here because there was no immediate danger, and quite comfortable.

Perhaps it was just a delay in the motions, and was just reaching them now? It could be because there was nothing much happening at this section. But one thing was for sure, I was beginning to get impatient.

I could feel the nervous thumping of my heart threatening to burst out!

If guards really were on their way here, then that would mean time was running out. Ricdorian must become sick by the time they arrive!

That way the guards would see for themselves that Ricdorian isn’t fit for the Archduke’s visit.

“What shall I do, Master?” Ricdorian asked me.

My fidgeting continued, my thumb running circles over my palm as I thought of what to do quickly. Meanwhile as I was doing this, my gaze trailed off to Ricdorian’s, seeing the smoothed lines of the calluses of his palms...

The urgency splurged me on, and clutched onto the candy resolutely as I turned to him and thrusted it his way.

“Come on, eat this quickly.” I told him, and he looked at it with slight apprehension.

“Why should I?” he asked me.

Unfortunately I neither had time nor luxury to explain to him in detail why for I heard a distinct click off a distance...

I could hear the footsteps now. The sound of hinges creaking, and the iron door sliding across the floor.

“I think they opened the door.” I murmured.

I remembered the way down clearly. They’d pass through a long spiral staircase first. It took me a long time to walk down here, and therefore it’ll take a while for them to reach down here.

I turned back, whipping my head at Ricdorian, eyes darting between him and the candy. Why doesn’t he eat it yet?

Steps. Steps.

The echoes of the steps rang throughout the desolate cell. Whether it had been heightened by tension and nervousness, or purely hallucination on my part, I couldn’t care less. It didn’t change the fact that I needed to hurry.

I doubt that even if I was to shove the candy down his throat he would swallow it by the time they’d arrive.

He has no idea of the gravity of this situation. But I couldn’t explain. If I do, he’ll demand more answers, which would take me a longer time, which I don’t have presently.

Frustrated, I gripped the collar of his shirt, fisting it in my hands. He then straightened up, as he looked down on me with his imposing figure.

My mind’s made up and I looked at him resolutely.

“You, won’t regret it.”

This was it. I brought this on myself.

For so long I’ve been a coward, never wanting to get myself involved because I shouldn’t be. But then he’d look at me with such an innocent expression...

His eyes are full of trust in me...

I found myself at a loss for words. When faced with such innocence, what could I say? I don’t deserve to look at him like this...

But now is not the time for it. Nodding to myself, I squared my shoulders and looked at the candy still in my hand.

I plopped the candy into my mouth immediately, and pulled Ricdorian down facing me.

“Open your mouth.” I told him, and wasted no time in pulling our lips together.

Just right before I closed my eyes, I saw his eyes widened in realization. The moment I closed my eyes, I could feel his lips more clearly against mine.


I pushed the candy past my lips to his with the help of my tongue...

And when it did, the candy had begun to melt, as if recognizing this was the mouth meant to house it. Once that was done, I began to pull away, but a firm arm wrapped me around my waist and pulled me closer...

“Well, uh...uh..uh.” I protested weakly.

The grip around me was stronger than I had anticipated, Immediately he pulled me along with him, settling me on top of him until I was seated on one of his thighs...

I was rendered speechless by our proximity. I felt thoroughly embarrassed by this whole ordeal.

My eyes shot up and I was startled when I realized Ricdorian was staring right at me. I had wanted to convey my wish to be released, but I folded, giving into his desire...

And the kiss between us deepened. I could feel my breath slowly leaving me the more we continued.

Ricdorian was rough and insistent against my lips, my heart thudding wildly against my chest. The blood was rushing to my head, as I felt dizzy.

It didn’t feel like Ricdorian was trying to trick me, it just felt awkward. But in some ways, I couldn’t help but think what a skilled kisser he was.

His hands brushed up against the small of my back, my toes curling up at the touch...

But no...

I must focus.

Had the candy finally melted?

My hands found purchase on his shoulder, as I tilted my head sideways to listen more to the sounds outside his prison cell...

Steps. Steps.

They were significantly louder than before. They’ve gotten closer.

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