I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Vol 2 Chapter 2509: : 1 was guessed, 2 was not guessed

Vol 2 Chapter 2509: : 1 was guessed, 2 was not guessed


Lu Beichen was sitting in the yard drinking tea. There was a map of the island country on the small square table, which was drawn in great detail. Even many small places were marked, and nothing was missed.

This is the internal data map of the Zhongwei Brigade, which is updated every six months and cannot be bought on the market.

Lu Beichen's eyes were fixed on the map, and he touched the teacup with the other hand, but just as he put it to his mouth, he felt something wrong with it.

Turning around suddenly, I saw a middle-aged man with an unkempt appearance walking over from behind.

Lu Beichen frowned. Seeing Lin Jingzhan at this time and place was beyond his expectation, but within reason.

"He came back without making a sound." Lu Beichen said:

"Are you showing off to me?"

Lin Jingzhan sat opposite Lu Beichen and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Don't say that, the people outside are very powerful, and it took me a lot of effort to get in." Lin Jingzhan smiled, and then changed the subject:

"Is there any news from the island country?"

"Ten hours ago, I received information about his situation. He is still safe, but now I don't know."

"I heard that the island country is under martial law?" Lin Jingzhan asked.

Lu Beichen nodded, his voice became deeper and deeper:

"A large number of troops have been deployed at the airport. Everyone has to go through strict checks before they can board the plane. Cargo flights are suspended. The island country is different from Panama. It doesn't border any countries around it. After doing this, the whole country has become a cage. People can go out."

"These sons of **** are quite powerful." Lin Jingzhan clicked his lips and said:

"Don't tell me, your tea tastes better than other places."

"Why aren't you worried at all?"

"He is my son, he won't die so easily."

Lin Jingzhan didn't have much demand for Lin Yi, as long as he didn't die.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Indeed, with his ability, it's not a problem to come back, but he didn't take advantage of this opportunity." Lu Beichen said:

"And you have to know that last year in Panama, the person he was following was a member of a group. Now he is surrounded by a woman who is powerless, which is completely a burden. It's hard to say what the result will be."

Lin Jingzhan's hand paused.

A group member and a woman with no power to restrain her chicken are two completely different concepts.

Coupled with the situation of the island country, it seems not very optimistic.

"What news do you have over there?" Lu Beichen asked.

"Mammon, Harko Rangers, Black Forest, Armed Forces of God, Freemasonry... People from these organizations have all infiltrated the island country, and I am ambushed two on the way, otherwise I would have arrived long ago."

Lin Jingzhan sat on the small bench and shrugged:

"Originally, I wanted to watch the excitement, but now that there is a woman in the way around him, things are not easy to handle."

Lu Beichen frowned deeply. Any of these notorious organizations would not be worse than Poker.

The island country at this time is in dire straits than I imagined.

This was a scene that none of them had expected before.

The magic power of ancient books and materials has fatal magic power for these people who lick blood with knife edge.

"It seems that we have to think of a way, otherwise no one will give me retirement in the future."

"The problem is that his head is more flexible than yours. Sometimes I can't keep up with his rhythm."

"This is as smart as me, haha..."

"The unscrupulous posture is exactly the same as yours." Lu Beichen said with a smile.

Lin Jingzhan smiled awkwardly, "Let's talk about something else, can we still contact him now?"

"I haven't received any information from him. The other party should have blocked the location. This is a dangerous signal." Lu Beichen said:

"Only when he changes places by himself will it be possible to get in touch again."

"Then let's sort it out, what will he do next?"

"I have thought about it a lot, but none of them can have a decisive effect."

Lu Beichen lit a cigarette, then handed one to Lin Jingzhan, who took out a lighter and lit it for him.

"Airplanes and air routes are blocked, and people can't get out at all."

Lin Jingzhan took a deep breath between his cigarettes.

"The blocked planes and routes should be passenger planes and cargo ships."

"Yes, but that's enough."

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Jingzhan flicked the cigarette ash.

"Actually, there is another way to leave the island country."

"There is another way?"

Lin Jingzhan nodded.

"But this way is a bit crazy. When I think about it, my scalp tingles."

Looking into Lin Jingzhan's eyes, Lu Beichen's heart moved, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"That's not what you're talking about, is it?"

"Yes, the planes in the Self-Defense Force base are still available!"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw each other's shock and disbelief.

At first Lu Beichen felt that this idea was too far-fetched,

But after a few seconds, he changed his mind.

Lin Yi really cannot be deduced with common sense, otherwise no one would be able to guess his thoughts.

Just like before, who would have thought that his goal was Yokosuka?

"But this plan may be more difficult to implement." Lu Beichen whispered.

"It may be troublesome for you to operate this matter, so I have to do it."

Silently, Lin Jingzhan lit another cigarette and said:

"I can find him a place in the Middle East, and the plane can fly there. The only problem now is to get in touch with him."

"The question is, does he really think so?" Lu Beichen said while drinking tea:

"His mind can't be guessed, maybe he has other ideas."

"I don't think it's possible. This is the only possibility and the only way it can be implemented."

Lin Jingzhan shrugged, "Of course, if he has other better ways, it's fine."

Lu Beichen also lit a cigarette, and thick smoke lingered in front of him.

"You can arrange this first, and tell him about it after we get in touch."


buzz buzz

While the two were talking, they saw an army green off-road vehicle parked beside them.

Immediately, Liu Hong and Ning Che got out of the car.

Seeing Lin Jingzhan here, both of them were surprised.

If there is a sense of oppression that seems to be absent, the two of them feel uncomfortable.

Seeing the two of them, Lin Jingzhan nodded lightly, as a greeting.

The two also responded in the same way, and then Liu Hong said:

"Old Lu, we have received news from Lin Yi."

"What did he say!" Lu Beichen put down his cup and said hastily.

Lin Jingzhan also looked at Liu Hong, wanting to know about Lin Yi's situation.

"His plan is a bit crazy." Liu Hong pouted and said:

"He said in the email that he wanted to get an F15 ~ The two were startled for a moment, and then laughed.

"Look at what I said, I guessed it right."

Lu Beichen also smiled wrinkledly.

Liu Hong and Ning Che looked at each other, and the former subconsciously asked:

"Old Lu, have you all guessed it?"

Lu Beichen nodded with a smile.

Both of them were surprised. They didn't expect them to guess Lin Yi's next move, which is not something ordinary people can do.

But if you think about it carefully, based on the abilities of these two people, it is normal to guess these things.

"Lu Beichen, since you all guessed it, I'll make a long story short." Liu Hong said:

"Lin Yi plans to get an F15, and intercept it when it approaches our side..."

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